Sigma 1.1 Bugs & Feedback

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Acid Prince
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That bug can be reproduced by holding an item while dying, and then dropping it after respawn.

Also happens when you use warp skills near monsters with teleport attack. The bats in this case. :think:
Stone Warrior
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Assassin Shields

Runeword Level: 115
+6 Life per Cognition
+4 to Assassin Skill Levels
-4% Base Block Chance
50% Hit Recovery
+(20 to 30)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+150% Enhanced Defense
+5000 Defense
(7 to 10)% to All Attributes
+(130 to 150) to Energy
Elemental Resists +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist 5%
can sometimes proc after you die, which temporarily resurrects you at location of death before being teleported to town (when the 5sec death timer ends).

EDIT: Also, please revert Shadow Refuge to the old palette. It was way easier to determine whether or not it's active that way (partially color blind so I may not be speaking for everyone here) and we've been perfectly fine with headless assassins since 2008...
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When you fight a boss that uses the new healh bar, like for example grisworld, and open your inventory or any other tab that occupies half of the screen, the health bar will completely disappear, leaving you without any options to see the bosses health until you close that tab again. Not a big issue, and it has no high priority, but I'd love to see that bar showing consistently.
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I'm having some sound distortions on my Bowazon when i fire Sun Strike, i fire so fast that the game audio is left behind sometimes does not play sound at all or plays it very very loud, is this normal?
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Game became boring and repetitive. This mod was known for insane end game content - lots of ubers, lots of bosses. Now you are forced to spend time in same places over and over again. Yes, this prevents crazy rushes but also kills the hype. I leveled one char to 122 and i will not even bother to try other one.

Boss health bar is another issue - nice thing in reality. But how do you know if your atack is locked on boss ? For weapon dmg char which needs to select boss this is bad thing.
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mars1 wrote:Vengeful power sorc poison pasive is broken , buff dont apply , i used to play sorc in the begining of the mod and definetly worked, but now it does not
i dont know what you guys did but something is broken

the phys damage reduced and max life is always active. the only thing that applies when struck is the spell damage boost and the crushing blow to attackers. works fine for me
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Acid Prince
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About the leveling discussion:
I'm a new player, and the only thing that made leveling boring was 'no death penalty'. Early bosses have 0 life regen, so I could run and die as many times I wanted to and the result was... I win.

About item drops limited to specific areas:
I agree with Fak. For example K3K is a chill place and I would like to spend more time there, but I'm kind of forced to move on.
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Acid Prince
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Just killed Kabraxis today, and now I'm able to access Fauztinville.
Well, I thought I need to kill him in order to access that place...

Anyway, Here's a few things I noticed about Fauztinville:

- It's way too easy to be a level 130 area (If you killed all the bosses alone, and did not buy any charms from other people. I'm currently level 128)
- My mercenary is literally invulnerable there
- All the monsters in Fauztinville are lovely, and I dont see them as a threat
- The monster AI and Density is really good compared to other areas (fast moving & they come to you = super efficient farming)
- Great Runes drop there - which you can sell to players who can't access that area yet
- Chance for better loot

Did I forget something? That place has way too many advantages. :-8
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I am trying a summonig amazon with fire elementals, champions of the sun and sinners .... when i use the sinners it happens in some areas with casting mobs etc. that the game hangs - seemingly because of too much graphic effects ... it happened for example in the arcane sanctuary and the island of the sunless sea
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So, I recently managed to defeat Baal on Nightmare mode, saw the splash screen that pops up after the epilogue video (and really, I think that it should at least tell you what title you're earned) clicked on the button to go back to the main menu... crash to desktop. Fortunately, I do not appear to have lost any character data in the process. I'm on Win7, and this is the first system problem I've had with the game.

As an aside, I rather like what the devs have done with K3K. The old one was cool, but it was also cramped and buggy, with the buildings in particular being impenetrable due to their roofs failing to turn transparent when you're underneath them. The new one is much more spacious and easier to navigate, and the rework of the Shadowgate totems makes grinding there much more tolerable. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a town anymore, but I think that is a price worth paying.