Σ 1.7 Bugs&Feedback

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Core Lord
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says +1 life regen per second for level instead of + 0.1
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I have a suggestion for the forum.

Add Class Discussion Boards

What is it:
A place where people can talk about specific classes and specific builds.

Guides take time and experience to make and become outdated very fast.
Having a place where enthusiasts for that build can gather to talk about the class or build, learn from others and discuss them is useful for the community.
People already go to the guides threads from builds that have guides to talk on the last page about new things, but this has a problem.
There are builds that don't have guides, so people have nowhere to go to talk about builds, so they go on discord or make new threads on general discussion. This has problems because general discussion threads eventually disappear from front page and Discord doesn't have specific channels for classes too, so it's like digging trying to find gold.

So it's a board with 7 subboards ( each class )
Then on each category people could create threads like.

Fire / Cold Sorc
Melee Sorc
Arcane Sorc
OSkill Sorc
Rainbow Storm Sorc

Threads would need to follow naming rules and they shouldn't have duplicates for builds.

Inside those threads people could talk about the class build, post mini-guides for skillbuild / statbuild / gearing, this would help players that want to learn more information about a certain build and would allow sharing of information more easily, without having to create a detailed guide that needs to receive approval.
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Definitely experience this bug 75% of the time; glad you mentioned it and thanks all for potential fixes.
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Pit Knight
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I said it in other topic, so i will say it here too ...

What u guys think (OFC if its possible) to change prizes for hell difficulty quests, so after player will finish them we would get random set pieces? Right now as someone pointed out, its nearly impossible to get a full set by the time u get even better sacred crafts.

Also i believe it would go as a nice addition in long way, and may extend replayability during the season. More chars u make and finish quests, higher chance u finish couple of sets for your alts.
Just an idea
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Multiplayer based mod - collect sets via trading. It super easy on server. Sets are generally viewed as meh items and can be traded for few sigs/AC. For single player - well, trading is an option too. My guess would be that with SP drop rates you will get better SUs before full set.
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Pit Knight
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Anonymous: wrote:Multiplayer based mod - collect sets via trading. It super easy on server. Sets are generally viewed as meh items and can be traded for few sigs/AC. For single player - well, trading is an option too. My guess would be that with SP drop rates you will get better SUs before full set.

Yeh ofc they are viewed as "meh", as i said, before u are able to get them u got better sacreds.
Trade is cool, but what about people who cant Afford buying currency or those who dont care about traiding even if they play at realm?

So far what is even more "meh" in D2 are quests and prizes u get after them... Thats why if we could get set pieces from those quests it would either make Hell diff faster, and would bring back sets from shadows :3
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I got my necro melee set parts via trading on realm - ez pz - go on discord > trade channel > tell what you want to buy and offer 5-15 sigs per item or 10 AC. Those are easy to get from Nithlakh runs in hell or nightmare. Not everyone wants Tg. And by now when everyone got everything and only relics matter - you probably get items for free if you are kind in asking.
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Suggestion: Make The Sleep charm compatible with mystic dyes.

It would be nice to color code them so it’s easier to swap them.

Corrupted Wormhole, too :)
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Bone Archer
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Im not complaing about my hc character dying. But this is unfair for no reason. I was insta killed by a Catapult. It makes no sense at all. I killed every 110 uber up until then with 0 struggle. Im assuming this was a bug because i went from 6k+ hp to 0. Catapults dont deal massive dmg normally. Please look into this...This must be a bug for sure.
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Sand Maggot
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Didnt know you still played :)