Kingdom of Shadow WTF??

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Thunder Beetle
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This Ueber is really starting to piss me off. Its just so dammn frustrating. You run for like 2mins until you reach the dammn narrow bridge where Citizens swarm you from back and front, in addition the are fucking barrels(placed always in the most inconvenient positions). And you end up getting swarmed and hit 1 or 2 times and just die because you end up getting stunlocked(at least i am, as Wereowl). I just have no idea how to deal with this. It's really annoying getting f''''d over and over by bad rng and having to do the whole level again. And how does the hit detection on those citizen work? They presumably only have a rougly 13% chance to hit me according to my defense but in reality the alway get me on the first hit. EVERY TIME! Am i this unlucky? Í already have a TP(Jitan's Gate) on the ready to get out of sticky situations but if it is on CD in the wrong moment, bye.

I am sorry for the rant but i am really looking for help/advice(SP btw so no Online). How do you deal with this Ueber? Just smash your head against it until finally RNGesus is on your side? Or can you actually prepare for this?
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Core Lord
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1. Get highest defense possible (that includes maxing your FHR and FBR to hit lower frames)
2. Max your poison res (using perf turquoises)
3. Dont. Run
4. Use any warp skill to tp through walls and out of the group of citizens when they swarm you
5. Make sure to chug potions
6. You can also reroll map until you get poison resist shrine, it helps quite a bit

Once you get to Juris Khan, killing him is usually easy, he has really low hp
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Edit: nvm I didn’t see you’re a wereowl.
Sometimes certain builds are just not as good for certain ubers as others are. If you get your poison res to 90% then physical res to about 25-30% with some super fast ms boots, you should be able to get through it without much problems. I take it you already got the jitans gate charm? (Or whatever it’s called) you can just tele over the wall and the barrel walls. I’m not sure what the fhr for wereowl is but you still shouldn’t have too much of an issue if you move fast and tele when you need to.
Edited by Redemption 2 years.
Thunder Beetle
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Druid, Wereowl/Ex-Traprat
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Do not forget physical resist. There are some easy sources like

Runeword Level: 80
5% Combat Speeds
Stun Attack
Slows Attacker by 5%
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 10%

Body Armors

Runeword Level: 83
15% Combat Speeds
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(27 to 30)% to Strength
(27 to 30)% to Vitality
Physical Resist (13 to 15)%
(15 to 20)% Bonus to Defense
. Also you can cheese the uber with a poison shrine, it makes you totally immune to poison for the duration. Use sprint liberally to get out of dangerous situation, like when enemies are starting to swarm you or you feel like you are about to be blocked by enemies at barrels.
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+40% Movementspeed really makes this one a lot easier. Also several sources of blink/teleport exist or something like whirlwind.