Borrowed Power

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The planned changes coming in 2.2 have opened up a unique opportunity for class balance in the form of borrowed power, primarily wrt Relics becoming charms in the form of enhancers/enablers.

This had me thinking: Because class/spec balance is so difficult to finetune, adding borrowed power (oskills/stat sticks that are readily available/but not exploitable) may be just the remedy we need.

Games like WoW suffered from borrowed power because they were class-specific in nature and led to twice the balancing issues the game had before. If The MXL devs implement homogenous borrowed power that can be used by each class (in the form of *up to* 3x relic charms that provide meaningful boosts/oskills), it will open endgame/spec-specific content up to underplayed classes/builds in a manner that wasn't previously possible outside of "pay-walled" relic abuse.

I think this is a huge step in the right direction and the cap on relics will act as a great equalizer that the mod seriously needed.

That isn't to say Oskills should completely dominate/replace innate talent tree abilities, they should just act as an easily attainable complement/supplement to builds that are lacking in a single department (boss-killing skills / Farming skills) so that you never feel "locked out" of certain content just because you chose class x or spec x.
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we had this before, you know. there was a time when Azmodan Heart, Worldstone Key and Scroll of kings were spawning with any skill except uberskills and brc skills,so everyone was farming them and collecting them all in a shared stash, especialy for passives and buffs or strong 1-pointers. those were some of the good old days, i'm glad to see something similar is returning
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Pit Knight
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i like it, think its a good idea
you can definitely add a lot more variety by giving oskills some power
for example, i absolutely love playing clawsin, especially the new clawsin, but its clearing abilities are pretty clunky and definitely not fun to play
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ChuckNoRis wrote:we had this before, you know. there was a time when Azmodan Heart, Worldstone Key and Scroll of kings were spawning with any skill except uberskills and brc skills,so everyone was farming them and collecting them all in a shared stash, especially for passives and buffs or strong 1-pointers. those were some of the good old days, i'm glad to see something similar is returning

I can see how such easily farmable charms providing Oskills would be problematic but maybe the tougher ones should have a limited rotating pool of useful oskills, passives, or even orange texts that could randomly spawn to incentivize farming.
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Honkler wrote:
ChuckNoRis wrote:we had this before, you know. there was a time when Azmodan Heart, Worldstone Key and Scroll of kings were spawning with any skill except uberskills and brc skills,so everyone was farming them and collecting them all in a shared stash, especially for passives and buffs or strong 1-pointers. those were some of the good old days, i'm glad to see something similar is returning

I can see how such easily farmable charms providing Oskills would be problematic but maybe the tougher ones should have a limited rotating pool of useful oskills, passives, or even orange texts that could randomly spawn to incentivize farming.

The mod was much harder back then, Idol of Vanity was the top challenge. But I like your ideas, hopefully team likes them too.