Lan connection disaster

Discuss Median XL!
17 | 0
Yesterday I did a lan connection with my Hubby and I hosted the game and then we found out something that NEVER happened before the reset of the game.. Much as I enjoyed the new out line of the game, this Lan connection is truly messed up.. My hubby joined my game and LOST all his stuff in his personal stash and the shared stash was now all my stuff that I had collected over time.. This is was wrong in every way possible, Since when does a Lan game wipe out the persons stashes and it wiped all the shared stash he didn't have any of his stuff only mine and NO personal stuff on that character all all.

Normally I would put this and short questions but I thought this was important enough to put here to warn others that this will happen and I would hope that you guys and gals fix this problem because it makes it impossible now for my hubby and I to play together over the lan network..
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This is a known bug, they are working on it.
19 | 2
as Istaryu said is a known bug but one question how did you guys connect to lan games before without this happening? or this is the first time joining the same lan game since shared stash was implemented?
17 | 0
asadasa wrote:as Istaryu said is a known bug but one question how did you guys connect to lan games before without this happening? or this is the first time joining the same lan game since shared stash was implemented?

This was the first time we connected since the upgrade... but thanks for the information I just hope they fix it soon we do like to play together now and again. Maybe a warning on the launcher until it is fixed would hate to see anyone else loose stuff luckily we do back up often so he was able to get stuff back on lost the stuff he had got since Monday..