Lost ability to cast most spells

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Level 95 sorceress upgraded a 'hadad' staff and after swapping out i lost all ability to cast most spells like miasma with any weapon or armor. Restarted etc. :shock: help please
Son of Lucion
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check if you have enough stats Str/Dex to wear it and other items
did you put points into some skills that disables spells (described in blue text)?
Core Lord
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May be a point in Melee Devotion ?
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No points in melee devotion. The last thing i picked was cold blooded for the glacial volley but only have a point in it right now. I just killed izual and am at pand. Fort. On nightmare.
Son of Lucion
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Sorcocold wrote:No points in melee devotion. The last thing i picked was cold blooded for the glacial volley but only have a point in it right now. I just killed izual and am at pand. Fort. On nightmare.

you sure you have no point in melee tree and baneblade uberskill?
4 | 0
I was using miasma and bladestorm with a staff and an orb. Primordial might and cold blooded have 1. Then arcane torrent for secondary with staff. I was swapping between 2 staffs from main inventory while in ennead challenge. The only spell I can cast is frigid nova. The other poison fire lightning etc are now red and won't work. Buffs work.
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Primordial might......passive, forces melee ? :hammer:
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if you can cast frigid nova that's melee lockout, yep