Boss Questionnaire (informal)

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Rust Claw
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i am curious on the player bases opinions on this, looking forward to seeing answers!

see the questions below:

what is your favorite boss fight? why?

what do you think is the best designed boss fight? why?

what do you think is the most unique boss fight? why?

least favorite boss fight? why?

are there any bosses you haven't fought?

my answers

what is your favorite boss fight? why?
kabraxis. i like the name, the sounds he makes, the general flow of the fight, the execution required, the arena. the general badassness of what he is. i also like the charm he drops, it's quite powerful with relevant utility and the way it looks (also the sound it makes when it hits your inventory)

what do you think is the best designed boss fight? why?
valthek. i feel like this is the purest boss fight. by purest i mean it is a clear fight of skill and execution with very little rng, like you are not really "forced" to take damage. attacks and mechanics are clearly/intuitively communicated and displayed. it's also well balanced because it forces you to approach it with one build across all classes.

what do you think is the most unique boss fight? why?
archbishop lazarus - the tempo of this boss fight is in a league of it's own. the spatial planning required in the arena and the high focus on movement is imo unique. i also like that this fight requires constant (minus clean up phase) focus and thinking/decision making.

least favorite boss fight? why?
uldyssian - for how high a level it is, it's quite vanilla. it feels like a grind or a fight of will and there isn't anything interesting going on. it's basically a boss with constant adds. the charm the boss drops is as uninteresting as the fight.

are there any bosses you haven't fought?
samael, sescheron, deimoss, any high level lab boss
Edited by HeaT_ 4 months.
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interesting idea..

well i like to rate boss fights by the replay value esp during trophy grinds. Valthek, Laz, Void, Sleep and Kabraxis, all fights that i came to like more over time because it feels just damn good to get better at every last of them.

what is your favorite boss fight? why?
Unstable anomaly. yes. this vote goes for mainly one basic comparison: phoboss (aka gear check). same areas, but the fights feel so much different. The Anomaly fight will probably destroy you the first times, too, and takes quite a bit of learning to get good at, and its never free. rewards are a bit meh mostly, and getting randomly jumped and nuked is never great, but w/e. i like the moves, learning timings for dodging and also the random pauses in anomaly behaviour - literally unstable.

what do you think is the best designed boss fight? why?
I really like the Samael fight and challenges. Sure there's some bullshit happening as is always in this game. It felt like a good challenge to get to learn the fight, its kinda nice that you can retry as much as you want (13min each attempt for tryout) and maybe not focus on killing him on the first ones at all. The moves are balanced, have different mechanics and are usually well telegraphed via sound and/or visual cue. feels more of an accomplishment to beat that guy than deimoss. then there's even great replay value by getting the items and even 2 additional challenges to it, the druid bow upgrade and the kill on time challenge, not even counting the requirement to try nithogur. much like!

what do you think is the most unique boss fight? why?
I'm tempted to go with OP and say Lazarus (have not played the new fight tho) but I'm gonna say The Void fight does it for me. It's a trick fight that takes not too much time to learn, and requires less godly gear, but good control over what your doing (and your equipment, too). It's not just the fight itself that is so unique (fighting and protecting enemies simultaneously), the build-up challenges are diverse, its a shame you will do them only once per char at best. The running up feels ok too.

least favorite boss fight? why?
Lucion & Malic period damn this fight is getting worse every time you do it. I've ran multiple trophy runs with not a lot of luck and it always feels like i want something to do while the fight is going on, except charming. i imagined challenges to never get hit by malics projectiles or idk. the fight makes you want to afk it, but u can't. and the worst is, i kinda like the idea of the fight.

are there any bosses you haven't fought?

Deimoss 3,5,6, new Laz and Nithogur are still on the kill list.
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what is your favorite boss fight? why?
Uldy. The run up and the fight itself are nice. I wish the run up was a bit more challenging (and made the charm a bit better)
I also liked the old Astro fight.

what do you think is the best designed boss fight? why?
A few shoutouts for creativity:
- Void
- Yshari
- Samael

The fights are either mechanically complex or have a little twist to them.

what do you think is the most unique boss fight? why?
Samael. Several clear mechanics, heavy need to focus and a stat check. Unfortunately most times, you get bulllllllllshit combinations of spammed abilities.

least favorite boss fight? why?
A few shoutouts for fights that are so unbelievably annoying, I just would rather buy charms than do them. Gameplay so obnoxious I would literally rather avoid engaging with it:
- Kingdom of Shadows (what a fucking annoying run)
- Spirit world (boss would be a fine difficulty if the invulnerable thingies didn't CONSTANTLY respawn in random places)
- Toraja (need I say more?)
- Phoboss (the majority of times you encounter this guy it's in some tight ass corridor and it makes the fight so unfun)

are there any bosses you haven't fought?
Deimoss + Nithogur

I'm working on deimoss this season tho.

All in all there is quite a bit of content that is fairly inaccessible to a lot of builds and a lot of players. There are also several bosses whose difficulty simply lies behind how annoying they are to do, rather than difficult or complex.

Some other bosses are quite fun.
Bone Archer
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I've fought all bosses only Nitho remained to be killed.
Favourite is Assault on Mount arreat with wdm build(Diablo Morph duh).Too bad it's so quick :)
Best design for me is Athana Khan.Witch sounds,looks and difficulty is just right when you learn the fight and what you need to do/equipp.My only wish is shorter path to boss which was solved in this patch.
Most unique would be Malic/Lucion i guess since is only fight with mind control and immune boss but also my least favourite(we should be able to teleport Lucion with us as well).