The wrong usage of paragon soulstone is breaking the game balance

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As I known, some people create new character and gain a new soulstone to unlock the rewards ,it might be normal if they do it in the normal way but some people multilog and create 7 characters once and gain the rewards 7 times to make relics and sssu it's kinda out of control and really break the balance of the game.
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the ladder is now how old? a month? 1,5 months? i'm no active ladder player but i doubt its "serious competition" time anymore, or the "ladder is dead" as some might say, at this time. the first kills have been killed, the 150 race has been won, so why do you still care about some people dicking around with what the season has to offer? this might be THE opportunity for someone to finally get Tyraels Might when they never found it otherwise, is that a bad thing?
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metasequoia wrote:the ladder is now how old? a month? 1,5 months? i'm no active ladder player but i doubt its "serious competition" time anymore, or the "ladder is dead" as some might say, at this time. the first kills have been killed, the 150 race has been won, so why do you still care about some people dicking around with what the season has to offer? this might be THE opportunity for someone to finally get Tyraels Might when they never found it otherwise, is that a bad thing?

Cow Ninja
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it's a fun season for end of year and closing in on the end of 2.x patch cycle, who cares? the time investment to get to where this can be done prevented it from affecting the relevant part of the ladder
Trang Oul
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Ladder being new or old, this is still cheating. It's literally against the rules (multilogging).
Azure Drake
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How is creating different characters violates multilogging?
Pit Knight
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QIQICYQ wrote:As I known, some people create new character and gain a new soulstone to unlock the rewards ,it might be normal if they do it in the normal way but some people multilog and create 7 characters once and gain the rewards 7 times to make relics and sssu it's kinda out of control and really break the balance of the game.

Dont they still need to level each character to level 110 to get the paragon stone plus they need to invest time in leveing each characters on top of leveling characters at the require levels. It still takes a pretty big investment or a team effort plus you dont really get any reward by farming 1-110 apart from maybe some acs or sigs.
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midknight wrote:
QIQICYQ wrote:As I known, some people create new character and gain a new soulstone to unlock the rewards ,it might be normal if they do it in the normal way but some people multilog and create 7 characters once and gain the rewards 7 times to make relics and sssu it's kinda out of control and really break the balance of the game.

Dont they still need to level each character to level 110 to get the paragon stone plus they need to invest time in leveing each characters on top of leveling characters at the require levels. It still takes a pretty big investment or a team effort plus you dont really get any reward by farming 1-110 apart from maybe some acs or sigs.

Not only that. Unlocking paragon levels takes more and more sigs and bellas.
Core Lord
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Trang Oul wrote:Ladder being new or old, this is still cheating. It's literally against the rules (multilogging).

You don't need any kind of multilloging for this.
You create char, lvl up them until 110. After u put the paragon on another char et start again.
Or u keep char with lvl corresponding to breakpoint of paragon (don't remember what lvl it was) and once u have a 110 paragon, you just unluck until 148 to get the SSSU. In this way, you have a guarrantee SSSU every 2h (which is the time to level up 1-110 with essence of time and so on)
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Yes, but to open that paragon at lvl 150 costs many bellas and more learning sigs so you must either farm or purchase. And as soon as ppl realized how valuable are especally bellas right now, good luck at buying.