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metasequoia wrote:so you want to tell me that the 260k on my bow dru is too much? :D

if you're losing damage for AR probably yea.
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Can someone please explain the mechanics behind the Javazon skill Deadly Dance? I feel like I understand it on a surface level but it doesn’t seem worth the investment in points without huge crushing blow stack. The guide I looked at suggested this to be maxed so… I assume I am missing something but I don’t see what (-: I’ve searched all over for answers but came up empty. Thanks for the help!
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Son of Lucion
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____do u know command in median , what show fps and ping in game ?
Pit Knight
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Just something I notice. Why additional strength scaling on items (Invictus, Shroud Royal, Candlewake) has very specific precision value like 0.0234375% ? Doesn't seem like a multiple of anything (base scale is usually 0.16% or 0.14%)
Cow Ninja
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OverSky wrote:Just something I notice. Why additional strength scaling on items (Invictus, Shroud Royal, Candlewake) has very specific precision value like 0.0234375% ? Doesn't seem like a multiple of anything (base scale is usually 0.16% or 0.14%)

they're all measured in 256ths, bases are just rounded to 2 decimals for simplicity's sake.
Stone Warrior
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Can't gamble Jared's Stone?

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Lava Lord
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Does anyone know which speeds the Dimensional Labs Navigator's aura reduces and by how much he reduces them?
185 | 19
Afaik all the bosses with speed reduction aura only affect movement speed.
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Does Wolf Stance Aptitude bonus apply to barbarian summons?
Cow Ninja
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In labs, does a higher lab level affect drop rates for either effigies, or dream frags/star chart peices?
It seems like drop rates for both are really low regardless of level