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WolfieeifloW wrote:
HitZ wrote:...with full elemental set...
Elemental Children set?

ya :)
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@HitZ why would i have trouble doing charms? and i've never really liked sorc (don't hate her either) but have always been partial towards summoners and palys. i noticed Barb gets some cool wolves maybe that could be fun!

@segolia Does tha paly ability that auto shoots mobs stay strong or taper off pretty hard? Also if i went with paly, would there be any particular items i should keep an eye out for? Or just look into a guide once i'm into late game?

I'll look into lightning cold sorc and see if it looks like something i'd want to play :)

-Thanks for the suggestions!
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As new player, I really want to know what kind of information would help before you need to start to read the documentation.

Planning to write a guide for new player.

I have old one, but might be outdated.
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HitZ wrote:Sets are definitely more powerful than those in cLoD, some* sets are even considered for "end game" gear for some builds. I wouldn't recommend starting as Necro, necro is one of those classes that requires a lot of skill switching + you will have some trouble doing your charms. I would suggest tho going with Amazon, Druid or Sorceress, all of them are super easy to play and you will have a smooth start and even smoother mid to end-game. If i were you, i would start as either Caster Druid/Traprat or Lightning/Cold Sorceress.

Xbow-Necro is one of the easiest classes to start with, sturdy ranged char that gets everything necessary from skills only, with nearly immortal minions and huge dmg. With Rathma's Chosen and Bane you really have some serious advantage compared to other chars.

And skill-switching... I just can't understand why Median community seems to hate skill-switching. If you have at least three fingers on your left hand it shouldn't be a problem.
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I'd say most stuff is pretty simple to comprehend in D2, as a new player to THE MOD, though, it's definitely a question of what to watch out for when it comes to the changes, such as what's the usefulness of creating the items you get within 30 seconds after beating a challenge boss, Where are good places to farm when it comes time to. How do you get gear that has crafting on it. Stuff lol, How to get charms and not miss out on cool stuff.

@iwansquall though for instance maybe mentioning places that noobs could walk into and die losing their starting stuff :\. Like some place next to Blood raven with a bunch of citizens in it. Ya that was not cool xD

@jampula so i can go with xbow skills and summon skills :D ?

PS: I don't mind skill switching.
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HumbleSoldat wrote:@jampula so i can go with xbow skills and summon skills :D ?

Yes, well basically you summon Shadows/Rampagors to cast Bane and Voodoo Shot on them and keep Void Archon alive.
I recommend necro for people new to the mod because he gets pretty much everything from skills (dmg, life leech, some slow target, teleport, reanimates, life), just keep your crossbow upgraded and use Mystic Orbs for attack rating. And since you don't mind skill switching remember his class skill Burning Veil and if you happen to have skill points you can add some Howling Totems too.

And there is always respec potions so you can go melee too if you want, because gearing is pretty similiar. But Rathma's Chosen and Bane/Voodoo Shot combo is awesome when you get to ubers.

Just start playing and have fun. :)
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Daystar / Totem Hybrid Summoner Necro was easiest build to start back in ..... 3 years ago.

You dont have to worry about gear since your minion stat increased with your level and players difficulty (type "/players xx" where xx is number of players up to 8 to simulate difficulty).

You just need frostclaw totem, some meatshield (rampagor or max shadow) and MO your rings with Daystar summon then you are set.

*I totally forgot what new skill marco added during 6 skill tree Xvc upgrade, i need to double check them again.
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If you are following a guide that also gives you a list for early game gear, farm the Gift Box at Tristram with different characters.
For example, only Necro and Assassin can receive body armor in the box. It's pretty good to do this as a beginner since you play a few different classes and can check out which playstile fits yours.

I still kept my level 24 xbow necro to farm Jitan's Kamon every once in a while. :mrgreen:
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HumbleSoldat wrote:@HitZ why would i have trouble doing charms? and i've never really liked sorc (don't hate her either) but have always been partial towards summoners and palys. i noticed Barb gets some cool wolves maybe that could be fun!

@segolia Does tha paly ability that auto shoots mobs stay strong or taper off pretty hard? Also if i went with paly, would there be any particular items i should keep an eye out for? Or just look into a guide once i'm into late game?

I'll look into lightning cold sorc and see if it looks like something i'd want to play :)

-Thanks for the suggestions!

@OP ur making your character choice based on your cLod experiance, which is totally wrong, since the mod has nothing in common with original cLod. I have played cLod for many years too, tho when i began to play median, I started with character completely different from those i played on classic. As people above me stated, for now just keep an eye out for Level Challenges, everything else will come with time spent in the game(experiance). Start with whatever you like, if you dont find it to your liking reroll other hero. Leveling is easy, you can level up to 120 in matter of hours, gearing and doing charms is the tricky and more time consuming part. Also as a newbie, you should keep your median bible always open, ready to search everything you don't understand. Everything is explained with details there. Cheers and enjoy this mod, it is the best out there. D3 should have looked like this.
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HumbleSoldat wrote:
@segolia Does tha paly ability that auto shoots mobs stay strong or taper off pretty hard? Also if i went with paly, would there be any particular items i should keep an eye out for? Or just look into a guide once i'm into late game?

I'll look into lightning cold sorc and see if it looks like something i'd want to play :)

-Thanks for the suggestions!

For the mosy part it stays releveant even at 1 point. You will be naturally building spell damage that will increase it, but more primarily Slayer.

For items, look for things that give you spell damage, faster cast rate abd hit recovery (on average the superbeast hit recovery is 8 frames!), defense, life/mana after kill, and resistance pierce. For casters in general, its mostly about what you make with crafting, runewords, and tiered uniques. If you happen to find a good sacred unique that helps you out then by all means use it. You can in general survive a large amount of the endgame solely on good crafts and relevant runewords.

One thing to note though, dont ever bother with chance to cast X on kill, that stat only procs on weapons and poison spells. If you ever make a build around devouring cloud though then you can make use of it.
Edited by Segolia 8 years.