Sigma Translations

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If I wan to play other language version median xl without median launcher (damn d2stats failed too many times in a row issues) , what should I do ?
I set Use file value to 9 with hex editor. Set sigma-loader shortcut parameters to -direct. I can play median-xl but got some translation errors (伊司).
If I set parameters to -direct -txt. it will crash immediately.

Rust Claw
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This is how I fixed it.
Select language version(I use Chinese) in median xl launcher first.
Then add -lang zh as parameters to sigma-loader.exe shortcut.
ex: "C:\Diablo II\sigma-loader.exe" -lang -zh
Execute the sigma-loader as admin.
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I have problem..

when I want to see the equipment, it crashes me with an error.
Russian spol
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Foxi2014 wrote:Hello!
I have problem....

c0000096 errors happend when the CPU is tasked to perform an action it is not allowed to perform. Here's an answer from Sigma's troubleshooting thread:

PRIV_INSTRUCTION (c0000096) • An exception (C000000D) occurred during DllEntryPoint or DllMain in module:

Two possible solutions (still testing), use the second one only if the first one has failed:

+ Make sure that Diablo II.exe is set to run as an Administrator and in compatibility mode with Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and the Launcher is set to run as an Administrator. Then restart the PC.
+ Uninstall both the Launcher and Diablo2+LoD, make sure your PC has not leftovers of Median and Diablo2 (use a cleaning software if needed, like Iobit Uninstaller for example). Restart the PC and install Diablo2+LoD again, make sure it runs fine, then download and install (running the installer as an Administrator) the latest iteration of the Median Launcher.
2 | 0
Wasp wrote:
Foxi2014 wrote:Hello!
I have problem....

c0000096 errors happend when the CPU is tasked to perform an action it is not allowed to perform. Here's an answer from Sigma's troubleshooting thread:

PRIV_INSTRUCTION (c0000096) • An exception (C000000D) occurred during DllEntryPoint or DllMain in module:

Two possible solutions (still testing), use the second one only if the first one has failed:

+ Make sure that Diablo II.exe is set to run as an Administrator and in compatibility mode with Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and the Launcher is set to run as an Administrator. Then restart the PC.
+ Uninstall both the Launcher and Diablo2+LoD, make sure your PC has not leftovers of Median and Diablo2 (use a cleaning software if needed, like Iobit Uninstaller for example). Restart the PC and install Diablo2+LoD again, make sure it runs fine, then download and install (running the installer as an Administrator) the latest iteration of the Median Launcher.

Thx, now good
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and for brazilian portuguese do you have any forecast for the release of the translation?
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The Russian and Chinese translations have been updated for 1.7
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The meaning in Chinese is "+10 to All Skills" and "+1 to All Skills per 4 base levels"

fix it plz
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Gavin_K88 wrote:The Russian and Chinese translations have been updated for 1.7

Greetings! I want to report an error in the Russian translation file. All things in the name and description contain some extraneous remark.
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Hello, does anyone have the old german files?

I'll try to translate for the actually content :)
