What would bring you back to Median XL?

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Shadowgate Totem
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Lynderika wrote:Alternatively, you could learn to not be underleveled all the time and progress more normally instead of rushing acts. The only "badly" placed uber for me is Bul-Kathos, I always do it at 115+. But I never have to backtrack at any points during hell progression, except like getting to ta or something, but it's far from significant.
x2 xp early is a ridiculous suggestion, the progression is fast enough already. Vanilla quest is an understandable point, normal and nightmare definitely need a bit more variety to it. But I can't agree with any other points

I could, but I know how I like to play this game, and it doesn't involve managing experience or staying in areas like Canyon of the Magi normal mode longer than I need to just to hit the xp quota so my char doesn't get xp screwed in the next area.
Do you think x2 xp gain will break the game or something? Because I doubt it. In Ultimative you could drink a pot and get x4.5 xp.

The problem is, I don't see the reward in cleaing maps during story mode whatsoever. It's a waste of time.
Just check where you gotta go and go there in a straight line. The monsters you meet along the way should suffice as xp.

For the sake of argument, let's say everything below level 50 mlvl gives double xp, who gives a damn? Even if you could level to 110 in normal blood moor, who cares?
It ensures it's impossible to fall behind the xp curve and at a certain point you get like 1 xp per kill anyway.

Gotta go fast! IMO the best way to reach level 100 is to want to do it all over again. Doing chores like clearing maps isn't exactly conducive to that. Again, gotta go fast and remove things that needlessly slow down progression. I don't want to play like you and manage xp. It's nice that you have found a way that works for you, but that doesn't mean that it's a good mechanic.
Azure Drake
161 | 15
Having leveled a bunch of chars (sometimes in succession) I'd say Nightmare contributes to leveling fatique a lot. The game wouldn't lose anything if normal + nightware were compressed into a single difficulty (with merged scaling, i.e. Andariel would be as normal Andariel while Ball would be nightmare Baal). Currently Nightmare exists only as a padding during which you can't play majority of builds fully but also don't get anything of value, drop-wise, and can't properly grind eiher.
Core Lord
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A new unique ring called "Stone of Jordan" very rare and for endgame build
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patch 2.7
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Enigma hoj and botd :)
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I'll honestly say I miss the Rainbow staff we had for goblin season; granted, it was a *little* overtuned, so perhaps in a slightly nerfed form it'd be perfectly fine as an option for ele casters.

Maybe for a holiday season.
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cant play new one clicker games
Rust Claw
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A other chaos season would be awesome
Lava Lord
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Nobody asked, but I would totally play some this ladder if I could have a level 100 A1 Hell character to start with.
Rust Claw
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- Removing level requirements on most if not all ubers/dungeons. Just a recommended level would be fine.
- Somehow shortening or changing the Normal/Nightmare difficulty grind, it is way too repetitive to keep people interested in doing it every season. Maybe some ways to shorten it/speed it up