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Sooo. I cannot send TG to people or bid on items. It acts like it does but nothing happens. Any ideas?

FIXED: Had to clear cookies!
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* * * C R A F T I N G . Q U E S T I O N * * *

Reading over the following two articles;

Crafted items

What affixes will an item get when crafting?
The resulting crafted item spawns with 1-3 preset crafting affixes depending on shrine type used and 1-4 extra random rare affixes, based on the item level: Item level 71+: 100% chance of 4 affixes.

I see the maximum possibility of a Sacred Shrine 2H Staff craft yields up to:
  • +15% to Cold Spell Damage
  • -10% to Enemy Cold Resistance

And this does NOT count against the 4-additional affixes. Those four affixes each have a 50% chance of being a Prefix or Suffix.

Q: Can a craft spawn with ALL Prefix' or does a Suffix have to spawn as well?
Q: Re the question above, if anything goes, then for clarification it is possible to get PREFIX +11 Sorc Skills, PREFIX +150 Spell Focus, PREFIX +70% Cold Damage, and SUFFIX -25% Enemy Cold, correct?
Q: Re the question above, can /same/ affixes stack? Ex. cold spell damage from Sacred Shrine with +cold damage of a Staff?
...If so, then the maximum theoretical potential would be +85% Cold Damage and -40% Enemy Cold, correct?
Q: Is there a mathematical formula to calculate the odds of rolling all four affixes you want? Lol, probably have better luck winning the lottery!
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Taem wrote:

An ilvl 99 craft will have 4 affixes from the rare pool, I thought it was two prefix + two suffix, but based on the doc page it might be possible to have three of one. It says "Crafted items can have at most 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes chosen from the random rare affix pool", I think the "and" should be an "or", since it can't have 6 rare affixes. This could use some testing, just look up the affixes on random crafts and see how much of each you get.
One limitation is you can't have two affixes with the same group number. If it's possible to get three prefixes, then that staff is possible yes, none of those share group numbers, and all spawn on ilvl 99 staff.
Shrine bonuses are added separately to the affixes and have no limitation.
There used to be a rarity column for the affixes, you can see it on old docs, but some changes were made. Getting the four exact affixes you want is extremely difficult, especially if you only want the highest tier roll.
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Just tested and 3 rolls in I got a boots with:

+20 FHR (prefix)
+16 Death Blossom oskill (suffix)
+48 Vitality (6-28 from Quiet shrine, but the rest has to be a suffix)
+4% XP (suffix)

So it's definitely possible to roll 3 prefixes or 3 suffixes on a craft. Pretty sure you can't get 4 of the same.
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Hello, two quick questions:

1) combat speed means both attack speed and cast speed? If not, what does it stays for?
2) +enhanced dmg to demons/undeads applies only to any kind of dmg? It works for spells as well?

Thanks a lot.
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Juzam wrote:Hello, two quick questions:

1) combat speed means both attack speed and cast speed? If not, what does it stays for?
2) +enhanced dmg to demons/undeads applies only to any kind of dmg? It works for spells as well?

Thanks a lot.

combats speeds are ias, fhr, fcr and fbr.
second does not work with spells afaik :)
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PizzaGater wrote:
Juzam wrote:Hello, two quick questions:

1) combat speed means both attack speed and cast speed? If not, what does it stays for?
2) +enhanced dmg to demons/undeads applies only to any kind of dmg? It works for spells as well?

Thanks a lot.

combats speeds are ias, fhr, fcr and fbr.
second does not work with spells afaik :)

So combat speed seems quite amazing.

And so Tyrael’s Might seems less insane for casters.

Thanks a lot
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Has there been any new information about the option of importing our NL chars to SP before 2.0 releases?

Also, is the current plan to delete all items as well as characters on the realm or just items?
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I can't understand the difference between Crucify and Noctule. Like, what does one do that the other one doesn't? Seems to me like they're interchangeable
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is there a special trick to get windforce to work properly? the item says if you have at least 1000 strength you gain knockback but none of my abilities as a bowzon seem to knock anything back