2.8 Bugs & Feedback

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Azure Drake
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i personally love what the devs are doing and this isn't a thread about bashing them. i like the density and monster variation and hope that they continue to balance and tweak it
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I don't think the idea of this season was exactly to be balanced, but to have some crazy fun. It turned out to be pretty balanced imo, though, although i find scosglen is now sometimes a lot harder than many labs i played.

The Scos maps with tons of druids are weird and create a very different atmosphere to the area, which i kinda like, and do balance out the fact that there are many maps now that spawn zero druids, although i would like it to be like before, where every map has a chance to spawn them, on top of the "bleak" maps with a ton of em.
For enchanted runes, i like the idea to ensure that Sapling Guard loot class enemies are safe to spawn in every map, but that one colossal tunneler map i played rained runes on me so hard it felt awesome, as well.

For me, the game felt more challenging, and as i played this mod for years, i can see how this may feel brutal to any newcomer. Its still way less brutal than "in the old days", when i started, and i sticked with it, too. for me, the motivation was to get a challenging game and it still leaves me some challenges unfinished, which i love.

as for the RNG portion (tenets), been there, i understand the craving for some balance, but this game was always about RNG, thats why ssf is such a big thing, its just a different game. with the pain of farming laz 60 times for a trophy comes the joy of finding 2 frags in a trophy farm to cut the time massively. no pain, no joy ;)
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I'm re-entering the game and removing all the relics. It works for 3 seconds, then the value drops Daydreamer
Cow Ninja
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(merged another thread with this one. please don't create new threads unless you want your feedback to be missed, after each season we go back and look at the official feedback thread but don't usually remember any extra ones people make)

intex wrote:1. The monster variety / density in a1/a2 normal were extremely punishing, especially for a melee build. Having toxotes spawn in a1 and those ice archers spawn all over the desert in a2 was super hard to deal with as a melee class. I knew personally that I would get through it and my character would get stronger as i unlocked more skills, so i stuck it out. But if i was a new median player just trying out the mod for the first time, i would have quit in act 1. it felt way overtuned

2. I love the density and new mob types. i hope these things stay and continue to get fine tuned and balanced

sounds like the season is achieving its purpose

Gato might be doing some more tweaks to this season, not sure, but the chaos will definitely be tuned back a lot going forward

intex wrote:. The reality piercer that drops off of 11th eye needs a significant increase in drop chance. i farmed for 2 hours straight to get 1 single reality piercer. runs were 5-7 mins each. i almost lost my mind. if we were on the old system still where we needed to collect 11 eyeballs, i would have farmed 100 eyeballs in that time easily.

rng gonna rng, i preferred the old method but it was decided to reduce inventory management. the new one gives you reality piercer slightly sooner on average than collecting 11 eyes did, but sometimes you get randomly screwed.

intex wrote:3. For the druid farming in scosglen, it would be nice if there was a deterministic way to get into a scosglen map that has all of the druids on it. Perhaps when you kill the 11th eye, a portal could be opened to a new scosglen map with only druids. Or maybe an item could be dropped that could be cubed to open a portal. Or introduce a new miniboss on the map that you have to hunt down that has 100% spawn chance (like 11th eye), and when you kill it, it can open a portal to a druid map. Having to remake over and over to find a map layout with druids on it did not feel good and diminished the perceived value of farming the layouts without the druids on them because i felt like i was not progressing toward my dulra aegis.

5. There were some runs in scosglen where i got almost no enchanted runes. i felt that this was because maybe there were some instances where i didnt get any sapling guards, and i got no other mob type that had the sapling guard loot table. the scosglen mobs and loot tables should be double checked to ensure that it is impossible for a map layout to spawn with no sapling guard/etherborn monster loot tables.

druid one might be doable (but unlikely to happen, fyi) but it is impossible to guarantee a specific loot table is available except via pigeonhole principle

intex wrote:6. It would be great if we could get a cube recipe to get the tenets that we are missing. I farmed over 70 druids and still was missing 1 tenet, and I had a bunch of duplicates. Perhaps we could get a cube recipe that would be something like: 3x tenet + perfect gem = target tenet. the perfect gem could control which target tenet you end up with after transmuting. after farming the druids for 1.5 hours and not getting all of my tenets, i gave up and just traded for my last one.

almost certainly a no

intex wrote:7. Lastly, THANK YOU for removing Erinys from lab. Lab is no so much more chill/fun/enjoyable without getting sniped from offscreen for half my HP or more by those things. What a huge difference. I have no problem with them appearing in other zones outside of labs

Again, I am loving this season. And overall I had a lot of fun in scosglen this season and felt that the monster variety and density changes were a huge net positive and really enhanced the experience and made it more enjoyable. Appreciate all the hard work on the mod!

@Gato :)

ImmortalPhoenix wrote:Was the intent behind this season to offer an MXL experience that was more akin to a modern-day Randomizer?

Yes. It's random, it's hard, it's trying something different but simple to make happen while we start work on 3.0 in earnest.
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Gobling Gee doesn't proc from summons and xbow effigy kills
Cow Ninja
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AngryEvilCookie wrote:Gobling Gee doesn't proc from summons and xbow effigy kills

that is how on death blow procs work yes
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intex wrote:i personally love what the devs are doing and this isn't a thread about bashing them. i like the density and monster variation and hope that they continue to balance and tweak it

I would never bash the Dev team. They know this is my style of giving constructive criticism--rough, unfiltered, unafraid to tell the truth, and always for the betterment of the mod and the community.

The last time I posted feedback about a mod season, many of the changes I suggested have been implemented--and they've certainly delivered.
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ImmortalPhoenix wrote:Was the intent behind this season to offer an MXL experience that was more akin to a modern-day Randomizer?

Yes. It's random, it's hard, it's trying something different but simple to make happen while we start work on 3.0 in earnest.[/quote]

That makes a lot more sense.
Jungle Hunter
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MedianXL wrote:Please post your bug reports and feedback for the current version in this topic.

Note that this topic is moderated. If your post is deleted then it is most likely a known issue.

No tech support related discussion

Instead, please use:

you can't use soulshatter with Lemuria 'IgnLewFal'
Azure Drake
162 | 1
intex wrote:. The reality piercer that drops off of 11th eye needs a significant increase in drop chance. i farmed for 2 hours straight to get 1 single reality piercer. runs were 5-7 mins each. i almost lost my mind. if we were on the old system still where we needed to collect 11 eyeballs, i would have farmed 100 eyeballs in that time easily.

siosilvar wrote:rng gonna rng, i preferred the old method but it was decided to reduce inventory management. the new one gives you reality piercer slightly sooner on average than collecting 11 eyes did, but sometimes you get randomly screwed.

I think this is the wrong mentality. "welp sometimes rng is gonna screw u, it is what it is." The 2 hour farming session for the reality piercer made me not even want to attempt the boss on my own in case i messed up or made a mistake and burned the attempt. I wanted to avoid getting caught farming reality piercer again for 2 hours at all costs. so i had my friend kill it for me. This is so unfortunate, because I would love to be able to attempt the boss myself, but I felt that the cost of the attempt was too high and it wasn't worth potentially making a mistake. What is the purpose of having the drop rate low enough to where rng can still screw you over? Let's raise it to 40 or 50% so that cant happen! Then i would not feel so hesitant to try the boss myself.

intex wrote:
5. There were some runs in scosglen where i got almost no enchanted runes. i felt that this was because maybe there were some instances where i didnt get any sapling guards, and i got no other mob type that had the sapling guard loot table. the scosglen mobs and loot tables should be double checked to ensure that it is impossible for a map layout to spawn with no sapling guard/etherborn monster loot tables.

siosilvar wrote:it is impossible to guarantee a specific loot table is available except via pigeonhole principle

What if we guaranteed or forced sapling guards to always spawn in scosglen regardless of other monster types to prevent a scenario in which no enchanted runes dropped?