Discussion upcoming season (SSSU,Features,quality of life)

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Hello everyone ,
before i start i would like to thank to Marco and the Team for the great work and effort that they put in this mod.With every new season it's get better and improved, we are also talking about 20+ years old game...First time i heard about and played the mod was 2012 or so there was only 2 skill trees per page, but back than there was not a lot information about the game such as documentation and guides,so i quit the mod after a month.Than i was playing back the new version ultimative and it was actually really good.And now i am playing Sigma from the beginning and so far i like the mod a lot!!!! :D
I just would like to share my opinion about two topics and also discuss with you (the community and the team).

1.Enchanted Crystals
I think that it would be great to add back to the game the Enchanted Crystals in order to be possible to roll su ssu sssu's .It is additional small chance (gambling) to get better item and would make the things a lot more interesting, i've read a topic a few days ago,one guy on the forum asked about the tyrael's might.I belive since the beginning of sigma nobody was able to find the armor.... and there are a lot of items great sssu that are fun to play , but what is the point to have such items in the game when nobody or like under 1% of the people find them and use them....For example last season i found Valthek's Command and i can tell you it was so much fun playing mana sorc with the crazy staff.
I am suggesting only to put the crystals back in the game,not to be easy found(farming the void for example with like 5% chance to drop..).
So we the players could have additional chance to get the really cool and fun items.

I personally don't have problems finding the belladonas extracts , but what i've heard a lot of people are running in troubles to find one.
It makes a lot of sence to make them from cube recepie or organs from the vendors like in ultimative.For example playing sorc , what is the best support tree to choose ? We can experiment a lot more,also fighting different bosses requires sometimes different build , so we need every time two new belladonas.. you get the point...

I would really like to hear your opinion as a player's or mod's :)
Ps. Pardon my mistakes, English is not my first language
Core Lord
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Disagree with both ideas.

1) Boring as shit farming a reagent that just encourages rerolling unique rarer base armors. By that point, you could just make ancient armors a much more common drop, which defeats the point of the crystal, and then you have difficult to come by gear with powerful stats that is more available. If everyone can get good shit easily, the game is boring. (Oil of renewals with rare jewellery is another example, wow what fun rerolling my dream jewellery)

2) Bellas are fine as is. The whole "we should experiment with skills" argument is dead as fuck by now. Grab single player, grab offline tools, unlimited respec. I personally prefer decision making that punishes you without the ability to slap some insta reset button just because i cubed a rune and oil.
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I agree with Pub on both points.

1, Nobody ever farms void, maybe except the few people that run it for trophy, as it is extremely unrewarding. Low xp, because of low enemy density, and bad drops, so it is kind of pointless, you might as well just go farm fauzt. Tyreal's might is an item that is gamebreaking, put it on any build and it meets the requirement for high tier labs that you need to go out of your way for with a regular build, it should be extremely rare.

2, This just promotes you to plan ahead, or think outside the box to deal with mechanics that your build cant deal with easily, if you dont want to respec. I usually use my first respec at 115, when i have a lot of stats from charms, you can do all those ubers with basic gear and not much optimization. And if you do want to experiment, bellas are very cheap, so that wont be a problem.
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1.The Void was just an example of farming place, it could be any place.My idea was that if u create an item it should be somehow possible to be farmed?
In D2 vanilla high runes and gg items are really rare ,but there are also bots running 24/7 , here we are all humans with other jobs than farmin 3 months 24/7.Tyraels Might Armor was just an example also. There are more gg items such as the ssssu naginata with pounce , i get it u can craft with shunpo but it is not exactly the same and othere items.
And Tyraels Might is gamebracking trying to push the rifts up to 15... with all max res and phys res and so on.
I just think that having another chance to roll the item is better than no chance ;)
2.I get it plan ahead is really important , but again we are not playing d2 1.10 or older version where there was no reset at all.
It's just that for some bosses u need another gear or to put all point into vit. for purify bosses these are easy 2 bellas and then again 2 if u decide to do them again?
Tantrum changes fan
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Pub wrote:The whole "we should experiment with skills" argument is dead as fuck by now. Grab single player, grab offline tools, unlimited respec.

So people that want to try new builds/gear/ideas should go to single player, level new characters, farm new gear and use a 3rd party tool to alleviate an issue that could easily be fixed by increasing the drop rate of respec pots? Thats your solution?

The "argument" isn't dead. Trying new builds was previously a great freedom and making belladonnas drop-only has only served to restrict it. Even though 99% of those attempts never lead to anything, it was one of the most enjoyable features of the game.

They went to the trouble of adding all these orange text mods to sacred uniques but if you wanna try them it costs two respec pots. One to spec to the build you wanna try and one to spec back. Its no different than when a player needs to respec to grab a charm they can't do with their build. They add up quick and RNG can be a real bitch with the current drop rate. This ladder I had 120 char and my second was 115 before I found my first pot.

Its not friendly for ssf players, single players, new players and it doesn't encourage trying new builds.
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Sorry, I disagree with making respecs easier. They're already too easy for my liking, to be perfectly honest. The easier respecs are, the less your decisions when making your build matter.

As for the suggestion regarding rolling sacred uniques, I'm skeptical. I don't mind it in principle, but only if that hypothetical crystal is so incredibly rare. But if it's as rare as all that, it probably doesn't do what you want, which is make SUs and SSUs more available, which I am against. Right now you are excited to find such rare items because of their scarcity.
Stone Warrior
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finding bellas is difficult? what the hell are you talking about i usually have 2-3 atleast spare if not you can just go to trade chat and buy some people are basicly giving them away for free ... atleast some do (i wont cuze i want my TG)

so iam against it aswell

as for making the ssus etc more available
i dont agree its good that there it takes time to aquire the correct item
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Shinoda wrote:finding bellas is difficult?

as for making the ssus etc more available
i dont agree its good that there it takes time to aquire the correct item

1. bella- i have never said it was difficult , it's more like inconvenient.I also have a few of them in stash , but i hate to use 2 of them only to fight a purify boss.. in ultimate we were able just to buy two organs from the vendors and thats it.There are a lot more things to be farmed in the game crystals,shrines,jewels,stones,runes,umos... but why rng for bella?
2.items - i am not talking about su or ssu there are easy to get kind of again rng,i am talking about items that drop 1 item per season or 0 , than i ask and also others asking ourselves why the hell this items exist when never would be used by the players?
this was the topic where they discuss tyraels might
ps. it's only example there are also other items
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Tyrael's Might doesn't exist on realm, prove me wrong
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kris441 wrote:
Shinoda wrote:finding bellas is difficult?

as for making the ssus etc more available
i dont agree its good that there it takes time to aquire the correct item

1. bella- i have never said it was difficult , it's more like inconvenient.I also have a few of them in stash , but i hate to use 2 of them only to fight a purify boss.. in ultimate we were able just to buy two organs from the vendors and thats it.There are a lot more things to be farmed in the game crystals,shrines,jewels,stones,runes,umos... but why rng for bella?
2.items - i am not talking about su or ssu there are easy to get kind of again rng,i am talking about items that drop 1 item per season or 0 , than i ask and also others asking ourselves why the hell this items exist when never would be used by the players?
this was the topic where they discuss tyraels might
ps. it's only example there are also other items

My only considerations for the current situation with bellas are the newbies, because they often fuck their build up multiple times and end up asking for free bellas, as they don't have means to buy them. I really have no problems with bellas, because usually I farm certain bosses 10 or even 50-100 times.

Only thing you'll get more when introducing these crystals are more consistent su/ssu items. Sssu items are really rare and you will never get one using the crystal anyways. As crystals will not be easy to farm, in the end the situation will not change that much from now.