Safe and passive builds? (sorry)

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Hiya all!

Sorry for posting yet another question about "the best build for me". I'm sure all you old forum-goers are really tired of us noobs asking this. But I'm quite insensitive, so I'll ask anyway :-).

I love this mod, but one thing I miss are those lovely, safe, passive builds from LoD, like fishymancer and summoning druid. Sometimes when I'm tired, I just want to walk around and watch everything die (protip: Don't mention this at a first date. It might be creepy. Trust me, been there done that). This mod is awesome, but all builds I've made so far require me to be pretty focused and quick, or I die. So my question is, is there any über-safe builds out there, which requires minimal effort for me to play? A summoning build would be the easiest, but I haven't managed to make a viable one yet. Any tips?
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Godsman Guard
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You can choose a lightning/poison sorceress which focuses on dealing poison damage from Hive. In this situation you'll need to have some 'when you kill an enemy procs' and, most likely, wear and orb+shield.
Summon familiars, cast Hive, walk around and watch the procs doing the job.

This is an approximate way to play in mid-to-endgame. If you start untwinked from zero, I'm afraid that you'll have to use active damaging skills anyway.
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For untwinked:

1. Pick necro
2. Max 1 summon you like
3. Max frostclaw totem
4. Proceed further into the game
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Bone Archer
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Stealthmaster wrote:Hi!

You can choose a lightning/poison sorceress which focuses on dealing poison damage from Hive. In this situation you'll need to have some 'when you kill an enemy procs' and, most likely, wear and orb+shield.

Summon familiars, cast Hive, walk around and watch the procs doing the job.

This is an approximate way to play in mid-to-endgame. If you start untwinked from zero, I'm afraid that you'll have to use active damaging skills anyway.

I did this and kicked ass in hatred. I didn't try terror though cause i ballsed a lot of crap up...and felt like trying melee. Only problem is that not being able to reliably immune-break is a bit annoying.
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Hmm pala seems good u have passive dr% skill voj= multi target autohit damage can get up to 20-30k sacred armor =no damage for short time storm lord for stats sod insane psn damage which kill most non psn immunes u even have ix rw for eagle stance this and tainted blood buff = insane mana an very decent healh regen so for damage u can go apoc staff and boots for fire spam = shift + lmb or shaad scepter for cataclysm or even sol bow rw for punisher proc doenst get lazier than that in this current patch if not traprat dudu quill spam the world
Edited by cronos 8 years.
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If not trap rat dudu quill quill quill and some more quill spam this time on rmv

Sry for double post using shitty iphone
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seems like fortress barbarian would fit your needs
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Onyx Knight
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If you want to walk around, do nothing and watch stuff die - 3.5 options really.
1. Melee necro with active graveyard and set weapon > punisher kills enemy and proc chains start.
1. Paladin with vessel of judgement/retribution - cast it, walk around, pick drops.
1. Assassin with maxed ways and queen of blades, walk around and pick drops.
0.5. Treedruid with damage oriented weapon and fairy fire, but trail duration short, so need to run around alot.
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Gekko64 wrote:seems like fortress barbarian would fit your needs

fortress barb requires high kiting... and cast fortress every 3 seconds...Actually is not a really lazy character.
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then paladin with symphony of destruction and sol bow ftw