Bow Druid SU's?

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Im fairly new to the mod and I do not know many of the items. What SU's are some of you looking for on your bow specc druids? Also what merc are you using and the suggested gear for said merc? Thanks!
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Wolf Head (Sacred)

Defense: (1842 - 2082) to (1915 - 2165)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 105
4% Chance to cast level 40 Ice Lance on Striking
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
Adds 13-38 Damage
Adds 30-35 Cold Damage
(14 to 17)% Life stolen per Hit
-(29 to 35)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(115 to 143)% Enhanced Defense
+(41 to 50) to Dexterity
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
Cold Resist +(30 to 50)%
Socketed (4)
- pretty common and cheap, helps a lot on start
Mr. Painless
Mr. Painless
Recurve Bow (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: (222 - 244) to (369 - 393)
(Druid Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 725
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.19 per Dexterity)%
9% Chance to cast level 50 Punisher Bolt on Striking
+4 to Druid Skill Levels
40% Attack Speed
Adds 25-150 Damage
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Damage
-(25 to 30)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Slow Target (21 to 25)%
+100 to Dexterity
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (6)
- maby its only me but i love this bow, especialy with
Scales of the Serpent
Scales of the Serpent
Gothic Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (7481 - 8308) to (9074 - 10078)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 675
Item Level: 105
15% Chance to cast level 40 Arachnomancy on Melee Attack
4% Chance to cast level 12 Time Strike on Striking
(31 to 40)% Hit Recovery
+90% Damage to Undead
Adds 200-300 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
-35% to Enemy Poison Resistance
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
Weapon Physical Damage +(25 to 30)%
+(144 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+100 to Strength
+50 Life on Melee Attack
Socketed (6)
, for now sweeping between recurve and maple crafts and those also works rly nice
Bag of Tricks
Bag of Tricks
Arrow Quiver

Required Level: 100
Item Level: 120
1% Chance to cast level 7 Goblin Glee on Kill
3% Chance to cast level 1 Knife Throw on Striking
3% Chance to cast level 1 Arrow on Striking
3% Chance to cast level 1 Javelin on Striking
- really nice quiver but for start some rare would be working great and u can try craft tu one
Arrow Quiver

Required Level: 60
Item Level: 80
5% Chance to cast level 36 Ice Lance on Kill
5% Chance to cast level 36 Forked Lightning on Kill
5% Chance to cast level 36 Flamefront on Kill
Adds 13-25 Fire Damage
Adds 13-25 Lightning Damage
Adds 13-25 Cold Damage
-(1 to 10)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances

armor/ gloves/ boots i would say hardly depends of what ur doing, ofc there are lots of other good options, just pointing those that came to me rn :D
Acid Prince
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Bow Druid is so clunky, one charge is trash. 3 attacks and you got carpal tunnel.
Thunder Beetle
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BagboyBrown wrote:Bow Druid is so clunky, one charge is trash. 3 attacks and you got carpal tunnel.

That's why you hold down the right mouse button with your right hand and alternate back and forth between steady shot and cascade (or heartseeker) with your left hand using whatever keys you bound them to. If you see the magic green buff from your bear, switch to using only cascade or heartseeker depending on if you're going for aoe or single target, respectively. Also, I'm finding in many situations, steady shot alone is enough to take out most regular things in a few shots, so if you're feeling lazy, that will get the job done. I'm loving bow druids right now, great gameplay, great theme to everything with the bear pet, (Although the bear AI is meh

I forgot to mention that you also have to strategize between using your steady aim-consuming shots and just sticking to steady shot for more defense. Steady aim increases your +all skills by a metric shit ton in the mid-later game and thereby giving you more + all skills for buffing your bear/harvesters, and giving you more life/defense from barkskin. This is all pointless if you have heart of the pack, spam your consumers to your heart's content!
Edited by Dominos9189 3 years.
Acid Prince
45 | 0
Dominos9189 wrote:
BagboyBrown wrote:Bow Druid is so clunky, one charge is trash. 3 attacks and you got carpal tunnel.

That's why you hold down the right mouse button with your right hand and alternate back and forth between steady shot and cascade (or heartseeker) with your left hand using whatever keys you bound them to.

So, which hand holds down alt so you can see if any loot drops? It's clunky. And Rat is clunky (and weak af). Has anyone tried Bear, how is it?
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BagboyBrown wrote:
Dominos9189 wrote:
BagboyBrown wrote:Bow Druid is so clunky, one charge is trash. 3 attacks and you got carpal tunnel.

That's why you hold down the right mouse button with your right hand and alternate back and forth between steady shot and cascade (or heartseeker) with your left hand using whatever keys you bound them to.

So, which hand holds down alt so you can see if any loot drops? It's clunky. And Rat is clunky (and weak af). Has anyone tried Bear, how is it?

Well for me hunter is great to play ( play mechanic ofc not the smartest alot skill switcu and so on) but going on classic phys dmg with your huge DS from passive etc. Is rlly great, rlly good sustain and dmg is decent with bear buff youre good to go i could farm kabraxis as hunter when i was fresh 120 just with the full hunter set, t4 boots t4 gloves trash rings ammy, it took some time around 5 min per run but it worked, also all other 120 ubers were doable with hunter set as fresh 120

Trap rat i didnt play so much buf ofc play mechanic is not for everyone but for me hes a great farmer nice to play and a tanky boy
Thunder Beetle
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BagboyBrown wrote:
Dominos9189 wrote:
BagboyBrown wrote:Bow Druid is so clunky, one charge is trash. 3 attacks and you got carpal tunnel.

That's why you hold down the right mouse button with your right hand and alternate back and forth between steady shot and cascade (or heartseeker) with your left hand using whatever keys you bound them to.

So, which hand holds down alt so you can see if any loot drops? It's clunky. And Rat is clunky (and weak af). Has anyone tried Bear, how is it?

Well, if you're using D2Stats like you should be, there's a great drop notification addon built into it that's good to start with but you can also edit it to fit your tastes. Therefore, no alt needed unless you're looking for an item that your notification went off for.