Suggestions Please for Pure SSF Drops Run

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I want to do a pure SSF run where the spirit is basically to only use what I find, with minor upgrading. I have done T4 Uniques only, Honorifics only, and Shrine Crafted only runs to try to push them to the limit just for fun. But now I want to reel it back because a lot of these guaranteed-stat and gear methods make the game experience way different from LoD and I want the progression process to have a slower, more classic vibe.

Here are my ideas and I’m currently doing a run with a comfort pick build, but I’m looking for both suggestions to these rules/limitations, as well as a build to play with it.

Thanks for any feedback!

Allowed Items/Upgrades

    Anything that physically drops as-is
    Gambled items
    Regular MO’s
    Shrine Blessing
    Sockets with Gems/Runes/Jewels
    Charsi/Larzuk quests
    Signet of Learning

Banned Items/Crafting

    Buying socketed/Sup items from merchants
    Crafting Uniques with AC’s
    High-tier Runewords
    Crafted Jewels
    Crafting seasonal Sets
    Sacred Rare Shrine crafting
    Adding sockets by cubing with jewels
    Superior Oils


    Magic Find MO’s
    Runewords with runes up to Zod
    Crafted Amulets
    Low-level starter Runewords before lvl 30
    Luck Oils
Cow Ninja
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Siosilvar wrote:wat

I demand that SSF can only be done if your name starts with U.. that sounds like a good rule.. right.. right.. :mrgreen:

On a side note.. who let all the random people out of the nutty house ?
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usling wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:wat

I demand that SSF can only be done if your name starts with U.. that sounds like a good rule.. right.. right.. :mrgreen:

On a side note.. who let all the random people out of the nutty house ?

I am ofc the only one that is allowed to leave that place :evil:
Cow Ninja
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usling wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:wat

I demand that SSF can only be done if your name starts with U.. that sounds like a good rule.. right.. right.. :mrgreen:

On a side note.. who let all the random people out of the nutty house ?

i think we're misreading

OP is asking for suggestions for a challenge run, not suggestions for changes to the SSF mode

I'm not entirely sure why you'd want to do that to yourself (especially given the suggestion to just not use your drops? if you happen to get an erune it should be fair game; like, farming Countess for Stealth and Leaf on your starter is definiely in the spirit of clod) but hey, everybody's gotta have a hobby
314 | 10
That DUDE holy molly, he want to play game forever, forEVER till the end of time, and that would not be enough if he even become immortal. And his children and their children and their children of children would play his SSF char till they aged and forget their names...
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Siosilvar wrote:
usling wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:wat

I demand that SSF can only be done if your name starts with U.. that sounds like a good rule.. right.. right.. :mrgreen:

On a side note.. who let all the random people out of the nutty house ?

i think we're misreading

OP is asking for suggestions for a challenge run, not suggestions for changes to the SSF mode

I'm not entirely sure why you'd want to do that to yourself (especially given the suggestion to just not use your drops? if you happen to get an erune it should be fair game; like, farming Countess for Stealth and Leaf on your starter is definiely in the spirit of clod) but hey, everybody's gotta have a hobby

Yes, this is an entirely self-imposed challenge run just for the sake of curiosity and novelty. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I didn't realize this would seem so extremely weird. I did this kind of thing back in LoD when it DID take a long time, but here I can get to lvl 120-130 relatively quickly. Just kind of curious if I could work my way up to Scosglen or so, and if the gear progression would feel a little less hand-holdy, without taking advantage of everything MXL has available. That's all really. I don't sink my life into this game lol.
Monkey King
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I've thought about doing something like that to make my ssf runs more interesting, but most of it just turns it into more of a grind.
Like you're going to need certain items anyway, but going the route of finding them naturally vs crafting them just adds more time grinding.
Onyx Knight
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What you are ultimately after is a playstyle where you have to rely on "drop RNG" alone.

I like the concept and think it'd be a fun challenge. Based on my first sentence, here are my thoughts on your list:

Anything that physically drops as-is - YESsss
Gambled items - NO
Regular MO’s - NOOOOOO NO NO
Shrine Blessing - OKAY for blessing only
Sockets with Gems/Runes/Jewels - YES, see my runeword comment below regarding jewels
Charsi/Larzuk quests - YES
Signet of Learning.- YES
Charms/Trophies - YES

Buying socketed/Sup items from merchants - NO
Crafting Uniques with AC’s - DEF NO
High-tier Runewords - YES, I think all runewords should be fair game so long as you drop the correct runes and drop an item with the correct amount of sockets. No jewels should be allowed for runewords. Sacreds do still drop with random socket count, right?
Crafted Jewels - NO
Crafting seasonal Sets - NO
Sacred Rare Shrine crafting - NO
Adding sockets by cubing with jewels - NO
Superior Oils - NO (called oil of renewal). I would also add oils of enhancement here too.

Honorifics - NO
Magic Find MO’s - NO
UMO’s - YES!!
Runewords with runes up to Zod - YES
Crafted Amulets - NO
Low-level starter Runewords before lvl 30 - YES
Luck Oils - YES
Lottery - YES
314 | 10
Semigloss wrote:What you are ultimately after is a playstyle where you have to rely on "drop RNG" alone.

I like the concept and think it'd be a fun challenge. Based on my first sentence, here are my thoughts on your list:

Anything that physically drops as-is - YESsss
Gambled items - NO
Regular MO’s - NOOOOOO NO NO
Shrine Blessing - OKAY for blessing only
Sockets with Gems/Runes/Jewels - YES, see my runeword comment below regarding jewels
Charsi/Larzuk quests - YES
Signet of Learning.- YES
Charms/Trophies - YES

Buying socketed/Sup items from merchants - NO
Crafting Uniques with AC’s - DEF NO
High-tier Runewords - YES, I think all runewords should be fair game so long as you drop the correct runes and drop an item with the correct amount of sockets. No jewels should be allowed for runewords. Sacreds do still drop with random socket count, right?
Crafted Jewels - NO
Crafting seasonal Sets - NO
Sacred Rare Shrine crafting - NO
Adding sockets by cubing with jewels - NO
Superior Oils - NO (called oil of renewal). I would also add oils of enhancement here too.

Honorifics - NO
Magic Find MO’s - NO
UMO’s - YES!!
Runewords with runes up to Zod - YES
Crafted Amulets - NO
Low-level starter Runewords before lvl 30 - YES
Luck Oils - YES
Lottery - YES

dont understand that concept. There are many runwords and tierd uniques with absolutly different power level, many uniques for specific builds, there is no guarentie that you ever get drop you need, some of them absolute trash. As for builds, some need mostly runewords, some rely on uniques, which means some build are easier to play. Okay, and where will be the end of game with such concept, to what point are planing to go with it, if i play in such style i would stuck at some medium ubers, i dont like it, i wat to beat game at 100%