2.8 Bugs & Feedback

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Weel, I saw more inconstances in the Act 5. The game just stopped in the middle of the map. I think the Act 5 have some problem, or its just me?
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Slain Soul
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Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there's a skill out there that also causes this behavior! Game freezing? Thats your computer, but unable to click WPs or Shrines, that is 100% either Auto attack on mouse button, always show items on ground active, or some skills but I can't remember which ones. Try changing your LMB skill and then interact with WPs and see if it works now.
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I wonder what kind of bug allows you to get 12,403,521 experience in 20 hours in the game?
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SEMallEoN wrote:I wonder what kind of bug allows you to get 12,403,521 experience in 20 hours in the game?
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Cow Ninja
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SEMallEoN wrote:I wonder what kind of bug allows you to get 12,403,521 experience in 20 hours in the game?
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you got a fascinating way of dishing out compliments. mort is just good at the game.

sum of best on twinked sin is around 15.5 hours right now
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Taem wrote:Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there's a skill out there that also causes this behavior! Game freezing? Thats your computer, but unable to click WPs or Shrines, that is 100% either Auto attack on mouse button, always show items on ground active, or some skills but I can't remember which ones. Try changing your LMB skill and then interact with WPs and see if it works now.

Hello friend. Thanks for still helping me, at least trying hahahahaha.
Well, for the LMB i tried everything...but none worked. For the "always show itens", i use the ALT for it, so i only show when i want it.
For the skills, i changed them, but with no effect. Its very odd that happens ONLY in Act 5.
But thanks man.
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Here, the game freezed again. The error message when i tried to interact with a gate:

Location:, line#1646
Expression: Unrecoverable internal error 6fe24e8c
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FINALLY, found the problem.
After some deep search, and many unistall/intall procedures, my d2data.mpq was corrupted.
I downloaded the classic D2+LOD from blizzard, and worked just fine. Thanks to all.
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Slain Soul
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maxrobert wrote:FINALLY, found the problem.
After some deep search, and many unistall/intall procedures, my d2data.mpq was corrupted.
I downloaded the classic D2+LOD from blizzard, and worked just fine. Thanks to all.

Awesome! I never would have guessed that, lol! Glad you figured it out though! Happy hunting.