2.9 Bugs & Feedback

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Not sure if it's a bug.
I'm playing spearzone Baal Hell dropped me Pounce Relic... but i got the old version of the skill (below you can see new pounce/icon of it):Image
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Claw of the Spirit Wolf
Claw of the Spirit Wolf
Ida (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 50 to 53
(Barbarian Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 552
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.14 per Strength)%
+2% Fire, Cold and Lightning resistances per Wolf Companion Skill Level
Gain 65% of your Wolf Companion Base Damage as Flat Physical Damage
+(4 to 6) to Barbarian Skill Levels
100% Attack Speed
+300 Life Regenerated per Second
Socketed (6)
have a bug that orange text work for a short duration (~2-5s) instead all time, this happen when i dual weapon, this equip + shield work normally.
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Orange text doesn't work with DW in general, unless it explicitly states so.
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One thing about the new uber is that we get more souls than good enough Angelics to have to use them. I've read a solution as using a soul to reroll an item and I quite like it (even if that include a very slight soul drop chance nerf). Another thing is that the new mobs seems really tanky to me, some are almost at an etherborn level but with their density it's kinda hellish. I think there is either too much of them or they're too tanky or their mechanic of "weak to X" is a bad idea. I'm already not a fan of pretty much every single mob of the game having an absorb and that the mechanic is nice but a bit over used, but a resistance to every element but one on such big mobs is going a bit hard. Though again if they were a bit less numerous or tanky that would work too.

On the topic of monster "absorb" I played a poison caster build for the first time, and one thing that struck me is that some mobs just simply have a big resistance to that element. Quov tsin is understandable since he teleport a lot and poison can do him without him doing that, but I think it would be fair if that was tuned down a bit, like us doing 10% more damage.
Void is pretty tanky too, again 10% more would be enough I don't mind that there is boss a bit tankier to poison and just want it to be a bit more logical
Those are fine and can be stayed as in, but there is big offenders : Heroic infernal machine is omega tanky for no reasons, and even worse is scos corrupted hunter druid bear, that dude is pretty much straight up immune to poison that's crazy

I also want to mention again, and I'll do every time I do Sam, that the only thing this fight is missing to be perfect is a buff icon when entering the pentagram. This will help the player know if penta is desynced and find it which is the only big issue the fight can have. Pretty please
37 | 4
Not a bug, but feedback: Could some tweaking be done on Sszark the burning in Act 3? Namely his little flame circle attack, at the moment half the fight with him is actually fighting, and the other half is just sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for the half dozen flame circles to disappear. You could cut the time they last in half and still have the fight be just as challenging, but without the waiting around.
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Trashkitten wrote:Not a bug, but feedback: Could some tweaking be done on Sszark the burning in Act 3? Namely his little flame circle attack, at the moment half the fight with him is actually fighting, and the other half is just sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for the half dozen flame circles to disappear. You could cut the time they last in half and still have the fight be just as challenging, but without the waiting around.

Sszark is actually a pretty nice spider, and wants to be helpful, preparing you for many Garbhage fights later in labs :)
but honestly, max fire res and you can tank a decent bit of the fire dmg. I usually kill him in one spot.
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Spark of Hope relic does not last 45 seconds. The tooltip says 30, but the duration is only 25. Please fix so it lasts the default 30 + the relic's 15 = 45.
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one hand damage of the angelic Giant sword is the same with the scared one
is this a bug or intended?
Thunder Beetle
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3 even 4 mobs near the projector but it's still immune to all damages
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Rework widowmaker, yes, potential dps on it is insane but only on stationary targets, out of the 76/80 bolts per cast 0 are hitting any target at all while they're moving.
I really tried to make xbox necro work, tried alchemist with hwanin's, widowmaker, silver dart oskill all were subpar or unusable compared to death's reach + 0 cd sacrifices combo which's gameplay is meh, is a 2 button turret setup playstyle, dps output is amazing comparing it to melee necro but having no leech feels horrid though I understand because if effigies had leech for me the build would be tier SSS no doubt.
Also remove the 'Help us' voice line off sacrifices, it gets old rather quickly.

As for lab progression, I just have to say that it feels either good or terrible, depending on if mobs want to drop next tier stone, I've lost count on how many riftstone (6) I've drop on maps tier 8/9 or out of navigators on those map tiers too or not dropping anything at all in a full clear. I feel there should be a recipe for upgrading riftstones below t10
like 3 > 1 | 5 > 1 | 1-2-3 + component > next tier, something, anything to keep progression smooth if that's what you guys are aiming for with lab.

I think that's about it, I haven't been playing median for a while so I feel like this feedback is as objective as I can make it, I love crossbow necro, but when I compare it's options to other range WDM skills like stampede, wyrmshot or arcane swarm just makes me think why am I not playing those other classes instead. Then I just go back to playing melee necro which btw I'm guessing this is an engine limitation but yeah, architecture in the map or cutting line of sight just by a pixel or sometimes just being too far from enemies, even if parasite graphic appears on top of them makes parasite deal 0 damage.