Glitch on WIN 10

Need help installing the mod?
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Hello, I have the next problem with fresh install Diablo on Win10.

I don't have problems with install or play Diablo or Median XL. I'm playing in window mode.
But my mouse can't leave the window of Diablo game. And if I ALT+TAB to other windows and then return to Diablo, then Diablo stops responding on my keyboard, only mouse. So I need to close Diablo and then run again to play.
Does anybody have the same problem or any clues to fix this?
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First time hearing of this, try the following:
MXL Launcher → ⚙️ Settings → open "⚙️ Glide Settings" → 'Settings' tab → make sure "captured mouse" is not checked → "Quit" and then close the Launcher → re-open the Launcher and then launch the game
• Troubleshooting for MXL Sigma
• Installation Guide for MXL Sigma
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -Seneca
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Didn't help.
I fixed it by erased all and installed again.