cant download the .7z file!

Need help installing the mod?
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Hi,every one!

I could not download the .7z file when i tried to install the game,can anyone tell me how to fix this?

i've tried several times but it just cant be downloaded!
2 | 0
i am especting an offline installation program!

If anyone know how to get it,pls tell me!thanks!
Acid Prince
45 | 0
I don't know what you've done, but I can tell you what you should have done:

1. Install Diablo II. Run it. Open and let the update download.
2. Install Diablo II: LoD. Run it. Open and let the update download.
3. Install MedianXL. Run it. Click "Update". Click "Play".
4. ???
5. Profit.

Also, you need to be online to download anything that's just common sense. Not sure if it's your broken english or if you're actually trying to download and / or update MedianXL while offline. Neither is going to work.
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Your ISP might be blocking the download, or maybe it's a security program that's interfering.
Anyway, if for whatever reason you're not able to install the Median XL Launcher and are thus unable to install the mod via Median XL Launcher, you could try a manual installation (not recommended) by doing the following:
- Make sure your game is patched exactly to the 1.13c version, or a manual installation will not work.
- Download these files: MXL.mpq.dll and extract them using a program like 7-Zip. Both files are archives and both files need to be extracted. At the end of the exctraction process you should have obtained 3 new files (MXL.mpq, D2Sigma.dll and Fog.dll) that needs to be dropped into your Diablo II folder (where "Game.exe" can be found). In case it asks you if you want to replace the existing files, select yes.
- (optional) Download the latest version of the Glide-Wrapper and extract its archive content to your Diablo II folder (where "Game.exe" can be found) to use the Glide video mode with its configuration interface.
• Troubleshooting for MXL Sigma
• Installation Guide for MXL Sigma
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -Seneca
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Well, not so detailed question.
Anyway, few versions ago I had "similar" problem and I thought that Launcher doesn't want to download.7z file, at the end of download Launcher would just close-without extracting zip file and upon starting it again it would start to download .7z file again.
If you have this problem, once download is done and Launcher closes just go to the game folder and extract the .7z file, after that just start Launcher and you should be ready to play.