Hunting Banshee/Hailstorm druid videos

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Some videos of a hunting banshee/hailstorm caster druid.

No sound on some videos because old computer. Maybe I'll reupload with music when I'm not feeling too lazy.

I use Eternal Vigil for farming because the procs are just too good for most areas. So I have 4 wraiths with base level 30 banshee and Sha'ad druid helm.

I might make videos of kabraxis/astro/dbaal etc. later.

Stats with buffs:
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Block chance is 8%.

Stat and skillbuild:
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I crafted some dedicated single target gear and decided to test Hunting Banshee vs. Hailstorm on Kabraxis.

Hailstorm took around 3 min 50 sec and Hunting Banshee 6 min.

I used Sha'ad Druid Helm and Mage's Pulse for 6 wraiths, which means I lost 47 cold pierce on the Hailstorm setup. Not sure if it would've been better to use a 40 cold pierce Druid Helm and lose 1 wraith.

Kabraxis w/ Hailstorm:
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Kabraxis w/ Hunting Banshee:
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Edited by lefti 6 years.
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nice job bud :thumb:
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Pretty unique, i actually like it. Grats :D.
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Cool. Caster druids definitely have potential, you can get lot of free spell damage from symbiosis (cold and lightning) and motw. There is also good defense, dodge and life pool.
It shows how badly we would need more items with ctc when enemy slain to use on casters, enabling faster immune clearing.
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Helzopro wrote:nice job bud :thumb:

romanN1 wrote:Pretty unique, i actually like it. Grats :D.

Thanks guys, this is my first own build and I'm quite happy with it. It feels good and is pretty strong, only fauzt and it's tri-elemental immunes are a problem. I usually try to skip them but with the clusterfuck that is fauzt, it's not always possible. Herding them and using mythal is an option, but it breaks the flow and is a bit slow.

Pagan Rites really shines in that place. I'll make a video of Fauzt and Bremmtown later.

aerial wrote:Cool. Caster druids definitely have potential, you can get lot of free spell damage from symbiosis (cold and lightning) and motw. There is also good defense, dodge and life pool.
It shows how badly we would need more items with ctc when enemy slain to use on casters, enabling faster immune clearing.

Yeah I really wanted to use mage's pulse, but it just didn't compare to eternal vigil in clear speed. More items with ctc when enemy slain is the dream.

If you guys have any suggestions to improve this build let me know, I haven't played Median very long to think of all the options. I'm trying to find a Sky Scorcher atm to test it out, I want my builds to be as fast and mobile as possible (that's why I'm using Adrenaline Rush).

Also gotta test Triune out, don't see solution for kraken guards yet though. Maybe invest more in fire spell damage and pierce and let path of flames do the job? Too bad symbiosis doesn't give fire spell damage.