What games are you playing atm? V2

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HechtHeftig wrote:
Okay I just installed the game and played again. Checked my stats - 216 won games with symmetra. 69% win rate. That's k I guess.

Well, I'm glad Hanzo's scattershot was changed. The 1-hit KO was simply too strong. But it seems that didn't change anything from his OPness

also new highlight, just recorded: https://streamable.com/4k7jq

Yea i like playing Hanzo but even i have to say that his new skills needs nerf when it comes to pure ult farming with it. It's very easy to get hanzo ult in the first 1/2 minutes of a game usually, depends on how many tanks.

Really crappy potg with Hog lul : https://streamable.com/0vc76
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Prime_Evil wrote:Yea i like playing Hanzo but even i have to say that his new skills needs nerf when it comes to pure ult farming with it. It's very easy to get hanzo ult in the first 1/2 minutes of a game usually, depends on how many tanks.

Really crappy potg with Hog lul : https://streamable.com/0vc76

Well, you still secured the point so it's good.


This replay was done in ranked. I just wanted to get away safely and only activated that ult so I won't get any damage. But what happened next blew my mind.

And yes, it was me who got the potg :D Everyone was loling about why I got it (including me)

Oh and yeah I deinstalled the game again. Played mercy again and immediately lost interest in the game.
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HechtHeftig wrote:
Well, you still secured the point so it's good.


This replay was done in ranked. I just wanted to get away safely and only activated that ult so I won't get any damage. But what happened next blew my mind.

And yes, it was me who got the potg :D Everyone was loling about why I got it (including me)

Oh and yeah I deinstalled the game again. Played mercy again and immediately lost interest in the game.

Lul, nice, sadly for mercy its almost impossible for her to get potg now that huge rez is out and her rez has casting time as well, 1.2 seconds iirc. She got hit real hard. She's still picked a lot but where she and Dva were the 2 most picked heroes before now its more like Dva and Moira/Lucio instead for 2CP maps.

Couple of potgs with Hanzo from yesterday and today, i really love his rework :


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Sometimes, when a game have some terrible parts in it, i will try to play hard difficult and try to overcome the challenges. But the problematic part are just too much to a point it frustrated me, then probably it is time for me to tone down to easier difficulty.

1. X-COM Declassified : The Bureau
This game is basically tactical shooter with element of team management and strategy on battlefield. I tried to play with hard difficult (1 above hard) but then I realized that the AI of your companions / squad is goddamn stupid that lead to their death most of the times. It could be even called as "revive teammate simulator" at that point. So I went to lowest difficulty and rambo myself through to story mode.
The story itself is basically about how alien invade our planet, and because since this is from early 50s or 60s, so the aesthetic of the game look pretty neat. As for the world itself, it just a map of america where you can do missions from main storyline, optional and a specific type of mission where you can send your other squad members to raise their level.
Aside from the AI issue mentioned, there are 4 classes in it and various of weapons type and gears you can use, however it still feel shallow compare to many other tactical game. You pretty much have send commands to your teammates to use particular skills that useful in combat. The encounter usually are easy, but there are several encounter where enemy come in waves and you will run out of ammunition and life. Thankfully as commander, you have full heal on your teammates, but with long cooldown.
Overall, I cant recommend this game as it was too frustrating for me with AI and the pay off from knowing the story is not good enough even if you are hardcore XCOM player. I forgot to mention the god awful control with running, hide behind cover and vault over cover is on same button.

Suggestion : Binary Domain or Spec Ops : The line for more action third person shooter.

2. Alpha Protocol
Ok, this one is a bit tricky. If im mistaken, it was considered as hidden gem by many fans and Jim Sterling and after Im completed it, I understand why.
When I played the game first time, I tried to do hard and stealth just like Splinter Cell games with a bit sparkle of RPG since this game made by obsidian. But again, I gave up after first mission because there were too many issues, mainly the AI too broken and stealth is meh.
So I restarted the games, pick up the easiest difficulty and go for rambo build with assault rifle. I also made a promise to not use restart checkpoint incase I dun like certain dialogue choices outcome.
The game probably became too easy, but then it allow me to basically go fast with missions so I can finish the storyline much faster. There are tons of choices when you playing missions such as picking up main skill, weapons, gadgets, your bullet type, as well as choices on dialogue which will have impact in the future missions as you build / lose reputations.
Additional, you have couple of "mini-games" throughout the game where you need to master like decode encryption, picking up lock and disable the key door. Just take note that the game are not very friendly for keyboard and mouse, especially with the minigames and sniping.
Story wise, it is superb from the start as you trying to find person who responsible to shoot a missile to commercial airplane. It remind me of becoming like James Bond (well, the game title have Espionage RPG afterall) with multiple choices either you want to ally or hostile against particular agency.
Overall, I freaking love the story line for the series as I can be whatever type of agent when answering certain question. As for recommendation, play this game only if you can tolerate the gameplay issues because it is quite major (AI, gunplay, keyboard / mouse issue)

Suggestion : Splinter Cell Blacklist or modern Deus Ex for more better polished concept.

*I still have 3 levels to go with Doom, I already 100% all others levels and enjoying it even on hard difficulty. I havent finished because somehow i got 5 days off and i have to wait until monday to finish it. Im not gonna 100% all multiplayer achievement as I prefer to move on other game (and I dislike multiplayer game generally)
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lets re-review the game i finished recently.

1. Doom
Probably of the best shooter I played in recent year (another one would be the wolfenstein new order) that I enjoyed replay earlier level just to unlock all the gun mod and collecting all collectibles in each mission. Except for 1 bug where i cant get 1 collectible because somehow i have 1 mod extra thus unable to 100% it, so i rush the final 3 levels and plan to visit it in the future when i finally upgrade my home pc.
Main aspect why I loved is the gameplay variety between double jump, platforming, hide and seek, moving around in the arena, switching weapon according the encounter and dancing around the enemy. The game have enough variety where all weapon feel useful (except chaingun, i dont like it for some reason) and with addition of powerful weapon mod made me think about strategic use for each weapon.
I only finished the game on hard, so i dunno how harder it is but overall I love pretty much all variety of enemy in Doom. You first notice that Imp love to throw fireball toward area where you planned to go while dancing around. I thought the game was kinda hard and boring at the start, but it ramp up pretty fast around third level where i finally feel i mastered something. All enemies have their own distinct movement that you pretty will able learn the pattern once you played the game long enough.
Overall, I think Doom is must have for FPS player that despite era of modern military shooter and various indie old school shooter game, Doom bring a lot of new on the table and sucessfully balanced between those two playstyle at super high quality production (gosh i love the ending credit video)

2. Evoland 2
Nostalgia of playing old games is probably one the best thing to remember whenever you do something when you are old. This game is exactly the answer for that feeling. It borrow a lot of elements from earlier modern era game that made it more memorable.
Ok, pretty much I will say that the gameplay wise basically a simply RPG about traveling through era while having 3 different distinct graphic / artstyle (4 if you count gameboy style of super early era). There are a lot emphasize on time-travel and a lot of complex with time-related puzzle and quest as well. The term RPG might not exactly correct here you pretty only control 1 character, while you can call for your ally during charged attack.
Mechanic wise, I would say that it is not that deep so it is quite easy to pick up the game and go through without needing referring to a guide (i follow a walkthrough so i dont get lose / losing time though). However, as I mentioned about nostalgia, this game will go through various gameplay style from old day such as: platformer, sidescrolling, turn-based combat, tactical warfare, beat-em-up, guitar hero, fighting game, bomberman and etc. You pretty much just stick to normal hack n slash for most of the time though.
Overall, I think evoland 2 (i didnt have evoland 1, so i cant comment on that) is awesome for people who are grew in the 80s or 90s. Just dont expect a game that are too deep / complex as you playing it. For me, the game become much more enjoyable once you reach certain hours (probably about 3 hours in from 15 hours total)

Not sure what modern pc game i should play in my office atm, I think i run out of game except for maybe Shadow of Mordor dlc and dishonored (which I finished the pirate version before). Im going through several game I postponed (game that i uninstalled so i can replay in the future). I got several game for free recently and there are steam sales in coming next 2 weeks so I need to be prepared lol (aiming for arkham knight atm if got deep discount)
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Warhammer End Times - Vermintide

Basically a new l4d. Except that Ranged attacks are limited for all classes and that you're forced to go into melee range. Another good thing is: Each class has its own weapons. You can craft weapons, win weapons, change weapons and enhance weapons. This by itself takes quite a lot of grind to get some good stuff. You also have map-specific missions, which can get you special greater weapons.

There are tons of maps, though most require a DLC. But even the standard maps are more in total than there were in l4d. The graphics look great.

However the bots really suck. Never play with bots. Only play with other people.
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Prime_Evil wrote:https://streamable.com/bd5if

Nice one! Wish I could vote!
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HechtHeftig wrote:Nice one! Wish I could vote!

Yea i kinda got lucky that the other team was focused just too hard packed together and that pharah has just ulted so she couldnt run away from dva mech. it would be sextuple kill if that winston had his bubble on CD but he activated it just as mech exploded. sad. still gg.




https://streamable.com/wl4rn <- only reason that one got potg was because i stopped mccree from wiping at least 4 of my teammates with the ult, rein had used ult on them they were sitting ducks.
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Re-review couple of games that I postponed long time ago and recently finished it.

1. Deadcore

Basically a platformer that designed to be skilled based for speedrun. The goal is to climb tower in 5 different levels. Story pretty much none, but from my understanding it was to reset / restart a dead core for electricity or something, hence the title.

Gameplay wise, this one is FPS that required you to have precise aim while having good sense of timing your jump. At start you only have your gun and simple jump (i forgot if the game give you double jump or not immediately) and it become more complex later on. Another thing, aside from platformer, this game is kinda like puzzle where you need to figure on how to navigate through maze / levels to reach the end point. New skills that you will unlock are air dash, gravity gun (enable switch that allow you to walk on ceiling) and charged attack (allow rocket jump and charging certain switch). You have to manage your gun slightly, unless you managed to find secret to increase your ammo capacity (which i didnt)

Overall, game is quite nice when you mastered the movement / level although it can get frustrating on certain timing of the jump (quite tight). I recommend this game if you are into platforming as I feel like not many game out there (that i already played) that focused a lot of on jumping and navigating through puzzle.

Other recommendation:
1. Seum - Speedrunner from Hell : Another game I finished like recently, tons of small size level but required you to beat certain time limit.
2. Cluster Truck : This one slightly more random as you jump on a moving trucks rather than static platform
3. A Story about my uncle : This one is more about gliding with grapple and largely focused on story, got a lot of beautiful environment.

2. Azure Striker Gunvolt

Last time I stopped playing this game because I didnt understand the mechanic, so I postponed it until I recently search on youtube about the basic mechanic of the game. Just like megaman and mighty no 9, this game also have its own unique mechanic.

Ok, I admit that I didnt play the game like true hardcore player as you pretty much can grind same level over and over again for challenge completion and getting ingredient to craft your gear. Aside that, you have standard game but emphasize mostly on the character main power electricity. The basic gameplay is shoot to tag enemy, then use that flashfield to zap them to death. Additionally flashfield also allow character to hover slightly although you have to watch carefully for your energy meter.

As for boss variety, it is only 6 here and those boss only reward you with new gun / way to tag your enemy. So it pretty much doesnt feel like you gain any new toy to play around with. One of critic that I can think people will say is the graphic as it looked too low resolution, which is kinda expected as this game was ported from 3ds with dual-screen (hence why sometimes you have this weird setup on the monitor, apparently it was fixed via setting on my side so the game now play nicely on full screen)

Overall, I believe this game is a must have for fan who liked old megaman game as the developer was the one behind couple of megaman in the past. Although the game I feel like kinda lack of depth / mechanic, but it is quite a nice for people who like to aim for high score / grinding / crafting.

Other recommendation:
1. Strider : Similar futuristic world with fast paced combat focused on melee and boss battle, it is metrovania rather than level based game.
2. Valdis Story: Abyssal City : Similar graphic style but it is more like 2D souls game with fast paced combat, boss battle with metrovania world.

3. Aragami

I quite love certain design of stealth game, this indie certain is definitely not for everyone. You cant rambo in this game like many other game other there, as generally if you are spotted, you will raise alarm and die in one hit. However, you have one of the powerful tool in the game, which is shadow leap.

If you ever played any other stealth game, you generally will try to play with perfection with quick save / load, however this game used a checkpoint after you reached certain "safe area" or collected certain item. So the game are majorly about you dodging your enemy from one area to another area, with a lot of retries if you are terrible with it. The shadow leap i mentioned before are useful skill that allow you to jump from one area with shadow to another area with shadow, at limited distant. This will allow you to pass level easily. So this game is pretty much like puzzle navigating each level.

Personally, if Im not rushing to finish another game, I would easily 100% this game as the game is quite simple enough once you master it. One of the feature I liked with game that have collectible is the ability to find all hidden object in the level without requiring you to search on the internet. At the end of each level, you also will gain some medal depending on your playstyle of : not trigger any alarm, not kill anyone or kill everyone. The medal system encourage you to replay earlier level for juicy cosmetic or achievements

Overall, again I dont think this game is for everyone as the stealth system is quite rigid, you feel powerless, and it feel it is like budget indie game (which it is) but once you mastered it, you can jump in and out like a ninja.

Other recommendation:
1. Styx Master of Shadow : More polished game and more depth, with more verticality. One of my favourite game I played last year.
2. Dishonored : Again, more AAA game than Aragami that introduced the blink mechanic to game industry.
3. Volume : top view stealth game, feel like similar production value and gameplay, this game have tons of small size level though