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iwansquall wrote:3. Diablo 3
Newest PTR sounded promising, much easier to get powerlevel via set as you will obtained free ring of grandeur throughout the season. At the same time blackfriday offer on necro DLC, with 50% off. I know PoE next patch is big, but i will wait for bigger patch.

I assure you, while D3 barb and D2 barb at least feel somewhat similar, necro doesn't play like the D2 nec at all. And the lategame builds are all bad as well. The only reason to play necro in D3 is: the level 1 skill is AoE, whereas every other class only receives an AoE primary skill at level 7 or something.
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Not to mention that D3 forces you into playing the same meta builds everyone uses with full sets on if you want to do any sort of higher end endgame.

Im hyped about the complete revamp on the master's system in this new league. Also a new way to craft mods on gear if they are veiled. Lots more theorycrafting. I'll be very busy during the 4th December. Hype.
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Appreciated the input, but I kinda put low expectation from d3 regardless.
It is kinda one of the game that is fun for casual player (like me) which speed up much faster from scratch than PoE, but have much lower top speed for end game for content wise.

I doubt i will put hundred of hours here, but I can guaranteed i will have much more fun ssf in d3 than in PoE (which usually designed for people who like to play multiple playthrough in 1 season, which im not). Plan to tackle necro + WD if possible, that is the last 2 class i never played at all in d3 (while usually 1 league = 1 build for me in PoE), which i will try all possible sets and skill combination.

I fatigued easily from grinding same game over and over again, I had enough with bestiary last time(still it was 120 hours from steam duration played) and couldnt push toward endgame in that short league because I just get bored easily. This D3 gameplay probably I only aimed like 40 hours.
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Okay, let me rephrase that. If you want a build that‘s focused around minions, use a wd. Basic gameplay: turn into a chicken, and run faster than any other build to the next champion pack, while ignoring everything else, then check where your 3 golems are, and throw the Piranhanado Right at their feet, then watch how the champion pack on T10+dies in a splitsecond, and repeat.

Necro isn‘t focusing on minions at all. The minions are just random adds that don‘t do much.

But either way, you‘ll notice it for yourself so hf!
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I play fallout 76 but it's like 6/10 . So I want to try something new. I'm thinking of red dead redemption 2. Any opinions on this game? And where could i get it? I know just Eneba G2a. Amazon or Ebay are quite expensive..
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Kraken Guard
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Supersalmas2 wrote:I play fallout 76 but it's like 6/10 . So I want to try something new. I'm thinking of red dead redemption 2. Any opinions on this game? And where could i get it? I know just Eneba G2a. Amazon or Ebay are quite expensive..

Prime_Evil wrote:Red Dead Redemption 2.

Rockstar does it again. The only 4 open world games that feel genuinely alive and with a great story imo are Witcher 3, Grand Theft Auto 5 (yes i know bit of a cliché but i have to admit its a pretty good game for what it is) Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. Coincidentally Rockstar dev'd 3 of those i named so i can see a pattern.

But yeah this game is amazing, from the customization of your clothes/guns (you can even engrave them) to the crafting/hunting and of course being one with the inner outlaw.

I would give this a 10/10 but i wont for 2 reasons , no game is ever that perfect and there are still some annoying glitches with horses pathfinding trapping you inside buildings as you try to get out forcing you to load a previous game or something, and other inventory related, from the ones i experienced. So ill rate this one an 9/10, its the open world game ill rate against any other open world game with that kind of polished aspirations. Happy trails, pardner.


So yeah its pretty good.
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Supersalmas2 wrote:I play fallout 76 but it's like 6/10 . So I want to try something new. I'm thinking of red dead redemption 2. Any opinions on this game? And where could i get it? I know just Eneba G2a. Amazon or Ebay are quite expensive..

Several games I bought via G2a were removed from my steam library by steam without any notice within a week of purchase. Never buy via G2A. Those are mostly stolen keys. So all you support that way is hacking of other players (and eventually yourself). Just wait until it‘s in a sale.
Onyx Knight
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Post-Immoral therapy sessions with Belzebub are just pure pleasure.

Into bloody depths of Meating Room... Butch is now painting floor tiles. King Leoric droped my first set item in the mod.


Update: He didnt make it with Lightning Enchantement encounter, rip.

Second hardcore Belzebub attempt, this time with stick roleplaying Drognan.

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Super Mario Odyssee. It was on discount so I bought it.

Honestly, I‘ve never played a Mario game before except the Mario bros. Game on the SNES. And I don‘t feel like I like this game due to some annoying game mechanics. For example, you can only talk to someone if you stand perfectly still. It now happens that when a different character I want to talk to stands near an edge, instead of talking to him, I jump. And then I have to do it all over from the checkpoint because I Die.

Which leads me to my next point: getting the moons is so awefully easy. There are 2-3 in each level that are actually hard, but aside from that it‘s really boring and more of a collecting game instead of an adventure game.

Also coins: you get so freaking many coins, and you still only lose 10 per death. I‘ll have you know I have about 1500 coins with nothing left to buy until the next level. It‘s like there‘s a hyperinflation. Also bowser is an underappreciated nice guy for hiding coins for Mario behind his wedding posters.

Also you always have to play a level twice. Once to shoo away bowser and after bowser left, many other options suddenly arise, doors become open, and you can explore more.

Yes it‘s an exploration game, but since you only collect things all the time of which you usually already have too much (coins and supermoons) while you have no death panelty except those 10 coins and being resetted to the last checkpoint 5 meters away from your death point, it‘s rather a boring exploration game.

There are sequences where you have to play in old 2D Manner. And that’s quite fun. In addition to that, I‘m astonished how much love for the detail they put into the game and how well it looks. For example right in the first world, the caves and doors look like hats (which is the Main theme of this Game already) and in the city map, the ?boxes are where the traffic lights should be. That‘s nice details I have come to like.

Still,the gameplay is not to my liking. I still can‘t regularly and successfully make a tripple jump because the controls feel clunky.

Also the bosses are all so easy. There‘s only one boss I had to do twice (the Crystal hands guy) because I reached him with only 1/3rd of a heart. I was basically a 1-hit.

PS: I feel like Nintendo wanted to make fun of sega‘s sonic with this game... after all, Mario can continuously roll just like sonic and is faster than casually walking that way. Also... rings (which give coins). It‘s like nintendo kicked sonic‘s balls lol.

Anyway. If this game is no. 2 on the Switch, I honestly can‘t believe that there‘s such a huge jump between no. 1 and 2 (Zelda being place 1). I‘ll still play through it, though I probably start rushing on the „story“ now.
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Playing :
1. Mad Max :
Much more enjoyable than I expected and people review about it. Basically it give you big playground with ability to upgrade your car and your skill (although skill tree is pretty boring). The combat although it is not as fluid as arkham series, my gosh the sound and impact look much better here. You can hear the bone and flesh being squished. Not sure how long the game will be, but i got feeling that i will try to 100% the map just like i did for arkham knight.

2. Hitman 2
After I got Hitman 2016, I know that you able to play that game on newer engine with Hitman 2. So far the control is hard to get used to, probably because I still have muscle memory from playing MGSV. I dont remember that hitman being this hard on normal (professional difficulty) or having such a large field of vision. So the gameplay is much more toward isolating your target and take them out alone.

Best part of hitman franchise now is that each level have much higher replayable value. So instead of shoving long cutscene about target at the beginning you able to play part of the "event / story mission" in different playthrough and learn more about target. Im not gonna play the game until mastery or get higher point, Im probably will just tackle all story missions and be done with the game. Definitely a step toward blood money gameplay with gorgeous graphic (although absolution have much better graphic)

3. Danmaku Unlimited 3
What is more worse than hundreds of bullets flooding your screen? how about each bullets have rapid flashing light enough trigger seizures / eye constraints for normal user. Thankfully it is a budget title, gameplay is nothing to say much except it is like traditional arcade shmup with fast moving bullet rather than slower beautiful pattern like this touhou series. Couldnt pass the normal mode as the 3rd boss suddenly have difficulty spike and with 1 credit, it is just not enough. Somehow this game have different progression system where you can unlock new weapons after finishing some objectives, so Im probably not interested in all that. The Rock background music is awesome though.

1. The Swindle
A game that I postponed last time because of terrible control. I redownload this because I wanted to play something light with my new controller. Sadly the game have more issue with the control. I would say that this is probably one of the only rogue-lite gameplay that I can stand where you try to go into a certain area, steal all the money and go back safely. Upgrade system is pretty nice with various tool and gadget that help to steal money faster. After get enough money, you can unlocked new harder area with more complex guards and drones. If the game have limited of 99 days, I guess I finally beaten the game about 200++ days of retrying... as I lost several earlier playthrough.

2. Gorogoa
MY FREAKING GOD, i shouldve read the review first before buying this, because price wise it is not worth it. I admit the game is mind-bending puzzle, but as someone who already play this type of puzzles throughout my life, this is just too short as I finished in just ONE FREAKING HOUR (insert angry joe voice here). You probably should just watch a playthrough of this game as it doesnt have much anything to offer aside of the awe from discovering the solution for the first time. Worst case? It have achievement that required you to finish this game within 30 minutes, finishing it with less clicks or tackle certain puzzle with first try.

VR Title:
1. Galgun VR
Have been wishlisting this since i got VR, finally decided to buy it during autumn sales. I can simply say that this game have the best shooting mechanic for VR simply because it have target reticule on the destination than relying on laser sight or aim down sight (seriously, it is pretty hard on VR). I know the game is short with only 8 levels, but Im probably will enjoy it slowly and trying to unlock all achievements (get gold rating and take panty shots for many girls). Gameplay wise, it is simply. Shoot the girls until ecstasy,and then suck their mini demons.

2. Airtone
A more pleasant VR rhythm game than beat saber at least to me. It focused not just on flick motion, but long holding notes as well. My only issue is that press trigger on VR controller too much is not comfortable tbh. The gameplay is pretty much going a long winding "tunnel" where you need to hit notes at the correct position in circle formation (meaning you do need to hold your hand above your head). It can be play easily while sitting, although some harder notes is pretty hard to used to. Definitely good games if you pretty anime or japanese style rhythm games. (as beat saber map generally more toward western songs)

*Seem like most of viveport games I can download for free each month are freaking terrible. Some better game are not available with subscription and out of 5 games I downloaded, only 3 are decent for me.