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I rarely promote sale, but TQ have freaking new expansion!
Im probably will wait for more discount as I bought too many games atm.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1071 ... _Atlantis/
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Finished Assassin Creed Unity

As standard for me when I playing AC, usually i just rushing main story lines without doing much side content. I tried to do some them, but it feel like too much chores and not straight forward (meaning take like 5 minute per 1 marker sometimes). I also didnt feel like wanted to play the DLC because of several i have with this games.

First of all, AC Unity is the first version for gen .. 8 i think (xbox one, ps4) console, thus generally the developer have to transition to some sort of new engine. One thing I noticed from the get good is now the parkour are a bit more freeflow and less rigid. Basically it used a lot of context sensitive and guess on what you wanted to do. I did like it at first, until I feel like i fighting my controller and the character is not moving according to what i wanted despite pressing to correct button.

Gameplay, AC Unity focused more on busy city, kinda remind me of 1st / 2nd AC. Additionally the world are very detailed and you can get into most of the buildings in the games. I could say that this probably the most detailed environment I have played for open world (The division also quite detailed as well), which kinda made it fun to explore the city. Combat however, is the weakest because this isnt free flow combat like arkham series nor it is binary like previous AC installment. You kinda have to time your block and you will be punished for spamming attack too much. Enemy simply can attack you while you doing other animation and my biggest gripe is riflemen feel like having sniper scope that can detect and hit you precisely from far away. I face some many death and it feel cheap.

Story wise, it pretty straight forward revenge story which some political stuff during french revolution. I didnt care much the story but i could say that game lack of interesting characters unlike previous AC (aside from maybe... his girlfriend and Napoleon). I dont feel much effect of assassin vs templar plot, but there is some hidden conspirator who murdered our protagonist close person. I dont think I can considered enjoyed the game because solely of my issues with the game mechanic problems.
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A Plague Tale : Innocence.

Rats. A lot of rats. Like, hundreds of them rendered at once. Its actually not a bad game if you like stealth based games as simplistic as it can get. Nice story too.
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finished A Plague Tale Innocence.

pretty decent, though i found the puzzles to be very predictable to solve at most of the game. still, the rats mechanics which i wont be spoiling are pretty well done.


starting Rage 2 now , but i heard its not that great, we'll see.
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Have been cursed with too many open world games, the games i currently playing based on priority:

1. Assassin Origin : Could be the best AC games i ever played
2. Just Cause 3 : Fun and simple mayhem, somehow playing with controller is more easier than keyboard / mouse
3. Sniper Elite 3 : A bit more open area a bit than number 2, playing on hard was too slow. Picked casual and 360noscope everyone
4. Wandersong : Chill non violent game about bard saving world with singing
5. Neptunia VII : Struggled abit to continue playing it
6. And several mobile titles which I just played enough to daily quests
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All I need now is some RAGE 2 and I'm happy!

Yes I know the story is subbar, the main antagonist is trash, and the open-world is endlessly empty, but I dont play this one for these aspects.

I just like to cause mayhem and disruption and find newer, better, and meaner ways to oblierate the camps that oppose me! RAWR!
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Anyone playing NO MANS SKY ?

Theyve patched it up pretty well, I cant seem to put it down for more than a day or 2....
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iwansquall wrote:I rarely promote sale, but TQ have freaking new expansion!
Im probably will wait for more discount as I bought too many games atm.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1071 ... _Atlantis/

Thanks for this, I had no idea they made a new expansion! Ragnarok was kind of a let-down but this seems to be pretty sweet, at least on paper.

Downloading right now.
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Again, random promotion as I still finishing my current games.

https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110 ... 8543594121
Several games is free to play over weekend
Specifically Grim Dawn, which Im sure some of you guys wanted to try it first before buying.

Im sure I will (although I have to postpone my other games for awhile)
which grimdawn build can i play super fast to finish the easiest difficulty? Vanilla grimdawn of course
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Now with end of free weekend for Grim Dawn, I managed to squeeze about 20 hours in and finishing normal difficulty with veteran setting.
But before i begin doing short review for Grim Dawn, i would like to stay when i replaying Titan Quest again 2 years ago, i cant get into it anymore because on how slow the game progression are, to a point where I have to mod the game myself to make it much faster (there is fastest setting, but still not fast enough) which I made potion cheaper, extra exp per kill and much faster movespeed / atkspeed / cast speed.

The short word I can say about Grim Dawn is : Im disappointed.

Not because it is a bad games, but the similarity between this game and Titan Quest is too much. And judging from design, it feel like a game from 2010s, from skill design, quest design, itemization, and lack of QoL that I have with several ARPG i played. I really want to go at least more than my usual review on why I felt that this wouldnt be a game that I want to purchase unless the game have some sort of GotY with all expansion.

World / Story / Setting:
I cant say much about the story because i mostly skipped all of the dialogue, but what I got from couple of the story is the world are suddenly invaded by green crystal? monster? ghost? that overrun the world. So human band together in group (or factions) to ensure their survival. I believe in order to prove yourself not an evil person, you walk around doing quests and slaying monster. As for world setting, this remind me so much of other ARPG i played. Everything feel dark and depressing but it feel doesnt big and grand either.

Pick 3 core skill, and get all passive or mana reserved stuff. This is main reason why I disliked TQ design when I think back about it. It is lacked of active combat skill (mostly mobility) where the gameplay is feel less tactical and more toward facetanking. I made a 2hand weapon druid (shaman and...i forgot the elemental tree, anarchist?) so I just pick 1 main skill, 1 secondary and 1 facetanking helper. And i killed the last boss with minor dodging. Speaking of bosses, it doesnt feel grand, and forgetable that it doesnt feel like end of act when defeat a boss. The devotion system i liked, which added much more customization which TQ lacked in general (stat + weak skill design), but... everything is Proc-fest.

Other system:
Faction system and dialogue choice is neat addition, although Im not sure if it fit in ARPG world without much narrative aside from getting specific loot from specific faction. I didnt managed to fully utilize them since I didnt get too high faction rank. But I can see that there are even more customization option for your gear behind higher tier and level requirement. Additionally, I like the ability to craft certain component now, although I didnt use much aside from creating the ....artifact? charm? that give passive bonus. With addition of crafting component, there are several stuff that was added into the game as some sort of keys item (dynamite, shard) which i feel weird, because most of them are rarely hard to come by and it only limit from venturing that optional area, until you got enough level anyway. The one I couldnt manage to clear was the skeleton key area, which all 3 have been 5 level higher than mine, which is tough as I didnt focus on survivability.

Grim Dawn tread the same path like Titan Quest, that couldve do a lot of more improvement but didnt. Again, not a bad games but i dont feel it as modern ARPG should be (grimdawn release after 2015 iirc). I believe many aspect from Titan Quest overshadowed this game by miles, although grim dawn win on skill proc variety. If you havent play titan quest, I recommend this.

Alternative ARPG that I played: Diablo 3 (most casual, best combat engine), Path of Exile (more depth than many other), Van Hellsing series (ok this is quite bad optimized game), Victor Vran (which have several system I liked), Titan Quest (grander world setting, boss fight), Torchlight series (cartoony, but boss fight in no2 is neat)

Im sorry if I rushed this game too much and didnt give full analysis until third difficulty. But throughout there games, there are many times that I feel like want to stop playing and doesnt care about the game at all. Mostly lack of feeling that you progressed by getting new skill or getting new interesting stuff. Now this is done, I can go back trying to 100% Assassin Creed Origins and the DLC.