D2Stats 3.11.1

Discuss Median XL!
Acid Prince
45 | 1
Any word or anyone have any luck wit the "Failed Too many times" error / auto close ? It's driving me insane
1 | 0
So the tool itself works like when I click on reads, it takes in my character's info fine. But hotkey stuff isn't generally working like showing items at all times. Nothing happens when I hit home
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Hello, Im level 115 first hero ever. I made a custom notification/filter for Median XL Sigma inside D2Stats.
What i would like is to have a good "for all" filter for lvl 100-150 if its possible.
This is currently a custom pre-alpha 0.1 version filter. So dont expect much atm.
I will for my personal usage modifie this filter to be more like i want and show u the next version later.
But i need your help/info to tell me what could be change/remove/add.
I know theres alot of mistake inside this custom filter n thats why i want your help/idea :) thx
Positive or Negative comment. Plz let me know everything u think bout that.

hide 1 2 3 4 low normal superior magic rare
show sacred eth superior rare
#show "itemname" sacred superior
#show "itemname1|itemname2|itemnameX" sacred rare
hide sacred low normal superior magic rare
hide "Ring$|Amulet$" magic #rare
hide "Jewel" magic #rare
hide "Quiver" normal magic #rare

show "(Elemental|Legendary|Primal|Great|On|Lai|Nih) (?=Rune)" #|^Perfect
hide "Amethyst|Topaz|Sapphire|Emerald|Ruby|Diamond|Skull$|Onyx|Bloodstone|Turquoise|Amber|Rainbow Stone"
hide "Rune|^Gold|^Key$|(Healing|Mana|^Reju.*) Potion"

1 2 3 4 unique
sacred unique
sacred eth unique rare superior
"Ring$|Amulet$" unique rare
"Jewel" unique rare
"Quiver" unique #rare

"Quest Item|Cube Reagent|Belladonna|Apple|Shrine \(10|Vessel|Wings|Enchanting|Cycle|Trophy|Emblem|Orb\|"
"On Rune|Lai Rune|Nih Rune|Great Rune|Runestone|Essence$|Kabra|Greater Signet|Signet of Learning|Evil Eye.+|Brain|.+Sigil$"
"Slee|Umba|Vial|Visi|Weat|Xaza|Zaka|Decoy|Gidbi|Wirt|Forge|Horad|Kings|Jade|Bird|I Am|Assur|Esen|Malah|Cluster|Congrat|Seal$|perma|Bag|Book|Sunstone|Worldstone|Elemental|Scroll|Soul|Key|Khalim|Shard|^Eye|Amulet of|Ring of|Cherry|berry|FLYING|Sins|Repo|Road|Butc|Astro|Azmo|Caoi|Fusio|Corru|Medal|Drago|bane|Etern|Fool|Taan|Torch|Horaz|Idol|Laser|Lega|Lyl|Spid|Neut|Nexu|Opti|Rath|Shad|Silv|Herb"
#"Elixir|Great Rainbow Stone|Great Skull|Great Topaz|Great Saphire|Great Ruby" #Cant find in website

Please evrybody show your own filter so we can learn from each other maybe ? :) well me i will learn from almost everybody cause im not that good.

Can u guys also tell me what are all the 'syntax' inD2Stats im kinnda noob n learned from looking other Filter.
i only know "" | ^ $ * () #
I woul like to know what evry does exactly ? please
Also all the word list could be nice to have but i think its already all in "Help"? from D2Stats Notifier?
Edited by Median-XXL 5 years.
Pit Knight
109 | 0
hi, pls check mine, im sure u can take a couple lines (tho im still viewing tiered uniques ill hide them later...)

also dont forget to add -sound1 etc if care,
► here it goes, a bit simplified runes, hide gold which is useless autopickup anyway, then those crappy pots etc
p.s. u can test each line of code inside d2stats app - help window (need d2 running) to understand what it does
p.p.s and last but not least most of this can be put in 5 times less lines eventually (for sake)
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Thx for all that info. I have alot of questions
► All Questions here
Edited by Median-XXL 5 years.
Pit Knight
109 | 0
Median-XXL wrote:I have alot of questions
► ok sorry ive got no mana to organize my answer properly, ill just put everything in 1 place in random order
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Lol no worry about that, look how i throwed all questions. giving a awnser in any way is greatly appreciate :P
Ok thx alot for all precious awnsers^^
The 'Etherial' part make me confuse.
I m so lost when its come bout etherial and superior
What i would like to have is a maybe not 100% perfect filter, but that could work with all high level. not for specific build.
So are theses 2 lines ok?
show sacred eth    	rare superior
hide sacred low normal superior magic rare

Sure it might show too many drop but if it can be bad for 1 build i dont wanna change it so
I dont understand what line i could use instead. That could work with evrybody

Ok i made the filter 0.1.2 should be a bit better

and are all sigils + yellow quiver/amu/ring/jewel are bad? should i hide them too?
5 | 0
hi, thanks for the tool got 2 errors:
1. unknow notifier 'seti' in line: seti

2. "Copy item text" is not working for me. It says in log that something is coped, but in my buffer I see only "" symbol.
23 | 4
think that #1 means youve got a typo in your notifier list- somewhere in there you have "seti" instead of "set" for set items.
#2- pretty sure the copy item function hasnt been working last few patches...
23 | 4
Also just thought id mention i noticed a large (~30%) jump in CPU usage with latest patch.
even with d2stats sounds function disabled, its still there, so not related to audio features.

And its coming from the notifier function specifically when enabled; the drop filter works just fine as per usual by itself.

i reverted to old version to test a bit with identical notifier entries, and its definitely significant on this latest version.
There was similar issue few updates ago iirc-- maybe its back again?

anyone else notice this or is it jusy POS cpu ?