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Anonymous: wrote:Maybe someone is offended by him mentioning some names. Fixed the count.

What a pity. I already gathered my statistical sources in case somebody wanted to argue against what I said. Guess I can delete those links now :D

The only person in this list that could be slightly controversial imho is Ben Chapiro because of his signature quote: "Facts don't care about your feelings". But that name should only offend SJW's and illiterate simps. So I guess everything's alright :D

Jordan Peterson is also controversial as his "controversy" comes from a similar background, even though all he wanted was to defend free speech, which SJW's tried to get rid of, but honestly I can't imagine how anyone could really hate this guy - teaching extremely important life lessons at harvard which he uploads to youtube. He is the pinnacle of what a man should strive to be imho. One of the most intelligent, intellectual and eloquent people alive. Hence I wouldn't be able to understand anybody actually hating him.

Thanks for keeping the count up, even if that number is something I don't care about. But I take that as a sign of good will and kindness, so thank you for that.

Back on topic:

I just recently read a study that coffee can reduce your desire to smoke. So I've been drinking a cup of coffee these past 2 days and my desire to smoke was gone for the whole day. Stopped smoking essentially 2 days ago. Feels good so far. Once I'm over cigarettes, getting rid of coffee as a replacement drug should be easy.
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Anonymous: wrote:Trying to reduce time spend on pc in general. Yesterday was success. Went to bed at 10pm, at 2 am woke up already rested and full of energy. But slep to 6am and feeling great.

That is hard, I have my pc on always. Mostly music or some series playing.

ParticuLarry wrote:I just recently read a study that coffee can reduce your desire to smoke. So I've been drinking a cup of coffee these past 2 days and my desire to smoke was gone for the whole day. Stopped smoking essentially 2 days ago. Feels good so far. Once I'm over cigarettes, getting rid of coffee as a replacement drug should be easy.

That is interesting. I have never smoked tobacco (well some random drunk-stuff) but I wonder how coffee makes you less interest on niconte.
Ice Clan
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Jampula wrote:
ParticuLarry wrote:I just recently read a study that coffee can reduce your desire to smoke. So I've been drinking a cup of coffee these past 2 days and my desire to smoke was gone for the whole day. Stopped smoking essentially 2 days ago. Feels good so far. Once I'm over cigarettes, getting rid of coffee as a replacement drug should be easy.

That is interesting. I have never smoked tobacco (well some random drunk-stuff) but I wonder how coffee makes you less interest on niconte.

According to what I read, it's not actually about the tobacco. Caffeine however reduces your desire for sugar. And cigarettes are pumped with sugar and honey (the latter mainly for the smell)

That's also the reason why people get fat after they stop smoking. They suddenly crave much more sugar.
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ParticuLarry wrote:That's also the reason why people get fat after they stop smoking. They suddenly crave much more sugar.

That I have read. It's weird how nitocing and sugar have such a connectiont.
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Just got a call from a friend. There are amph great amounts enough for the country.
Am I becoming an serious addict?

Sometimes it just scares me. The reatalizion how easily you can get everything, even make them.
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Jampula wrote:No surprise, another run again! My brother just left so I decidet to smack my up op.

Didn't read entire thread. Whats your drug of choice if I may ask?
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Taem wrote:
Jampula wrote:No surprise, another run again! My brother just left so I decidet to smack my up op.

Didn't read entire thread. Whats your drug of choice if I may ask?

you may. Mostly alcohol, meth and weed. Sometimes relaxing stuff like benzos.
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Ten years ago, I had a serious meth problem and used continually for 1-year. When I finally pulled myself away from it, it literally took a full entire year to recover because every memory and thought was attached to the feeling of being high! I had to make myself realize what I was feeling being sober was normal, and rewire my thinking. I'll never forget the first month I stopped, I'd dream I just did a line and wake up feeling high as a kite for maybe 60-seconds before it faded... I saw such terrible things during my time using, focusing on all of those negative things helped me realize I never wanted to do it ever again! That and seeing some relatives in AA say they were addicts for life resisting the urge to use... I didn't want to resist anything, I wanted to overcome it! I made myself fucking hate meth, and to this day, I can't even take sudafed because it reminds me too much of meth and I instantly get sick! Idk how I got my body to react that way, but it does. I can never be around it anymore because it disgusts me so much. Lol, the shit I've seen... I'm sure you've seen your fair share as well though. Nobody get out from meth unscathed.
Edit: I think one of the hardest things to let go was smoking it in a glass. I can't explain why, it was so satisfying watching the crystals turn to liquid then smoke and keeping the shit from burning rotating the glass dick. Did you ever try a hot rail?

Anyway, when I got divorced four years or so ago, I was practically drinking xanax morning, noon, and night. IDK how I got my doctors to give me so much... Basically 2 sandbars a day, I'd store them up for a week or two, then binge with some shots of goldenslogger or fireball. Although for benzos, valium was my drug of choice. I switched to Kratom tinctures for awhile but I swear to Jesus some of them must have been laced with fentynol because it felt literally just like smoking heroin. Anyway, when I broke my depression, I stopped all of that as well, about a year ago. Now I'm just Mr. Boring, drinking mostly water with a coffee every now and again, lolol.
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Taem wrote:Did you ever try a hot rail?

What is that? My english is a bit weak.

But damn you had some serious experienses. I hope some day I can get to where you are at: "boring dude" :D

I also remember when I was in prison or rehab the feelings that comes every freaking morning that thought you were using or wanting. That made me so aggressive, well still does.
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In response to Jampula