Remake laz

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Remake laz …
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Bone Archer
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It's been remade. You would hate the old Laz
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ApolloNine wrote:It's been remade. You would hate the old Laz

Remake it again! The most sold charm (people dont want to do this uber) ”only” doable for assassin/paladin.
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I agree 100%...its just senseless
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Horadric Mage
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remake scorpin blade sin, so op a build that Piranha Swarm/Zayl's Temptation is too high in early ladder I cant afford it! So u should nerf scorpin sin!
remake guard tower! The relic is unaffordable! So u should nerf GT/GT relic!
remake heart of the darkness! I cant do it so u should remake it!
remake 100% Deimos! I cant do it so u should remake it!
remake laz! I cant do it so u should remake it! (From what I know, sorc/ama/barb...they all can do it)
All what u cant do or dislike but others can is just senseless and should be remaked? Nice point!
Yeah, I do agree on nerfing scorpin blade sin, Mirage/WYRD. These should be nerfed cause they somehow surely break the balance, but laz doesnt.
And for azure. If it is -0.5 hp per vit, the damage should be 105% rather than 90%. If it is -0.9 hp per vit as what it is now, the damage should be 120%-130% rather than 100%.
Btw, more drop rate of dream 5 next ladder, plz.
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Eh, Laz is ok. It's just hard. It's one of the few quests that still requires practice and skill to win instead of winning because you threw enough TG at it. The only really frustrating part is when you're sure your aim is true, but then you see your Purify bolt casually float right past Laz. But that's kinda true of all Purify fights.

Plenty of builds can do Laz. Paladin just has a better skillset than every other class, so Paladin is good at everything.
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Bone Archer
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People have forgotten this game was not pay to play at one point. Get good and learn the Uber or just pay to get it. Every char can kill Laz now....
Grouchy Smurf
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It's a cancer fight and shouldn't be in the game.
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This is exactly what i wanted. Some feel as me and some feel that its a good fight. Discussion to maybe remake fight. It has been the same for many ladders now. My ”guess” is that 7%/100 or less is doing this fight. My idea is a remake so 90% at least want to do it. Not all can finish deimoss but everyone is doing labs . There is still good motivation , as for laz all ive heard is that the motivation is zero. Players are doing as a choir just to get the charm. Whats the fun in this? Ive done it and yeah… not a fun nor challenging fight. Just cancer as someone above described it. And this is just MY opinion. Not trying to make people change their minds, but make moderaters consider a change
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cnlnjzfjb wrote:remake scorpin blade sin, so op a build that Piranha Swarm/Zayl's Temptation is too high in early ladder I cant afford it! So u should nerf scorpin sin!
remake guard tower! The relic is unaffordable! So u should nerf GT/GT relic!
remake heart of the darkness! I cant do it so u should remake it!
remake 100% Deimos! I cant do it so u should remake it!
remake laz! I cant do it so u should remake it! (From what I know, sorc/ama/barb...they all can do it)
All what u cant do or dislike but others can is just senseless and should be remaked? Nice point!
Yeah, I do agree on nerfing scorpin blade sin, Mirage/WYRD. These should be nerfed cause they somehow surely break the balance, but laz doesnt.
And for azure. If it is -0.5 hp per vit, the damage should be 105% rather than 90%. If it is -0.9 hp per vit as what it is now, the damage should be 120%-130% rather than 100%.
Btw, more drop rate of dream 5 next ladder, plz.

You are missing my point. Agreed on your
Notes on wyrd, azure. Wyrd sorc with 400k magic damage is not balance. Plowing thru t10 with No problems. My point is that the charms players just buy is an indication that the boss itself isnt fun. If there is a remake , maybe players would enjoy the game more. The playing experience and that the game feelS including should be prioritized. Not everyone can kill deimoss - but! Almost all players are labbing. There is good motivation to still do labS and a dream to do deimoSS.