Thank you Siosilvar

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Cow Ninja
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Siosilver is leaving? That sucks, frankly.

Although he says he wasn't good at accepting criticism, I beg to differ. He was always open to discussing things whenever i asked a question, and I never felt talked down to, or insulted etc. I found him engaging, and I always enjoyed sharing ideas with him, regardless of whether I agreed with him or not.

You'll be missed Siosilvar. My humble thanks, and appreciations, sir.
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Oh, I see the thread now! Its locked and I only ever check the recent posts on the front screen. Well that sucks! I felt Sio and I had similar visions for this mod, wheras Suchbalance' vision is more akin to hulk smash. Oh well. This mod is great, actually the very best of the best, but as always, my wishlist is to return duncraig back to OG teleport maps, k3kba to invincible skeles, butcher to only capable of being struck within circle, and punishers in traps. Everything else about this mod is so perfect!
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Appreciate you siosilvar - you were always fun on discord!

For anyone wondering what's being talked about.

"Effective a few hours ago, I have resigned from being on the dev team. Creative differences have started to become untenable and I draw the line at having my work belittled.

Thank you to everyone who's contributed feedback to the mod over the past two years; I know I haven't always been the best at accepting criticism but I do my best to put it aside to improve the game. I've left my notes with the rest of the team and now it's time for a break.

Sio out."
Edited by Uubie 3 months.
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You were the only one among devs who consistently interacted with the people on the forum and IMO you did an amazing job here.
I think the forum is worse off for you leaving and without a doubt you will be missed.

In terms of gameplay, I assume much of what was implemented is an amalgamation of different ideas from different people, so I don't feel confident to speak on that.

Regardless, as you referred to you quitting as taking a break I'm sure this is not the last we've seen of you. Take care.
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Sad, we need more devs to interact with players on forum but we just lost 1.
Hope coming back with 3.0?
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She was such a big part of the community, I am sad to see her go :(
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Sand Maggot
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Sio, I'm really sad to see you go :(

Despite me missing 2 years of Median community life, I can see your guides, your thoughts and all the effort you've put into the game. You always seem very fair with your judgements. I appreciate your sense of humor too :)

Thank you for answering all my stupid mechanics / codeability questions. You didn't have to spend your time on it, yet you did.

I truly wish you return to us one day, love
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I haven't played in a while, but I remember you as a dedicated and helpful. Thank you and good fortune :)