Looking forward to 2.9

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Bone Archer
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Anyone else looking forward to 2.9?

I am checking discord everyday to see the 2.9 announcement.
Anyone know when it will be announced?

I am excited for it!

I have been trying to get to Lab T10 for awhile now.

Anyone have a build recommendations for me?
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Stygian Watcher
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It had better be soon and with lots of class changes because I am so bored.
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hopefully they wont wait until poe new league
Core Lord
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They won't be 2.9
Next patch will be 3.0, and as far I know, it will not happen before months
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Ice Clan
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blatkill wrote:They won't be 2.9
Next patch will be 3.0, and as far I know, it will not happen before months

They said 2.9 will happen, and possibly 2.10 as well.
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Uubie wrote:
blatkill wrote:They won't be 2.9
Next patch will be 3.0, and as far I know, it will not happen before months

They said 2.9 will happen, and possibly 2.10 as well.

iirc is was said that there will no big updates content/build wise, which will be in 3.0 (towards the end of the year, along with a full safe wipe iirc?), instead updates will contain smaller gimmicks like what is happening atm with monster shuffle mayhem..
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ngl sio leaving put a dent in my hopes for 3.0
Bone Archer
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I will be happy with anything. I just want to play more.
Bone Archer
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Should we setup a fans event? Everyone starts with fresh char, no trading, and first to get to lab 10 gets X TG. I can throw in 500tg
Bone Archer
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Or something like that. I am a newb, I need help with ideas.