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tantrum = barrage clone? in what planet? :D
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wychwind have far superior aoe than tantrum ans it haevn't beed touched in years than why now tantrum have to be nerfed ? just because suchbalance make a good guide about it or what ? Maybe we shoudl fallow this and nerf all multihitting skills just because.
Bone Archer
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Laz once added ND to tantrum guess what happened? :roll:
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i know what happed, i have been played in that time so i know :)
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Son of Lucion
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What have you done with Psionic Storm oskill? Seems totally bugged.

The effect itself is different from the sin skill.

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Description states it requires claw or naginata, and the damage sucks. It also spawns on the player's feet, instead of on target, contrary to the description.

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Scepter of Tremain (Scepter SU) have %bonus to searing glow dazzling duration.

Since searing glow no longer a pally class skill (oskill still obtainable), this affix seem useless.
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Lava Lord
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"Mage" aka Caster Druid suggestions:
- Mythal having a different way of being cast, maybe such as Paladins Vindicate ability. That way you have more freedom kiting/moving around.
- TU Flamen Staff Oskill Charm has the same cooldown timer as Mythal. Please let it be in the same group as Elvensong.
- A better consistency of resistances on mobs. It seems very random which mob is fire or cold resistant in some cases and you can't prepare for it.
- Change Rain of Fire into an ability like Chronofield - he needs some kind of kiting tool which still allows him to move.
- Caster druids don't have any passive abilities - how about an aoe root that triggers after a certain damage threshold has occured?
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Crowned wrote:"Mage" aka Caster Druid suggestions:
- Mythal having a different way of being cast, maybe such as Paladins Vindicate ability. That way you have more freedom kiting/moving around.
- TU Flamen Staff Oskill Charm has the same cooldown timer as Mythal. Please let it be in the same group as Elvensong.
- A better consistency of resistances on mobs. It seems very random which mob is fire or cold resistant in some cases and you can't prepare for it.
- Change Rain of Fire into an ability like Chronofield - he needs some kind of kiting tool which still allows him to move.
- Caster druids don't have any passive abilities - how about an aoe root that triggers after a certain damage threshold has occured?

1) You want it untimered ???? - op as hell
2) Theres either a timer or no timer - we need whist to have a change here
3) ok
4) I dont really understand what you mean - rain of fire is very very strong and letting it activate everytime some mob walks into a given radius this might become op again
5) Not every char needs such a thing, but a possible reason is the limitation of states ( which appears to be fixed now) - so maybe we can hope for some changes in the future
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Lava Lord
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1) didn't say untimered
2) there is timer groups afaik, I simply want charm in the same group as elvensong
4) It was just an example, since some builds don't use Rain of Fire at all - why not give him a tool which makes kiting easier?
Bone Archer
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I heard that caster druids are OP for absolutly everything. More OP ?