What games are you playing atm?

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Bought couple of games from steam summer sales, I mostly buy stuff with 75% discount (except for ff10 since it will never go below 50%, it was one of final fantasy i havent played)

1. Trillion
Game which I bought because it was super cheap and made by IF+Compile Heart combo (Neptunia series). Oh boy, the first impression of this game is super terrible compared other game from the publisher, but once I get the hang of the idea / general theme of the game, it is fuking beautiful.

Hard to say anything without spoiling the story much, but lets just say there is a big bad ass boss with trillion hp and you have multiple overlords (girls!) that need to train to defeat the boss. Game is kinda play like princess-maker like style where you decide "daily activities" until specific time period where you will need to fight the boss.

Lets just say that I will need multiple playthrough to finally defeat the boss with each girls so I can get the achievement. I think you can get the gameplay idea of it. (hint... think like madoka magica anime)

2. Azure Striker Gunvolt
Seem like decent megaman-ish type game. So far I couldnt involved with the story since I was mostly trying to figure out the control. Gameplay is pretty fluid and feel nicer (unlike ..... mighty no9). It is just i havent invest much time into it yet to say anything about weapon / gear setup (seem there is some customization)

Apparently they also create the tie-in with mighty no9 in of the game in the series, not sure if im gonna buy it (wasnt heavily discounted)

With Sekai project humble bundle last month, I finished couple of Visual Novel stuff. So far only the one that is share-worthy is ...... Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru games (got 2 parts) which is super funny parody about magical girls in spin off of Grisaia's franchise. Gosh the voice is super nice with fake "episodic" chapter presentation (think like 1 chapter got opening + ending like 1 anime episode).
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Just bought Dark Souls for PS4. Still don't know why, since I don't find much time to even play Median, but I always wanted to try that shit.
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Kraken Guard
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Onigiri and Nier Automata on ps4, reading Libra of the Vampire Princess VN on PC.
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UT2004 invasion servers
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^ why neg this guy? srsly people.

Read Rewrite years ago when the fanmade english translation patch was out. In hindsight now that i know my way around japanese well enough i can say that Ixrec (the guy who fantranslated Rewrite) relies maybe a little too much in hook translation software.


Chiwa Saito is in my holy trinity of seiyuu waifus.
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Random update:

I probably wont able to 100% trillion since it required TWELVE PLAYTHROUGH! to just unlock all of the achievement. Already done like 4 of them playthrough and it already 50 hours on my steam timer (probably I was afk couple hours with it on). Each playthrough need about 3 hours minimum and I cleared early playthrough was watching anime.

Finished Alan Wake, but just realized got 2 episodes DLC (2 hours each) and another full spin off game which I might post-poned for later. Not sure when Im gonna start the DLC though. Overall game is super thrilling with mystery and suspense with its narration and storyline. I just realized that the Remedy was the team behind Max Payne 1 and 2 which gave similar to vibe to this game. Their next game is quatum break, but I doubt the price of it will drop anytime soon (heard so many bad thing about that games)

With my pc keep crashing BSOD for no reason, Im hesitate to play any big / long hour game (one of my small save file just got corrupted yesterday) but Im currently suspecting that my usb wireless driver is causing the problem (windows mem test said no problem, one of BSOD said driver problem, and my wireless do have connection problem that required I need to plug out and in the wireless). Lets hope when I got back to my home (im still in office) that hard disk error checking will yield no problem at home (if no more BSOD, then it is wireless since I already plug out the cable)

Hmm, I do have a lot of decent games that I have no idea how would I finish them now (couple of 60 hours++ JRPG, several 10 hours indie games, many 4 hours short game). Hope I will have time to experience all the game play of it.
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This reminds me to change the Loadout's name to Nidus rather than Nekros.


Trinity Prime, best support waifu for squads

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Another huge list of games Ive been playing (and trashed those I dont want to spend time with)

1. fault milestone two side: above
after finished couple of decent Visual Novel with japanse audio, i thought no one will able to deliver a good interesting VN without voice. This game proved me wrong and the first impression of it was awesome (in fact one of the best meta intro). havent gone deep since i wanted for something for more active

2. Soma
Horror games from Frictional Games (Amnesia series developer) that I felt truly immerse with it. This is one of the best underwater and scary experience aside from bioshock series. The game have some deep though provoking stuff in it (it is kinda spoiler-ish to share it here) and I wished it was a bit longer. Definitely one of best recent games i played (aside from alan wake). Major theme is humanity + post apocalypse

3. The Deadly Tower of Monsters
From developer of ... weird boulder rolling game. This game gave old 60s movie vibe that have a lot of funny reference in it. All from aesthetic and design is really look old school (reminded me of No one live forever games). Jerky monster from stop-motion animation model? check. Rounded metalic robot that look like dustbin? check. It is super short game though and game mechanic not that deep.

4. Outland
Interesting 2D action puzzle platformer that have ikaruga mechanic (body colour dodge same colour bullet hell). Gameplay feel super smooth and platforming is one of the best. I think it could be clasified as metroid-vania as well. Waiting for Nex machina to be discounted heavily since it is from same developer

5. Valdis Story : Abyssal City
Out of all games I played, this is the one I would highly recommended you guys to try. It gave me dark souls feeling even without the usual dark souls mechanic in it. It is excellent 2D action fighter that reward skills and multiple playthrough. There are 4 of classes with multiple possible build (it determined heavily by weapon you use) and there are tons of difficult bosses that required you to be precise with your control. Give this game a try!

Hmm, apparently I can use cheatengine to speed up boring grindy games while watching anime. I shouldve done that since months ago....
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Grim Dawn - played a fair bit but it has no real end game. Most people are waiting for expansion now.

PoE - I didn't like the feel of the graphics/physics. The way the chars run, the washed-out colours... nah.

Dark Souls. Tried DS1. Attracted by people raving abut the difficulty but in the end I found that difficulty not = fun.

D3. Got boring fast. After playing MXL I realised how lucky Blizzard were to have Blizz North and how bad they are and were since this game's design shows them up (and these guys have to hack existing code, imagine what it might be if they could do whatever they want). Update the graphics and this would be an all-time best-seller IMO.

HearhStone. Blizz money-mill. F2P model means you're always behind the paying people and even paying is way too expensive to be competitive. I gave up after a few weeks.

I tried a few other card-based games but they're all a bit samey and feel like they won't be around in a few years. Except...

Bridge. Yes, the real game. Incredible depth to this game. Takes a while to get started and even then you're crap, but you improve all the time you play (and more if you read about the game) so it's a game for life. More going on than in any other game but you need to be quite smart and dedicated to "see" it. Online play at Bridge base Online more fun than ftf - most people who still play ftf are old so it puts younger people off. online best for now.

Still waiting for the perfect ARPG. Latest Divinity (although it's turn-based) is getting great write-ups even though it's on sale as Alpha(!) and still in development. £30 a bit risky for a game in Alpha so I'll wait.