MXL Sigma: Screenshot Thread

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sometimes u take old useful thing for granted.

i forgot damage value was supposed to be blue (only with ED right?)
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Yes only when it‘s enhanced with ED.

And thank you whist, I‘m partly relieved now.
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Well, added max and min damage also gave it a blue modifier, not just ED.

At risk of sounding “extra”, I’ve grown kinda fond of the POE aesthetic... Having all modified elemental damage listed after said physical damage. (I.e. “one-handed damage: xxx-xxx(physical damage), xxx-xxx(fire damage), xxx-xxx(cold damage), xxx-xxx(lightning damage), etc...
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is this suggestions thread now? :D
i agree tho. except maybe last comment, it would be useful but not as necessary at least for me.
perhaps there will be plugy like extension later that shows damage listed like this idk
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btw... How much strength do you need on a bowazon to get a strength damage bonus of over 2000% on a morning star?
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I hope there's going to be some screenshot teaser/reveal countdown in the last week of waiting :)
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whist wrote:A few new things to start up the new screenshot thread.

First of all, persistent health bars (can be toggled on or off in config for everyone's convenience). The size/placement isn't final.

And then we have boss fight health bars, which are displayed when in-range of the boss (approximately two screens)

A little preview of the bounty task system

The bounty task system has three tiers, bronze, silver and gold. Bronze being the easiest and gold being the hardest. Every time you create a game, the server generates one task for each tier randomly. So far there are three types of tasks: Kill specific boss, clear specific area, and kill specified amount of monsters in specified area. The areas and targets for said tasks are generated randomly (from a predefined range list on the server). These tasks are generated in destruction difficulty.

Completion of the task grants you with a reward, which is in most cases exp (this is to help the leveling process from 120 to 150). Gold tier tasks also grant you with an additional reward, such as a random cycle in the provided example. (this may not be an actual reward, just something I came up for an example). The experience rewards are a percentage of the required exp for you to level-up to the next level, making it a very powerful reward for the leveling process after 120 (since the required exp for level-ups are getting very high at this point, level 150 being around 4,000,000,000 exp)

The game also saves how many tasks you have completed in every tiers. In the future we might even have a ladder for tasks completion in every tiers, although this is not guaranteed. (although the completion count will at least be displayed in-game for sure)