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As I've been slowly replacing the GUI code for Sigma, I also have been implementing a multi-theme switching functionality to D2's GUI code. In other words, once all the GUI code has been replaced, the user will be able to select his preferred GUI theme. But of course making all the images for this is quite a big task, and therefore Sigma itself will only feature one theme (codename classic_sigma). Why implementing a theming functionality then? Because I hope to have players submitting themes once the mod is released, that's why. The system as it is allows anyone to easily "inject" his own theme into the game.

This is how it works: All of your GUI theme files are packed into an individual MPQ. Then you add your theme name into a list that comes with the mod (themes.txt). Then all you have to do is fire up the game, open up the configuration screen and select your theme. This is slightly more complicated than that (the MPQ needs to have a specific packing structure for example), but I won't be providing all the details for now, a tutorial will come for custom theme implementation when the mod actually gets released...

Additionally it is to note your theme doesn't need to replace every single GUI images, like a total conversion theme. It can be a theme that brings a little improvement to one specific GUI page.
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Oh shit this sounds awesome! Will we have to wait for Sigma's release to start modifying its theme? Maybe there can be a simple blank .psd layout for people who want start making a new theme now?
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Inertia wrote:Oh shit this sounds awesome! Will we have to wait for Sigma's release to start modifying its theme? Maybe there can be a simple blank .psd layout for people who want start making a new theme now?

Would be better to wait for the release as I'm not done implementing all of the GUI stuff yet. (the GUI code is actually 90% of the remaining "to-do" before an actual release).
That means the layouts and stuff can change, not to mention those that haven't been created yet.
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whist wrote:
Inertia wrote:Oh shit this sounds awesome! Will we have to wait for Sigma's release to start modifying its theme? Maybe there can be a simple blank .psd layout for people who want start making a new theme now?

Would be better to wait for the release as I'm not done implementing all of the GUI stuff yet. (the GUI code is actually 90% of the remaining "to-do" before an actual release).
That means the layouts and stuff can change, not to mention those that haven't been created yet.

Ah, makes sense. This is a really good idea though. Will be cool to see custom themes in the future.
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This also has the advantage that nobody can complain about the GUI. Once a few themes have been submitted, the user will be able to select the theme that suits his preferences, or even create his own if he/she's still not happy. This also adds some flavor to the game, and hey, it was fun to implement :P For now I'm not providing more details, this will come once the mod is released. This thread is mainly here for people saying I don't do shit because I don't post enough screenshots, but concepts like this one can't really be shown off as screenshots.
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Wow, that is such a cool idea :) It seems there is a lot people in the mxl community that likes graphicing (if that is a word) so implementing this is a great idea for seeing new and refreshing GUI's.
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You don't do shit because you don't post enough screenshots. :mrgreen: This is a great idea though.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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Looks like I have another reason to do more graphic design. Can't wait!!!
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