whist on Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:55 pm wrote:The uber lockout concept previously showed off by Marco
whist on Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:56 pm wrote:level requirements on dungeons
whist on Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:55 pm wrote:The uber lockout concept previously showed off by Marco
whist on Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:56 pm wrote:level requirements on dungeons
whist on Tue May 09, 2017 6:04 pm wrote:Well, I happen to be working on the waypoint GUI currently. Only some of the click handling code is left to do, the visual part is pretty much done. You can notice the waypoint list expands with the number of waypoints you have activated.
whist on Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:40 pm wrote:Sprites limit is gone, thanks to Firehawk. I was actually going to do this myself, but he ended up working on it before me and sent me the edits, so you can thank him for saving me some time, which is good because it means we can release the first patch sooner
Previously, I showed off gold transactions (pickup, drop, buy, sell, etc) notifications. The code handling this was actually refactored to be used as a general purpose "push notification" system. A few more notifications were merged into this system. Additionally, each of these notifications will be togglable via the in-game configuration.
new gold transaction notifications
durability warnings. this will not display an icon in top right of the screen anymore, but rather use push notifications
the notification received when the entrance of a dungeon is sealed
whist on Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:05 pm wrote:The code handling boss fight lifebars has been rewritten from scratch. The first implementation of this was kind of sloppy and limited, and even had a few bugs. Along with the contribution of our favorite GFX artist Inertia, here's how it looks now
Single boss fight. The little orbs you see under the lifebar represents the boss' immunities (immune to all here for testing purposes)
And additionally, multiple boss fights no longer need to be hardcoded to work, the code handles it dynamically, as seen here
whist on Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:11 pm wrote:
whist on Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:54 pm wrote:The show all items functionality (when pressing ALT), or rather the show some items functionality since it was limited to 32 items in vanilla, has been expanded to really show all items. On top of this, an in-game configurable filtering will be added, allowing you to focus on the drops that matter to you.
whist on Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:58 pm wrote:
whist on Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:02 pm wrote:
whist on Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:10 pm wrote:Currently finishing up the code for the merchants store GUI
And here you can see the gamble screen, which will feature a refresh button to refresh the current stock without leaving the window and coming back
whist on Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:39 pm wrote:Remember when items with too many stats would crash the game? Well, not anymore.
whist on Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:52 am wrote:A delay has been added before you can revive after death. The timer starts whenever you press ESC to revive.
whist on Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:22 pm wrote:Anyways, a few screenshots. I got rid of the game's limitations that prevented red portals from traveling to another act. Both source and destination areas had to be in the same act, and this was kind of cockblocking us for various features. This is no longer a problem, for example you can now open the cow level's portal from wherever you want
I've also fixed a client bug with act palettes for levels. First screenshot is before the fix, and the second screenshot is after the fix.
whist on Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:04 pm wrote:This replaces the screen that used to be appear after you've completed a difficulty. Nothing really fancy here, it just needed to be replaced for the new resolution. I also changed the horrible palette it used while I was at it.
Another minor GUI change requested by Marco, gear items when selected in inventory will highlight where they can be equipped.
Here we have whirlwind (spin to win and other similar skills, call it however you want) triggering on striking skills. In this particular case we see my assassin triggering claw tornado from nimmen axe
And here we have the bottom panel rework
- The long orange bar is the experience bar
- The small yellow orb near life globe is stamina (the orb is animated as well)
- The buttons are the buttons that were previously in the minipanel, you can also see the run/walk toggle was integrated as one of these buttons
For a comparison here's a previously posted screenshot where you can see the old bottom panel and the minipanel (the bar on top of bottom panel)
whist on Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:54 pm wrote:Inventory shortcuts have been implemented, so you can stop asking for them in suggestions threadJust hold CTRL and click item. The action that will be executed depends on the current state of your inventory. For example, if your cube is opened and the item is in your inventory, CTRL+click will move the item to your cube. The item will display the action to be executed when you hold CTRL, as seen in the following screenshots.