Let's face it

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2.0 was a major balls-up.

Now the game is worse in basically every way.

How did this happen?

Onyx Knight
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I think you'll find most folks here disagree. Sure, 2.0 has some kinks that are being worked out, but as a whole it is a great update and most people are happy with it. Please use the feedback/suggestions thread for this next time.
Lava Lord
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Nice work providing specifics. Very constructive.
Bone Archer
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Every thread that gainsays the devs gets deleted. This is the reason "most folks here disagree". The ones that don't are simply silenced, or the fanboys come out and turn the thread into a troll fest insult slinger and it's gone. Outside of some qol and the minor skill tree shakeup, it took 6 months to bring nothing to this mod (unless you count all the ridiculous new creatures and a half baked difficulty increase that was disguised as a nerf).
Azure Drake
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Some specs could use early game balancing because the game is tuned to be somewhat balanced in the endgame. Endgame-wise there haven't been that many drastic changes. But early game is a different story. You're able to max out your main attack skill by level 30-35 or so which did not happened before, you had to wait until level 100+ in order to put 20 base points into a skill.

Currently some specs waltz through leveling like it's nothing while others struggle to get past Act 3 Normal. Players found out that their spec either does very low DPS or goes OOM in 2 seconds. Your prospects of amending this in early game are very limited - you don't get honorifics, pgems, runes higher than ~Amn, gold for MO's, Arcane Crystals for uniques etc. You basically get by with whatever drops for you.

Unlimited respecs until lv. 50 is somewhat decent workaround for this but a lot of people are put off by this lack of balance. There has been hype about new builds, new skills, new trees and they find out that this is either 0DPS garbage or instaOOM.
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Core Lord
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YebefShoenola wrote:2.0 was a major balls-up.

Now the game is worse in basically every way.

How did this happen?


Too many arguments, I can't argue with you.

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I want to apologize to everyone for having fun =( Didn't know I wasnt supposed to.
1 | 1
Hey dudes, did you played Diablo III in the last few years? This Median XL mod is free and have at least 10 times more content than D3 which is payed. I can`t understand what is your problem? Every single game has bugs and so on, but this is life... when you see a bug - just report it. Congrats to the Devs for the great work with this MOD! :)
8 | 1
The community is really small, although personally I think the forum gold shenanigans is pretty scumlord, and anyone that utilizes the system is just as bad, even if they didn't pay real cash for the currency, I still feel the mod is fantastic. There were way too many commas in that sentence, it's late. Either way, mod is great, definitely some balance issues atm, my 2h EQ barb facetanked the entirety of the game and one shot pretty much every boss up until rift/dungeons. Javazon felt terrible, like a completely different game altogether, never touching that garbage again. Totem necro felt balanced glass cannon, damage was ok at 120 but omfg the gimmicky teleport on necro needs to be changed. Having to spell swap, place a totem, spell swap, teleport, is the most atrocious shit I've ever played. Summons all feel like shit, I feel like median devs don't like summoners to be strong because it's a pretty skilless gameplay style, which I understand, but whatevs.
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It's a free game.
No one forces you to do anything.
No one forces you to play a build you don't like.
No one forces you to participate in ladder.
If you are not enjoying the mod, it's entirely your problem.

There is an unspoken agreement that the mod is provided for free and as-is. If you don't like something, play an older version, or don't play at all.