-- Updated to patch 2.6 via Launcher.
-- Update appeared to go correctly.
-- Median XL Sigma appears to start up properly but "cannot connect to a TSW server" error (see appended screen shot), consistently appears.
-- Internet is working fine (can browse and use YouTube as normal).
-- Can't try a different TSW server since I can't even get to the chat screen.
-- Same computer as I was using for Median / TSW the day before yesterday, nothing changed about it (no changes whatsoever to Internet config, firewall, anti-virus, etc.).
-- Tried shutting down Launcher and Median completely, logging out and back again, it does not help.
-- Why do we get such an uninformative error message? Can't the error message (for example) tell us if it's a time-out, or if the host isn't responding as expected, or (whatever)? This error message gives us nowhere to start in terms of isolating the problem.
Please fix this problem, that appears to completely be due to the 2.6 upgrade (did you even test it?). It should not be this difficult to get the game to even function properly, after a point release or upgrade.