That Awkward Moment

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Tam where you fart so bad it smells like there are hidden piles of human poop in the room.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when I realize my son-in-law doesn't know which way to screw in a light bulb.
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Slain Soul
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TAM you took Ambien and Unisom the night before to sleep, and don't want to do it again this night but can't fucking fall asleep so sit there not knowing what to do...
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when you realize the hilariously embarrassing story you're telling is about someone in the room.
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Slain Soul
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TAM the caffeine has moved straight through your bowels and you're forced to b-line it to the woman's bathroom because the men's has a wait....
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when your boss notices you follow his 12 year old daughter's Instagram.
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Slain Soul
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TAM the police barge into your work and loudly asked who called them to arrest one of your employees when you specifically asked them to be discreet...
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when you stop up Taem's toilet.
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Slain Soul
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TAM your dick touches the water in a public toilet when you sit down
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when you sneeze in the liquor store and you're the only one not wearing a mask.