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Slain Soul
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^ = answer the question above
< = state something about yourself
v = ask a question to another user

^ = Okay, I will
< = contemplating smoking a bowl to fall asleep right now
v = what did you eat for dinner?
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Empty Cooky Jar
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^ = Food.
< = My legs are sore from squatting 155 on my back :(
v = What is the square root of Pi? (I wouldn't expect you to find it yourself... Google is your friend!)
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Slain Soul
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^ well, possibly rutabaga 8-)
< sitting in car playing these games on my phone
v where where you born?
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Empty Cooky Jar
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^ = NJ, Brick ER
< = Legs finally feeling better :D
V = Would you have your nuts run over in a pickup for 25 thousand dollars?
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Slain Soul
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^ I most definitely would not, unless it was 25-thousand million dollars... and I'd make some donations ahead of time
< wasting time before bed
v where is waldo?
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Empty Cooky Jar
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^ In your pants
< Just as tired as ever
v Can someone give me like 5000 negative cookies?
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^marco could
<waiting prof to end lecture
v how do i stop myself from falling asleep
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Empty Cooky Jar
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^ Get some of those trucker pills.
< Just woke up and I am sleepy
v Why can't dogs let themselves outside instead of me getting up every 2 minutes?
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
1515 | 15
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^ 'cause bitches be crazy
< Thrives on giving people really bad advice
v Can marijuana provide relief from my hair cancer pain??
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Empty Cooky Jar
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^ If your good feeling from marijuana overpowers your bad feelings.
< I am so tired...
v How many toy dinosaurs can you balance on your head at one time?