caring for kids or median?

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Do the responsible thing and sell them for adoption. Easy $, no more kiddo stress, they get a good upbringing, and lots of freetime to play mxlu! Everyone wins :D
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MrClean wrote:Sometimes I wonder if I should spent my time on caring for my kids diseases maybe drive out to nature to show it something wonderful, instead of playing median. And if I should pay their medical needs by getting a second job / and or personal develope more, instead of buying luxury food and soft-drugs and paying the power cost for pc and stuff. But then there is the median mod which is the greatest mod I have played in my life and that time will be gone in a few years. I dont want to regret not having spent my time on such a great mod in its prime time. I did that with world of warcraft back then (very few play) and still regret it (it's garbage now, and everything else is but this). my kids were prioritized. While now I want to do something for myself I today wondered about my decision..

*rubs hands*

if this isn't bait then...
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