Windows 10

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Basically what SB said. 8.1 is actually pretty solid once you banish the fugly ass tiles anyways. Don't like the creepy recording your activity stuff either. If I wasn't so lazy I'd probably be on Unbuntu right now.
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suchbalance wrote:...And as a user of all windows since XP ... I can tell you that people overreact a lot when it comes to "how sucky" they find a particular version.

I take issue with your assumptions. First, I see that you're a user of w8, but I've never had a problem with w7... ever! I love the "libraries" system of w7, and the search function is exceptionally quick, and file storage and retrieval is intuitive coming from any other windows-based system back to the GEM operating system of the Atari ST, or MAC's native operating system, or even Linux.

When w8 came out, it tried to change everything with it's Metro and Ribbons, but then suddenly with all the backlash from its consumers, MS released 8.1 to add back the start menu, but kept metro - big mistake IMO. Even when surfing files on my phone... you know what w8 is designed for, it's far more intuitive and faster to use the native FOLDER icon to flip through folders with words on them than it is to navigate through a ton of useless icons. I hate Metro, and I also hate Ribbons since MS tried overhauling the Office Suite with it, and I can't even tell you how much longer it takes to perform some trivial tasks in MS Office when every task requires 1-extra step - such as flipping to the right ribbon as opposed to all your needs being at the top with the push of a button - and when you have thousands of tasks to perform in a single given day, that adds up to 30-min+ of wasted productivity. I can't believe I have to pay a 3rd party vendor for a program that gives me the old functionality of MS Office 2003 back on my home PC when this should be a tog-gable option... terrible programming! Did Google docs go that route? Fuck no, because Google understands what their customers want. Google tried with it's bookmarks in Chrome, but the uproar was tremendous, so Google backtracked and gave its consumers the choice... they FIXED the issue, unlike MS who insists of keeping ribbons around in every format they have. And you're right, if you know how to use w8, it's not that bad (just WinKey + X to find whatever), but it's still not as good as w7, and keeping Metro around was completely unnecessary because I hate, no loathe the way many apps open in w8 taking up the full screen requiring you to search for a way to close most of them down because they're not all the same and pressing the Win key does not close them, instead keeping them open and using up valuable CPU and RAM resources.

suchbalance wrote:The majority of people are resistant to change and give stupid opinions due to being misinformed. Who knew?

I couldn't agree with you more, but for diametrically opposed reasons; from my personal experience doing IT work for my office, my boss wanted w8 on all the office pc's because it was "cutting edge". I had to train all the other managers how to use it. And to be perfectly honest, they didn't give a flying shit one way or the other... most not even having a PC at home. And my boss was like, "oh cool, it works. Lets move on to important things and make money..." so basically, he didn't care either. What these people all shared in common was that having something "new" excited them. There was no level of comfort that kept them ignorant of w8... they just didn't care. The majority of complaints about w8 come from those who actually work with PC's either for a living or as a hobby and have to deal with w8 and ribbons on a day to day basis and know how much better it was before. But lets be fair here, those of us who are "good" with computers are few and far between with the vast majority of the world made up of people who just want their computer to work and the thought of something new is exciting to them, meaning the praise for a new os will generally outweigh the negativity of a few naysayers, and of us who are good with computers, I'd go so far as to say even half of them don't give a shit. So I suppose I'm in the minority, but again, this is not due to being misinformed, but quite the opposite actually.
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hellgrind wrote:W10 have a nice tool that allow you to go back to previous version of your windows without the need of reinstalling it. So give it a try but as usually it's always recommended to make so backups :D

Ooh, nice! Looks like I'll definitely have to give it a try then :bounce:

Talic wrote:Just tested windows 10 and all I need is working perfectly fine.

Need to test diablo II and that is it. :-)

Please let us know if it works ASAP :twisted:
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Taem wrote:I take issue with your assumptions. First, I see that you're a user of w8, but I've never had a problem with w7... ever! I love the "libraries" system of w7, and the search function is exceptionally quick, and file storage and retrieval is intuitive coming from any other windows-based system back to the GEM operating system of the Atari ST, or MAC's native operating system, or even Linux.

Well I've been a user of Xp, Vista, 7 & 8.1 and I changed operating systems not out of dislike or necessity, but basically because I was getting a new pc and didn't care enough to go back / order with no OS. In fact if I had to pick then 7 would be my favourite too, design-wise. What I was getting at was that most people's first impression of a new GUI affects their judgement way too much. For example on 8.1 I simply stuck an explorer icon to my taskbar and have not clicked the "start menu" icon since - problem solved. It's just that such a small issue like "the start menu is not there" lead to win8 being branded a failure by the masses, which was what I was getting at.

And I agree with you on office - was using 2003 for ages and still dislike the GUI of the newer versions. Unfortunately the open source alternatives are very bad in my experience (tried open office and it's "successor" - libre) so our hands are tied.

Taem wrote:So I suppose I'm in the minority, but again, this is not due to being misinformed, but quite the opposite actually.

Right, there's nothing wrong with being resistant to change if it's for the worse and you actually have enough information to accurately make that decision as a "power user". But that's you being in the minority, not in the majority that I was talking about.

And even if one dislikes the GUI of 8.1 it is still does not mean that you shouldn't overcome the slight adjustment discomfort to benefit from the "under the hood" improvements that it has over its predecessor (such as UEFI, better security, power management and let's not forget about the godly task manager).
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I don't like windows 8 at all. I use it on my home and work PCs, yes it does turn on faster than win7 but I can hardly find any other advantages.

This is the main problem: they seem to be trying to target specific users / machines. BIG stupid mistake for the company who is responsible for what, 90% of the devices on earth? This can be expanded into several points:

1) Lesser and lesser compatibility with older programs. Diablo II, for instsance, may run at ridiculous low FPS. I have seen it reported myself in the forums several times, and then I finally made the test. It does run a lot worse compared to Win 7. I don't find this acceptable at all. But of course let's be a bit more serious and not make it personal because D2's performance is decreased. There are many software pieces that are discontinued. Microsoft NEEDS to keep these programs usable. For example, my parents are accountants, and there is one really important program for a lot of aspects of their job which is discontinued, and guess what, it doesn't work in versions higher than XP. I have worked as an IT in the past and I know for fact that in many, many jobs, people use really specific programs. And in many cases, you cannot 'just migrate bro' - meaning that you are stuck with some of these programs forever.

2) They should stop this tablet-aimed bullcrap. Once again a big proof of un-professionalism shown by these people. Oh, vanilla windows 8 had no start menu button? DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW MANY OF THEIR USERBASE PEOPLE ARE 50 YEARS OR OLDER AND NEED TO FUCKING HIRE SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY GOT STUCK ON THEIR DESKTOP SCREEN? And I know it was fixed in windows 8.1, but the fact that it happened, no matter for how long, made me lose any respect in their profesionalism, if I had any. Just think about it, how incompetent do you have to be not to predict something like that!?

3) More interface / app-based bullshit. Dunno if they just failed completely at copying mac's app system. Ok, if you want to create generic apps called "Photos, Videos, ..." don't just do them so it looks like you have a cool multimedia system like Apple does. MAKE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTH USING OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL! In earlier Win versions, I could double click a JPG file and in less than a second I was viewing the picture. Now, with this bullshit photos app, it takes about 10 seconds to open, switches me to fullscreen and I gain absolutely nothing. All it seems to be is a dummy useless application that has a cool "Photos" name that I can put on my dock. Which brings me to:

4) Fuck full-screen applications! My PC isn't a fucking tablet. There's a reason why I can have multiple monitors, and multiple windows on each one and easily be able to re-organize it all with a mouse. Obviously, on tablets this makes a lot more sense, because the screen is smaller, and navigation between applications is usually done in a much more unefficient (but convenient) way. I can't tell how much I hate it when I for example install skype and it opens the whole thing. Again, big failure here - tables are probably only about 1% of their customers at most.

5) Everything seems to be more unintuitive and click-costly. First I want to mention that with "intuitive" I mean, compared to older windows OS, not intuitive per se. When I try to change settings in windows 8, compared to windows 7, I do not see progress at all. In fact, it seems to be more difficult compared to what it used to be.

So what did windows 8 bring to me? My PC launches 5 seconds faster. Other than that, absolutely nothing.

Win7 on the other hand was great success because it was almost the same as Win XP, but a lot more efficient (i.e. no text on taskbar, but larger icons), a rather solid visual theme, not too many incompatibility issues (although some). The start menu was like Win XP but a lot more efficient. Better navigation, and important shortcuts were there. Control panel was not bigger, but more compact and with an EASY TO FIND option to switch to XP's control panel icons.

Also before anyone quotes everything saying that this and that can be fixed "somewhere deep inside the settings" or with some 3rd party extension, I say, fuck that. A newer OS should be better AS IS. Win 8 failed at practically every aspect in my opinion. Remember, a lot of us just use 2-3 programs (one of them being chrome, usually) and for us who updated, win 8 was just a stone in our way. And for a company with such high prices and revenues, I do expect a lot more from them. #AtLeastIGotAMacbook
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Don't worry Marco, imo window 8 suck big time, didn't like it at all.

Windows 8.1 didn't worked for me at all.

But windows 10 I really like, for me it is like a little upgrade to windows 7.

And everything is really, but really fast.

I'm going to stick with it.

Diablo II should work, didn't tested yet, but as I said, it has been said that windows 10 is based on the same architecture as windows 7, so everything that worked for windows 7 should work for windows 10 too.
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Speaking of visual themes, does W10 even have an "Aero" option, or something to adjust transparency? I never get tired of looking at that beautiful transparency in W7's aero theme. I've seen one guy comment on how "outdated" aero is, and I just want to erase him from existence. ;-|
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no reason to "upgrade" from xp. i have total control over every aspect of this OS and fine-tune the install with nlite to meet whatever needs i may have. take the time to learn what 10000 new useless modules are for in w10 so i can remove them? nty.
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It does have transparency option, I'm sure I saw that, but I'm sure I didn't see any aero thing.

But I took few minutes to look into W10, didn't check those basic things at all, and I never used transparency.
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Ah, okay :D W10 is unavailable for me for now, so I'm unable to check these things for myself. It's time you got around using transparency/aero then, Talic (if any) :twisted: