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How the F this made me shed a tear?

This anime is continuation of 1st season, but except it is now focused on another character. I personally the first season to be decent, underrated by many people, mostly because on how silly the premise (like a freaking horse girl?) & it was a mobile games apparently.

However I want to you that you should give this anime a try. This is pretty much a story about struggle of athlete at top of competition. You have story of rivalry, the hardship of want to be a best, the struggle of getting injured, being cheered by fan and team member as lastly the threat of being unable to compete anymore. The story is more contained this time around, with mostly focused on 2 main girls who rival to each other, as well as several racer from other school / region. Except, even the normal shiny day have small chance to rain.

There isnt much bad things I can say about this season. While I think first season is more kinda like story of a girl who start from the bottom, this season is more about girls maintaining their top form. Personally I like the hybrid of first season where they always small concert performed by top winners, but this time around the story is more serious and as i said before, there are just several moments that made me shed a tear. Season 2 is also was changed from PA Works to Studio Kai (doenst have good track record) was worrying, but at the end they did pretty good.

Please please, dont sleep on this anime (considering how packed winter 2021 season was). Ignore all stupid premise concept and just think this as story of girls in running track & field story with small slice of life sprinkled in. You can watch season 2 without needing 1st season, that the least you can do.
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Average magical girl anime?

In my region, there are official anime youtube channel that playlist for several old anime titles. After despair feeling from watching previous anime, I thought I will just jump blind to this anime. Expect for several average & old anime reviews for couple of next reviews.

My first impression of this anime, is it is kinda funny & well animated series in term of the spell casting effect. It doesnt have any much flashy effect like other better show, but enough to be noticeable. The storyline of combining magical girl + shrine maiden is also refreshing, especially when there is another magical girl with different theme. The story in beginning is more about her trying to adapt to accidental power she got. She managed to improve over the season and finally know the reason for her mother disappearance & appearance of the enemy.

One thing surprised me is how low this anime was rated on MAL (especially with low amount of voter). By no mean this is a bad series, it just slightly average series that might need to polish on the world building. The protagonist was kinda uninteresting and awkward girl in the beginning, but thankfully other characters managed to carry to story forward. Thankfully the plot picked up near the end when the whole story about evil being is finally reveal, and they are preparing to take down the enemy.

I can only recommend this if you really run out of magical girl story to watch. Personally I just think it is just an average anime with some interesting parts that people just ignore. Oh I forgot to tell that soundtrack is kinda unique & epic as well that I think I have to share it here.
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Battle Royale is a classroom? Sound typical anime.

Continuation of streak of watching anime on the playlist without researching lead me to this anime. I havent heard anyone ever talked about it, i guess that was for a good reason.

Story is brimming with potential for engaging & nerve racking especially if you considered it is almost like any other survival games pattern anime. You have 13 girls, who attend special classroom where they have 1 target. They can take turn by sending out invitation and given 48 hours to kill that person. As she cant accept this, our protagonist decided that she will be the protector of this girl and this lead of 11 fights throughout the season. Some of the girls do have interesting background story, especially if you can get anything you want if you succeed in killing the target.

However this anime full of problems. First this is the artstyle what i considered as "dirty, brownish, dark" and it its animation mostly stiff. Not even fight scene have anything nicely animated in it. This lead to only story that can carry this, which is still a fail IMO. There is no tension among them, the fight quite is way too short, and main victim girl is just annoying optimistic despite being the main target in this anime. Oh, dont make say anything about adult since this terrible system is created for stupid reason.

You shouldve known from my negative review that this is on bad anime. I mean, i have seen many of all female battle royale before that is more engaging than this snoozefest. I mean, how hard is to play with some drama or emotions?
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What is the price for going through this anime?

Picking another random anime from the playlist, this time around lets just say the look can be deceiving. I didnt check the score until it ended, and lets just say im abit surprised.

I will have spoilt some of the story of anime in order to explain the story. Basically we have a princess who only think about her people. Problem is, when there are army from other country want to invade her country, her naivety have brought even more death of her people. On the opposite side, we have another character that was the focus of this series. She is a soldier who pilot a mech of the invader. From her side we able to see the struggle of civilian who get caught in the middle, consequence of her team army invasion.

This series have some of the good vs evil, war is bad for everyone, collateral damage as well as there will be people dying left & right during war. These supposed to bring more tension / drama to this. Problem is, since the anime is just 12 episodes, most of the scenes are cut way too short. Same for the tactical battle, you think they might want to spend abit more times on their strategy (aka chess move), but again they somehow prefer to put random slice of life after each battles.

This probably one of the lowest scored anime (6.02 on MAL) I just finished recently. While I liked the concept, but I think the execution is just not there. It just feel flat with event after event flow forward (meaning no excitement / hype moment). I rather suggest many other war theme anime.
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Probably hardest title to spell correctly so far....

Another random anime, it was promising at the beginning. I mean, I dont mind harem anime. Although harem + fighting anime tend to be red flag some mediocre pattern in the past.

Lets just say I was hyped in 1st episode. We have school that is full of feminism. They are against boy acting rough in the school, it was originally all girls school and turned to mixed school. Our protagonist came to school with 1 simple goal, to be free of shackle from any rules. Thus the clash of ideology between strict order and relaxed freedom. The fighting between protagonist and the 5 top girls happened like every 2 episodes, and it filed in with some build up or small event in between.

The problem is realized is that whenever lost to the protagonist, they suddenly became too friendly to him. To a point they throw away their strong strict ideology to just being girl in love for no reason. And this pattern happened for almost all of the girls. This lead what I considered boring part in the middle where they do random stuff, which usually not related to fighting at all. The story are pretty straight forward pretty much except for some back story that lead to protagonist reason coming to the school.

By my standard, this is average anime. There fights & the crazy part of anime is the strongest part, but outside of that, it is just typical harem with a strong guy protagonist. But again, fighting + harem doesnt mix match IMO, it always lead to mediocre quality (I double check on MAL, most for this battle action + harem tend to be average 7 or lower).
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Demon slayer on discount?

Random anime from playlist, apparently it was from the packed winter 2021 anime. So I only picked them because I saw it at the top of the playlist. I didnt research anything about this anime.

This anime is pretty much start like typical shounen anime. Our protagonist is special creatures that only bring problem to other people. So he was given away to be taken care in detective group where he can finally use his power to beat their enemy. He joined by other 2 team members which are also came different demons species. The dark part are usually revolved around the situation of demons incident.

Personally I dont have much issue with the anime. Sure, dark grim anime also have lighthearted comedy session. The series are pretty run the mill "monster of the week" story. Only when it reached halfway then finally it tackle more heavier subject are some demons are pretty evil & disgusting. As for the MC, my god. I only seen only 1 or 2 powerful shounen protagonist that is this pretty dumb.

For me, it just above average anime that have some strong refreshing moment with dark undertones. People on MAL said that this is underrated anime, but to me it is just how shounen works.
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Janky but cute heartwarming animals.

Funny story is, I was watching random anime but i failed to realized it was finished yet (spring 2021 anime), thus i made a detour and search for comedy. Going to bottom of the list, I forgot about this series which I kinda drop on 1st episode.

Lets just the series is abit more what you think. The first episode no doubt was boring, weird and ugly looking. However as the story goes on, it became one of the cute anime where the duo meet with many other animal characters in search for the library. They went through several area in the part from savannah, lake, forest etc. The bond between the duo grew throughout the episodes along with new friends they met alone the way. The series is kinda childish, but in fun way.

The animation is probably the worst part about this anime. No doubt this probably one lowest budget 3d cgi anime full series (until the crown taken by crunchroll Ex-Arm in 2021 lol). The side story parts in early is pretty much just made as a way for you to introduce to various new characters. However, despite I generally like many of cute anime, i would still considered as above average anime that I didnt get hooked much. Sure there is some cute moments, but artstyle is just not my taste.

If you want to give this anime a try, you need to wait until episode 2 at least. First episode is way too boring only picked up in 2nd episode. Every episodes is became more interesting, albeit in its silly & childish way.

*Kinda coincdental both recent anime I watch have Kemono in the title : which mean "Beast".

**Random trivia, there is 1 penguin character who became mascot in one of the zoo, and 1 male penguins kinda hooked to that character.
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Shake it baby!

Another meme anime of 2017. I chose this anime on purpose, so I know what kind of quality I got from it. Lets just say, despite the low score on MAL, it wasnt that bad unless you really cant stand the artstyle.

First as usual, I have to mention the pro of the anime. This anime is something like feel like they want to something so complex, especially you see the details in anime frames. Sure, the important part of the anime is to how well it animated, blend with soundtrack, good story or maybe interesting characters. The series seem built around concept of survival games (not battle royale since mostly they all 2 vs 2), each of pairs have their motivation of they want to fight.

As for the bad parts.... oh boy. Despite I love the details in background & soundtrack, the anime feel like havent got a proper quality control to keep each of animation consistency. Despite might using one of the most detailed 3D cgi with more frames (anime tend to use 8 fps), thus I kinda like the dynamic how camera flow. Problem is, when they tried to add in 2d drawing, they dont have good key frames animation. Characters motivations is kinda weak, they have no strong reason to fight. And this anime full of fetishes (tsundere, kuudere, S&M, idol & manager, brocon, bouncy booby). And because they kinda need to holding their hands (i forgot the main reason), you can expect the awkward when it get to bath scenes in second episode.

Somehow I dont get offended by this. I have seen more boring / worst looking anime. Surely, this is considered like below average anime , it is just people people downvoted it for the lol. Maybe because Im kinda having fun with its artstyle & laughing on some of the bad parts in this me (that made me chuckled couple of times). I dont expect people to have tolerant like me, so probably just skip this.

For the lol, I will add link to one of the fight. Just so you can get why I think the anime is beautiful & ugly at same time.
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Im probably too old for this.
*Typo, it is 11 episodes total instead of 12.

This is quite old ova, for a very old anime (2006) acting as a sequel in shorter OVA form. I dont remember much if I enjoyed the series, but judging from the score i have, it seem like it was average for me.

The first improvement I noticed is definitely the artstyle. While mostly they retain the old character form, the lineart & shading is much more cleaner this time around. I also noticed there are a lot of comedic moment, with its super deformed reaction as well as low detail face. The music accompany the fights does made it is more interesting. But there isnt much else I can say good about this series.

The main reason I have trouble, as I said many times before. Comedy in anime is hit & miss. This is totally miss to me. Does I more emphasize on the way how the story progress or at least maybe the fight scene. Oh boy, I didnt get much either this time. It is almost like villain of the week style with some background story for certain characters. Most of the fight ended way too fast and poorly animated. Over realized on simple camera pan with action lines to say there is impact of movement. Worse part, have fun figuring out who is who as this anime assume you watch 1st season immediately before this anime.

I dunno how the heck the score is high on MAL. Probably the comedy hit their funny bone. I was bored & annoyed, maybe solely because this is such an old school anime. I personally can only recommend this anime if you watch the 50 episodes from 1st season, else just skip it.
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Isekai Kuimetsu No Same

This isn't your average Isekai. It's about a girl in a fantasy world who wants to save the world from the Demon King. To do that she summons a monster, which is for whatever reason a shark that has all abilities you know from B-movies like Sharknado.

Cute first impression: check.
Lots of blood and gore: check.
Tentacles: check.
Lots of references to B-movies and other movies like terminator, Ghost rider and so on: check.
Scanlation that uses swear words in every single speech bubble: check.
Drug abusing snarky fairy: check.
Batman being killed multiple times: check.

I advice turning off your brain while reading this.