What games are you playing atm? V2

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Wotan wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:They shutdown the servers for the good part of today, they messed up the patch deployment. Seems like its fixed now tho so theres that.

Better to have a shitty launch for a great game, than amazing launch for a shitty one.
Lost ark looks amazing even tho I would probably never play it. MMO are big time consumers and time for games is something I don't have.

That's true. The takeaway here is feeling bad or not for the peeps that took a day off on Friday to get a 3 day long weekend so they could binge on the game. End of the day it's on them tho, i don't really feel bad for them. The game is okay. It's flashy, even though sometimes it's like you're playing a mobile game. The world boss fights are pretty awesome tho, total shitfest of people doing sommersaults and whatnot. I had to turn Photosensitivity mode on because of all the flashes going on during that.
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I don't like this mao kun map - so annoying to search for invisible enemies. But at least drops are good.
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More actions, more bigger, more badder, more better?

There is one thing to share about this game, I had issue to continue and took long pause to complete this game. Checking back my first achievement, it seem like i played this bad in august 2021, and probably i enjoyed playing other games in meantime.

The surge 2 is hard game for to review, mostly because I dont know what was the new addittion to game compared to first game. If first game is dark-souls set in futuristic world, the surge 2 is more akin to trying to build interconnected world (first game required you to ride train inbetween level), but failed to make it more interesting. One new interesting feature is directional block where you can parry enemy attack if you timed & select direction correctly. There are several more bosses here, as well as alot of NPC you can interact with.

The surge 2 is hit & miss for me. The difficulty feel toned down as you can now replenish unlimited amount of health as long you can hit enemy to generate energy. This made some boss super easy as long as you can mash attacks & put energy generation gear. Despite there are many gears in the game, the upgrade cost of them is pretty expensive you kinda locked to several set gear for most of the games. You still able to farm them though. I have to spoilt abit about the world, the game created 1 huge level in beginning but destroy some area in the middle of game for story reason.

The surge 2 is an upgrade no doubt, but there are some stuff that I feel I liked 1st game more. I dont remember why I stopped playing it, but I definitely didnt feel urge to keep playing. I still think i prefer tons of boss design from 1st game.
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After a week of Lost Ark of doing the main content, whenever i had time to play it, it boils down to the following :

If you can stomache the almost mobile aspects of the game, especially the time gates on building stuff on your stronghold, it's fine. The graphics are ok, nothing mind blowing but its not Runescape graphics, that's for fucking sure. The animations are superb, especially when you combo abilities after abilities and juggle 50 monsters on screen at the same time, it's very satisfying. The instances are almost all of them really well scripted and interesting to run through. The story is garbage but who cares about that. The game has a lot of content. Like, a LOT. It gets very overwhelming after the first part of the game where you branch off into the world. I won't spoil why, it's something you'll have to see for yourself. I'm talking months if not a few years of content if you play it at your own pace and not 100% neckbeard it, if you do then you have about maybe 6 months of content. Of course if you whale at the shop that time is significantly shorter.

Overall it's a very good game. It's not perfect but no game is. It gets a 4/5 for my standards on this kind of isometric mmo style of game.
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Elden Ring in like 3 days from this post being typed. Massive hype. I can't wait for it's version of Blighttown.
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This probably one of the worst game i completed recently

I have been eyeing on far cry series for a while, I mean what not to like about it. Usually have fun open world which give you tons of option of way to play the game. As fan of clearing map marker, as long as it fun, i will 100% it.

The story began where you in military team was instructed to arrest a cult leader. Turned out, it will become bad things as fanatic rushing around to stop you from taking their leader. As the story move forward, you will have 3 major regions, each with its own villain that you need to tackle. The large open world are full of trees & wild-life, but my favourite is definitely how easy for you to just drive an helicopter or a plane to move around. The NPC that become your ally is super awesome, and some of them even powerful enough to take down an output.

Lets just say I have major disappointment with the game. First, the game feel like streamlined too much than previous games. If last time you have reason to hunt animals or specialized in any specific playstyle, now you pretty much unlock everything. Despite it give you skill reward for doing various challenges or clear specific secret area, at end of the game I already unlocked all skill I needed and dont need it anymore. The worst part of the game is definitely the story, I dont care about any villains who keep spewing random bullshit. It have one of the worst ending ever.

I dont recommend this, in fact I dunno if i can continue playing the DLC or the spin off. I dunno if because Im jaded or Im expecting too much, but never I feel disgust before and want to stay away when playing this. Difficulty curve is also freaking terrible.

First DLC done, it is simple short addon set in Vietnam jungle. You move taking down camp to camp with new feature of calling airstrike. The new mechanic also emphasize on stealth takedown, but generally I just use powerful ally to takedown enemy. My only issue is difficulty spike at the end, where you need to defend landing zone from horde of enemies. Whole run took 2 hours & half to 100% it.

Finally finish this 2nd Addon. This DLC changed of alot of the game which I though I would enjoy at first, but ended with tons of issues. While I appreciate the return tower parkour, all of the games are just scifi version or should i say discounted destiny. The game on hard difficulty is freaking hard, to a point I raged couple of times. My biggest problem is the story, I dont care much about it and the ending left a very sour taste in mine.

I dunno if I can stomach this game anymore, the DLC i played took 2 1/2 & 5 hours, and final DLC will take 8 hours. I think I will just uninstall it and move to far cry new dawn. Lets hope better game over there. Dont waste your money on far cry 5 and its addon.
Edited by iwansquall 2 years.
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Got Elden Ring installed, working half a day and then binge'ing on it for the whole day and weekend. Living the dream.
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You lucky duck. I work full time with baby care during short breaks. Playing mostly fallout 3 and PoE randomly. Fallout 3 is close to and end and i really enjoyed the whole walkthrough. Will play new vegas shortly after. PoE - very close to complete full atlas - first time ever, missing vaal orbs atm to corrupt red maps. Overall bane is solid choice for that, easy maping and cheese boss fights since boss targets blight totems first. Tried this new meta skeleton mage necromancers with unique jewel that turns skeletons into ranged mages. With leveling gears (tabula, ect) i rushed to lvl 7x, can do yellow maps ez, but boss dmg is lacking. Was too tired and bored to sit down and brainstorm some ideas for that char, thus playing with bane.
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the Elden Ring.... OOOOOOOOH Elden Ring...

also my Windows is very much activated, thank you very much.

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Elden Ring after a couple of hours (not final review)

So far it's an okay game. Bosses are challenging, though the normal enemies are too easy imho. Once you get your horse it trivializes most enemies, as you can just run past them with a well timed attack. Giants for example are challenging when facing them on foot, but on horseback they become really easy. I'm also a bit annoyed by the crafting materials. It's mostly because on horseback the notification for picking up an item pops up and when you press the button you're already past that and need to turn around. Or you're just riding on the horse spamming the pick up button. Both are equally annoying.

So far the map has wide empty patches between enemies, though I've been mostly exploring Limgrave so far, so that might change later on. I also haven't found any good weapons or armor sets yet. A greataxe being the best I've found so far.

Places of Grace (bonfires) are generously placed, and from what I've seen so far you don't need to run past a lot of enemies to get to the bosses from the PoG's, which is pretty decent.

Bosses are pretty though, and so far I've been mostly going my own way after not being able to beat them after an hour or 2 of constant tries :D Shields are basically useless against the bosses I've seen so far, as they apply some bleeding even though you're blocking or they hit right through your stamina. So learning the timing to evade with dodge roll is necessary.

Unlike what I heard from before, I haven't noticed any significant damage output difference between 1hand and 2hand. 2handing isn't really worth it from what I've seen so far. Same goes with light and heavy attack. Heavy attacks deal higher poise damage, but mostly you can't use it because of how fast the bosses attack. Finding the right time window is key.

I had some big issues with Elden Ring after the mini update that was supposed to improve performance on PC. Well, in my case it caused graphic glitches, especially in areas that have multiple sources of overlapping lighting. On top of that my screen just went black occasionally for fractions of a second, which made the game literally unplayable, especially so when fighting bosses. I had to work through this for about 3 hours until I found a solution for the issue. Not my favourite weekend activity tbh, but hopefully it stays fixed now. I still have some graphic glithces with overlapping lighting sources, but now they are rare and can be mostly ignored.