What games are you playing atm? V2

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Kraken Guard
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Destiny 2 since its free on battle.net until November 16th iirc.
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Sometimes CS:GO
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1. Hollow Knight
Gosh, godmaster content is too hard from what i ready everything about it. Since it is not required for final true ending, im probably will try to get to 112% and beat the true final boss. Amount of content you get for free update is absurdly a lot, but too bad it is designed for very-very good player only (and Im lazy to gitgud for a game)

2. Sniper Elite V2
Gosh, this game is kinda fun. Since I dont want to play most difficulty, so I stick to normal instead. Problem is, it feel like there is no stealth system and you get more reward / score for shooting target from longer distance. So i pretty much playing loud / rambo rather methodically like a sniper should.

3. Destiny 2
Hmm, I dunno what to say aside from a promising for a grand scale from first 3 mission. The shooting mechanic arent something new like many other people mention (again, I treat borderlands 2 for loot-based shooter and doom as my baseline). I heard the campaign is only 8 hours long, so Im probably will try to rush it rather than doing other stuff, although I know they gated certain content to higher level, required you to do side content instead.

Thing Im looking into:
Viveport giving out free Fallout VR for new subscriber,, which is only like 1/2 price of buying discounted copy. But since Im looking for bigger VR title, I was looking more toward skyrim rather than fallout, as I never fan of the game series. Viveport subscription is a renting system where you can rent about 5 games / experiences per month. Good for short-term games, but not for long term game. Hesitate to sub to it atm, since i got too much game from humble monthly as I subbed 1 year for free 25 USD credit in humble store last time.

And there several VR title got discount this weekend..... to buy or not to buy. Not a fan of ricky & morty tbh.
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Kraken Guard
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Beat destiny 2. Base game's campaign is short, took me around 6 or 7 hours to beat and thats with spending time on dailies and weekly quests. Certain planets are gated behind DLC so youre stuck with Earth, Titan, Nessus and Io. Id say for being free its ok, but not enough to make me want to shell out $ for Forsaken dlc. Especially now that Activision wants to implement microtransactions into it because it failed their sales expectations.

Its a game to play, beat story mode and forget it.

Right now playing Path of exile trying to beat achievements until league ends on the 4th December.
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The new Path of Exile: Betrayal announcement looks quite hype
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Playing :
1. Space Run : Cant believe i stick long enough with this game. Almost 100% with all achievement. It is not a game that i say engaging to play, but with short run per missions and high replayability, those 10 hours feel like flew way too fast. about 3 achievements to go.
2. Hollow Knight : Nope, I cant beat pantheon 3 in hollow knight godmaster dlc, i guess i have to retire for now and hope hornet dlc will address the issue in the future, but i doubt it since it is 2nd character rather than new content.
3. Destiny : Reached Nessus, perhaps most breath taking and fun mission so far. Super funny and the world is jaw dropping unlike first 2 worlds. I wouldnt say that gameplay is "fun" for me though. It just nice casual n easy experience playing it (heck i even completed a public event alone, not sure because a disconnect or something else)
4. Gremlin Inc : Fun and random board games. Think like monopoly but more evil. Variety and depth is too much that I almost dropped the game during tutorial because of how convoluted the game board are. It is not intuitively enough like i wanted, but it does give "1 more turn" like civilzation game feeling to it.
5. Bastion : Replaying it since I was trying to play a simple game with my new xbox one controller. The game is still fun as I remembered and it feel like I wanted to try to play more harder version or new game plus of this game, until max level. Not sure if I could 100% achievement it though.

VR title:
1. In death: gosh I need bigger space to play to this game. I have 360 sensor setup but somehow I keep my hand to the wall because I need to more around to lean over a corner. Think skyrim bow gameplay, but add roguelike element to it.

Subbed to viveport for couple of months, hopefully I can get a fallout VR copy (they did say it is limited), if not at least I get a chance to try 5 VR title every month now. Got several expensive + short game I wanted to try, but dont want to buy it since it is pretty expensive.
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"Saitei desu ne"

Onyx Knight
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During that webserver apakalypse had flashbacks from the past and checked if David Breivik shared document he promised on GDC here...

...and yes he did!

http://graybeardgames.blogspot.com/2016 ... ument.html

Was great lecture, especially in times of Immoral Dieablo. David Breivik is so awesome dude, still cant get how Jay "Dfaiiilo" Wilson was so arrogant to twitt "Fuck that loser" about David. Long story short, tried Dfaiiilo only once in beta tests and never again, didnt even touched it on console when visited my bro playing it.

Taking my time now with Diablo 1 again but on PC, back then after release was playing it mostly on PSX cuz two pads was best with bro.
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Onyx Knight
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Finished Dark Souls 1 on Monday, the 2nd half of the game was fucking cancer but otherwise good stuff. Now I'm trying to get through DS2 and it's a god damn pain. I don't know if it's me or if it's just that much harder than DS1. Everything feels off. Might take a break for some Bloodborne to relax(also been reading some Lovecraft recently so the theme would fit nicely), and then get back into DS2.
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Playing :
1. Oxenfree
This could be the best conversation system done in video game. You have option to remain silent, cut other people conversation or simply wait for the conversation to end before stating the answer. Every felt natural and it is genuine feel like you are roleplaying as the main character. There is another stuff in the game that look more interesting, but i wouldnt share it here as it is best to experience it blind. Game is short, 4 hours only (i at final area before i get very sleepy yesterday night)

2. Hellgate London
Probably the 3rd games on steam where I bought immediately on release without waiting for deep discount. Games look ugly, it feel too easy and very shallow and I feel like skill design is boring. I wonder if the changes made by korean developer made it more casual or I simply already experienced more engaging modern game? I thought it could trigger the nostalgia back, but atm, I doubt i will grind to level 50. I will just play until final act and done with it.

3. Fallout 4 VR
I went reaching so far to obtain this steam copy, which in the end only costed me 10 dollar rather than 30 dollar with current lowest discount. My gosh, no matter how bad people said about this game, it look dang immersive in VR. It truly feel like Im walking in wasteland. Too bad my current rig arent capable to the run game smoothly, so I have to toned down the quality setting. I just started until reaching power armor only though, and otw to diamond city. Nothing more fun than going melee with minigun and literally slap enemy with motion gesture. I cant imagine how fun the skyrim will be with VR.

4. Destiny 2
Im curious where are the other content beside forsaken, I thought this was the 3rd DLC for the games. Atm it got discount from black friday, but I doubt I considered myself Im enjoying the game. I like the multiplayer gameplay aspect, i just not interested in the world much. Imagine what it couldve have been if we have that kinda of system in other IP (borderlands for example)

Next target:
1. Mad max
Just started, seem like ok so far. I havent reaching part I felt repetitive and boring. But i wonder why cant we have dedicated vehicle combat multiplayer games like old twisted metal.

2. Mordheim
too much stuff for newcomer, at this point I dunno if i could muster the strength to sit through 12 tutorials and finish 1 campaign for this game. I just wanted easy casual game with some tactical decision. Just like xcom title.

3. Diablo 3
Newest PTR sounded promising, much easier to get powerlevel via set as you will obtained free ring of grandeur throughout the season. At the same time blackfriday offer on necro DLC, with 50% off. I know PoE next patch is big, but i will wait for bigger patch.