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Prime_Evil wrote:Preach it. Best thing to be doing is getting back on the saddle , pardner.


Yep, I've found my dark horse. Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker! :cheers:
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HechtHeftig wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Weed. I'm on therapy atm. I'm clean since february this year

but honestly, being clean sucks.

Weed should be legalised, and I don't even smoke weed anymore.

If anything tobacco should be outlawed but you know, monies plus billions already hooked on it so it's a lost cause.

Well, it caused my depression and anxiety disorder... so I can't quite agree with you on legalizing weed.

blue comment

the chances of weed causing your depression and your anxiety are so low that it would be next to impossible. I.E. look at Willie nelson, snoop, easy-e, dre. not one of them were depressed or had anxiety. secondly your body naturally produces the components that give you the high in marijuana however at a much much smaller amount. If anything caused your depression and or anxiety during the time you were smoking it was the day to day life you with say family poor choice in friends that have wronged you or started fueds. weed can do 1 of 3 things as far as emotionally. Indica has come to indicate a body-buzz, feelings of sedation and relaxation or being stoned. On the other hand, sativa has come to mean more of a cerebral, energetic, uplifting high. The truth is many “indicas” can produce this sativa high, while many “sativas” can produce an indica stoned feeling.* With that being said the third is a hybrid strain of the two which gives you the best of both worlds.

With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made, isnt overdoseable, and has farless chance to become addicted to than almost anything on this planet. Weed if anything is the safest thing anyone can eat, drink, or smoke that is considered a drug.

As far as legalization goes, i think it should be regulated just like liquor and beer.

Im not trying to dis on you but that statement in blue is highly unlikely and i would suggest looking at what was going on in above said possibilities.

I have done enough drugs in my life and clean my self up to tell you that weed is the safest of anything considered to be a drug.

My past/present addictions: Heroin, pills(mainly painkillers of what ever sort i could find), meth, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, sex, mushrooms, cars, porn, pain, rugby, gamin, outdoors, and Paintballing
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ifloati wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Weed. I'm on therapy atm. I'm clean since february this year

but honestly, being clean sucks.

Weed should be legalised, and I don't even smoke weed anymore.

If anything tobacco should be outlawed but you know, monies plus billions already hooked on it so it's a lost cause.

Well, it caused my depression and anxiety disorder... so I can't quite agree with you on legalizing weed.

blue comment

the chances of weed causing your depression and your anxiety are so low that it would be next to impossible. I.E. look at Willie nelson, snoop, easy-e, dre. not one of them were depressed or had anxiety. secondly your body naturally produces the components that give you the high in marijuana however at a much much smaller amount. If anything caused your depression and or anxiety during the time you were smoking it was the day to day life you with say family poor choice in friends that have wronged you or started fueds. weed can do 1 of 3 things as far as emotionally. Indica has come to indicate a body-buzz, feelings of sedation and relaxation or being stoned. On the other hand, sativa has come to mean more of a cerebral, energetic, uplifting high. The truth is many “indicas” can produce this sativa high, while many “sativas” can produce an indica stoned feeling.* With that being said the third is a hybrid strain of the two which gives you the best of both worlds.

With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made, isnt overdoseable, and has farless chance to become addicted to than almost anything on this planet. Weed if anything is the safest thing anyone can eat, drink, or smoke that is considered a drug.

As far as legalization goes, i think it should be regulated just like liquor and beer.

Im not trying to dis on you but that statement in blue is highly unlikely and i would suggest looking at what was going on in above said possibilities.

I have done enough drugs in my life and clean my self up to tell you that weed is the safest of anything considered to be a drug.

My past/present addictions: Heroin, pills(mainly painkillers of what ever sort i could find), meth, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, sex, mushrooms, cars, porn, pain, rugby, gamin, outdoors, and Paintballing

Your logic is quite screwed up on alot of things there buddy.
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ifloati wrote:With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made

Only if you grow it yourself. I have seen so many twinked weed on the street... not necessarily acid but always something to get you hooked.

Friend of mine got prescription for some serious sedatives and I'm tempted. :bounce:
Brain says I should just stick with alcohol and nothing more but heart says fuck the brain he's a deuce.
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skipedi skip.
Edited by Jampula 7 years.
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NikafieNd wrote:
ifloati wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Weed. I'm on therapy atm. I'm clean since february this year

but honestly, being clean sucks.

Weed should be legalised, and I don't even smoke weed anymore.

If anything tobacco should be outlawed but you know, monies plus billions already hooked on it so it's a lost cause.

Well, it caused my depression and anxiety disorder... so I can't quite agree with you on legalizing weed.

blue comment

the chances of weed causing your depression and your anxiety are so low that it would be next to impossible. I.E. look at Willie nelson, snoop, easy-e, dre. not one of them were depressed or had anxiety. secondly your body naturally produces the components that give you the high in marijuana however at a much much smaller amount. If anything caused your depression and or anxiety during the time you were smoking it was the day to day life you with say family poor choice in friends that have wronged you or started fueds. weed can do 1 of 3 things as far as emotionally. Indica has come to indicate a body-buzz, feelings of sedation and relaxation or being stoned. On the other hand, sativa has come to mean more of a cerebral, energetic, uplifting high. The truth is many “indicas” can produce this sativa high, while many “sativas” can produce an indica stoned feeling.* With that being said the third is a hybrid strain of the two which gives you the best of both worlds.

With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made, isnt overdoseable, and has farless chance to become addicted to than almost anything on this planet. Weed if anything is the safest thing anyone can eat, drink, or smoke that is considered a drug.

As far as legalization goes, i think it should be regulated just like liquor and beer.

Im not trying to dis on you but that statement in blue is highly unlikely and i would suggest looking at what was going on in above said possibilities.

I have done enough drugs in my life and clean my self up to tell you that weed is the safest of anything considered to be a drug.

My past/present addictions: Heroin, pills(mainly painkillers of what ever sort i could find), meth, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, sex, mushrooms, cars, porn, pain, rugby, gamin, outdoors, and Paintballing

Your logic is quite screwed up on alot of things there buddy.

Explain where my logic is screwed up. Every single thing i talked about was either in studies or is facts. if your referring to the celebrity's portion if they had anxiety or had depression its not from just weed. But please id like to hear whats so screwed.
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Jampula wrote:
ifloati wrote:With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made

Only if you grow it yourself. I have seen so many twinked weed on the street... not necessarily acid but always something to get you hooked.

Friend of mine got prescription for some serious sedatives and I'm tempted. :bounce:
Brain says I should just stick with alcohol and nothing more but heart says fuck the brain he's a deuce.

if your getting the shit you just talked about obviously your not buying smart and your choice in who you get it from and your way of getting it is very poor. even if they were trying to get you hooked to the weed, at that point it wouldnt be the weed your getting hooked to lmfao.
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ifloati wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Weed. I'm on therapy atm. I'm clean since february this year

but honestly, being clean sucks.

Weed should be legalised, and I don't even smoke weed anymore.

If anything tobacco should be outlawed but you know, monies plus billions already hooked on it so it's a lost cause.

Well, it caused my depression and anxiety disorder... so I can't quite agree with you on legalizing weed.

blue comment

the chances of weed causing your depression and your anxiety are so low that it would be next to impossible. I.E. look at Willie nelson, snoop, easy-e, dre. not one of them were depressed or had anxiety. secondly your body naturally produces the components that give you the high in marijuana however at a much much smaller amount. If anything caused your depression and or anxiety during the time you were smoking it was the day to day life you with say family poor choice in friends that have wronged you or started fueds. weed can do 1 of 3 things as far as emotionally. Indica has come to indicate a body-buzz, feelings of sedation and relaxation or being stoned. On the other hand, sativa has come to mean more of a cerebral, energetic, uplifting high. The truth is many “indicas” can produce this sativa high, while many “sativas” can produce an indica stoned feeling.* With that being said the third is a hybrid strain of the two which gives you the best of both worlds.

With that being said weed is the only "drug" that isnt man made, isnt overdoseable, and has farless chance to become addicted to than almost anything on this planet. Weed if anything is the safest thing anyone can eat, drink, or smoke that is considered a drug.

As far as legalization goes, i think it should be regulated just like liquor and beer.

Im not trying to dis on you but that statement in blue is highly unlikely and i would suggest looking at what was going on in above said possibilities.

I have done enough drugs in my life and clean my self up to tell you that weed is the safest of anything considered to be a drug.

My past/present addictions: Heroin, pills(mainly painkillers of what ever sort i could find), meth, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol, sex, mushrooms, cars, porn, pain, rugby, gamin, outdoors, and Paintballing

Okay first of all: I finished my therapy 2 weeks ago and I'm succesfully integrated in working life now. On therapy I met 8 people (of 70) who's main drug was weed. Some took it to be able to sleep, some took it to get their childish behaviour under control, and some took it to not have to worry like me.

I met people there... one of them took some weed and got a psychosis. He believed he was the next god-chosen prophet. Just because of weed (!). He said he felt a much exaggerated euphoria than anything he could have imagined.

So yes, weed can change your impression, your feelings basically everything. It even can cause a psychosis.

But in my case it's different. I wanted to stop myself from worrying. Weed gives you dreamless sleep. It causes your brain to not be able to come to terms with basically everything you experience. Because that's exactly what dreams are for. So you just push aside your thoughts, but can't stop a moment to digest it.
And yes, weed can cause depression. You say that my body produces the same components that give me a high. Exactly this is the reason why an addiction can develope. Your body notices that there's a huge excess of those components and thus stops producing them. That means that in order to get those components again, you have to take the drug again. That's the same for weed, crystal, cocaine and all the other drugs.
Then, when you suddenly stop taking the drug the following happens:
Not only does your body lack the endorphins, you also get all the thoughts that you previously pushed aside back into your head and you start worrying. You start to over analize everything. You start to notice how many problems there actually are and lose the ability to realize that most of those "problems" aren't even worthy worrying about. It feels like too much to handle. That's how I dropped down in the spiral of depression, anxiety and addiction.

Now to get to your 2nd sentence: do you really know what those people feel inside? Do you really know them from face-to-face? I had a friend who always looked happy. He was the one person who would always come to partys and make the partys better! Well, he died 2 years ago. He killed himself. Nobody would have ever thought he had a depression. People with depression won't show you the weakness. They will continue to act happy until at some point they simply can't handle it anymore and either seek help or try to get attention or kill themselves. Now, do you think those celebrities you listed, who can never be themselves because the public is looking for them making a mistake at any time of their lives... do you really think that those people would actually show their true feelings for the whole world to see?

Fact is: Listing people you have never even talked to as an example for successfull weed consumption is only harming our current younger generation. You are making weed seem harmless and thus are indirectly promoting weed consumption. Don't do it. It's still a drug.
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Addiction is addiction is addiction, and dependency is dependency is dependency. In all cases, every time.

It's incredibly common for people to have at least one chemical dependency (in my case, sleeping pills), And it's incredibly common for people to have severe clinical depression for no reason at all. It isn't fair to say that those people should stay away from certain drugs. Sure, some people can have a bad reaction to marijuana, but that doesn't mean it's bad, or is always the case. I have Tourette's, chronic tics, and marijuana amplifies it. So I don't smoke it. That simple. But if it's the miracle drug for others, then great.

Sobriety is also a great addiction for some, and brings them to their best. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.