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cowking wrote:contains truly the most banal shit lame MC I have come across yet, dropped by the 5th something episode when I realized there's no light at the end of the tunnel.

applies way too often, sadly

cowking wrote:God Eater - if you like akame ga kill, darker than black, kabaneri of the iron fortress, attack on titan... or any other similar mediocre anime then you will probably like this as well. The weapons and aliens look dumb as fuck though.

who on earth watches these terrible cgi animations, ive heard people do them because they are cheaper but who the fk watches these animes like aijin, god eater and the worst of all berserk 2017/2018
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Kraken Guard
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Decided to watch the subbed batch instead of the raw eps. I regret nothing.

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Kraken Guard
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probably an unpopular opinion but :

https://myanimelist.net/manga/75989/Bok ... o_Academia - this is fucking overrated garbage. I really fucking hate Naruto but i gotta say, Naruto did everything this tries to do, and does it better. I went through the torture of going through about 5 or 6 eps because i wanted to find something that redeemed this overdone-overrated formula of school+MC being the underdog that ends up overpowering everything, but nope. I regretted every second of it by the time i was supposed to start the next ep. And there's 3 fucking seasons of this trash?!?!?!? Give me a fucking break.

i'll give it a 2/10 out of sheer generosity because everyone loves superpowe---oh i mean "QUIRKS" (fucking stupid name). srsly, are people's anime standards this fucking low to praise this turd all over MAL?
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MHA is probably so popular b/c I don't think there's really anything else out there right now to scratch that shounen itch. Boruto is terrible. And Black Clover just shouldn't exist.


Speaking of generic shounen, recently watched Kekkaishi. Doesn't get much more generic than that. Too bad, too. The premise wasn't that bad, but it's time to end this "I'm a 14yo MS student who's gotta get strong to beat by rival so this bitchy tsundere-lite girl will like me while ignoring these homoerotic feelings I have for this other guy as I pull some unexplained power out of my ass to save the world" stuff.

Also gave Eureka Seven a shot, but didn't make it past the first episode. It's like cheesy 80s surfer movie meets bargain-bin Gundam. No thanks. I have no fks to give to whiny MCs who do nothing but bitch about their not-that-bad lives.

Finally, Angel Beats kept popping up, so went ahead and watched that. Wasn't terrible, but some parts were so damn obnoxious they gave me Johnny Test ptsd flashbacks (that baseball episode was the fking worst and I skipped all scenes with that TK jackass). Some of the characters' backstories were way too melodramatic. And can the "rebelling against God" trope finally die? That shit stopped being edgy almost 20 years ago. The mechanics of the world were just glossed over (how/why can school computers be used to "program" Purgatory and the people there?). And like a lot of anime, the ending seemed rushed (never even got to know why most of the supporting cast were in this world in the first place. But really, did anyone care by that point?). The final scene could've been more effective if there was any reason for Otanashi to be in love with Tachibana (Angel) in the first place.
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Kraken Guard
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Yeah i get that people want shounen jump animes, but putting that show in a high pedestal is pretty ludicrous. A lot of people acting like this is the greatest thing since sliced bread on shounen shows and im wondering what makes them think so. Actually no, i dont care. If i could praise anything from it it would be the different artstyle that brings some freshness to the usual bug eyed/hair intake artstyle, and some voice acting in it.

I realise i must really hate myself for putting me through slogs like this put im about to watch Endless Eight eps, as i avoided that knowing what to expect when i watched Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu.

"Kyon-kun! Denwa!"
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I've started watching Fairy Tail, only few episodes so far but it seems like a great anime. Finished Tokyo Ghoul re:, new Berserk, Gate and Castlevania all are great and lookin' forward for new seasons (: And Overlord, interesting one
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lol u guys, shounen is all always about that. either you get hyped to watch every new episode every week or just sigh at all the overhyped stuff in it.

then i recommend you to just watch seinen, because nothing can beat cute-girl-doing-cute-things slice of life seinen anime.
or else, just watch for more mature action anime that doesnt have teenage protagonist.

replying to anime mentioned in this page at least.
Magic Index - is decent anime if you can get past through the MC and loli church thingy. it doesnt have much deep story or characterization but the world itself is super interesting. it was futher explored in railgun series (total: 1 movie, 2 index and 2 railgun)

boku no hero academia - my note above. the one i like is probably the production quality and how colourful the character / world are. again, once you pass over barrier of accepting school student stuff, this anime will look meh like most shounen. I would recommend to give it more try until couple of their exam episodes

Eureka Seven - you gonna miss a lot of darker side of the story if you cant get pass the MC. this series (at least the 1st season with 50++ ep) is a gem for its time (notice it is only in 4:3 ratio, old anime). rather than gundam with space politic, I would say that it is more closer to NGE. Only weaker part probably is how they resolve the story, but again you can get the original intended ending somewhere on the internet

Angel Beats - is not a masterpiece definitely. it is best watched after you already watch some other key anime and suzumiya haruhi (1st season) at least i think. just take note that the story itself is afterlife world (meaning that it is not real world, but it is quite hard to explain the mechanic). melodramatic for sure, it depend if you like or not that kind of story. as for the ending, i believe that the story was planned for 26 episodes, but have to cut down into 13 (1 cour) only, that why you have slow build up for first half and then super fast development for last half (similar case for charlotte)

just take note that my point are based from my experience / memory when i watched the series long time ago, i guess you have to judge them now depending on your preferences. if my average is 7, i can guarantee all of mentioned anime are good despite the flaw that you might dislike.
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Thanks iwansquall. Idk much about anime genres outside shounen, so that's mostly what I end up watching. I looked up seinen series and what did I see? GitS? Monster? Made in Abyss? Yes. More of that, please.

And Angel Beats was decent overall. But the sound mixing during the first half was really annoying (way too much noise in a lot of scenes). It kinda ruined my enjoyment of the whole series.
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Im not easily impressionable but this one hit me right in the feels. Its not on Kana Imouto's level of feels (this one is a Key VN tho not an anime) but does its job pretty decently imo.

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Gave up on Nanatsu no Taizain in second season when they found last sin and went in some labyrinth. Was curious about what power it will have. Something childish is pushing me from this anime. Gonna go look for some decent Bleach source.