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I watched several anime because of my internet downtime. Already have in my portable HD somewhere so i didnt need to stream it.
I will start with decent one and end will bad one.

Finished Soukyuu no Fafner : Dead Agressor Exodus.

So, I have soft spot for 1st series because it was hyped because of character design from Gundam SEED and awesome OP from Angela (her choir-like voice just UMPH!). Additionally this one was made from Xebec studio, which was kinda infamous for mediocre ecchi like series (Kanokon, To Love Ru etc). If i want to say the short synopsis, it is about human fighting an unknown alien like enemy that have ridiculous power while human remained powerless. There are several concept that is hard to explain without reading a wiki or something, but lets say it is the usual "only teenager can become pilot and defend our country" concept in various other anime.

If I want to say a good thing about the anime (aside from OP), it is beautiful background and mecha fight which is kinda like full 3D CGI combined with watercolour like environment. Because the story usually involved unknown enemy, there are no spot for "the real antagonist" in this series. Instead, it filled with political drama about sacrifice another country's human in order have greater success against these alien life form. Battle scenes are awesome, although sometimes it a bit confusing since the mecha a bit similar to each other.

This anime I think required you to watch the 1st season at least. I think because it relied so much on characters from 1st season (this anime was back in 2004!), even myself have problem to keep up on who / which character are them. But if you want to give a try, watch 1st part and 2nd of exodus (i didnt realized it was 2 part, i straight watched 26 episodes)

Alternative : NGE, TTGL, Darling in the Franx, Bokurano etc (i think you get the point of teenager driving mecha). As for politic, this remind me so much for Gundam Seed (both season) as well as Full Metal Panic.

Running out of time, i will write short review and edit it later.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry : Typical OP-ish character male in school with fighting tournament exam. It have annoying Tsundere main girl, but thankfully romance is not the main part of the series.

She and Her Cat : the 4 episodes of Makoto Shinkai short ova. It tell a life story from cat's perspective and the owner. Short heartwarming anime.

Sekko Boys : Idol group anime by a form of 4 famous sculpture. It wasnt funny nor fun for, kinda annoying. I dont recommend it .


Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

This series started with a typical harem style where our MC brought into school and somehow ended up with our main Tsundere girl for whole season. Unlike usually wussy MC, this one is kinda on strong side, but not exactly super OP like typical OP harem MC do. He basically a powerful & skilled fighter but have terrible setback whenever he used his power (kinda like overdrive). Hence he considered as "worst" type of fighter which is name of this anime.

The story flow from one episode to another episode mostly by tournament style. Our MC and the girl have a promise where they will try to win all fights and meet in the final (I forgot the detail, but something as prove of their rivalry? romance?). As usual, you will have normal "bad guys" trying to stop them in standard "monster of the week" fashion. However, the anime get slightly more serious as it tried for focus on each of the opponent's back story and reason for their encounter, one of the reason why anime feel so good.

Despite a good overall anime, this series could be a turn off for anyone who disliked harem, tsundere girl or typical "battle school" format that plagued the anime industry atm. I wouldnt say the fighting scene as that good, but i think it is decent story package.

Alternative : Oh boys, there are simply too many similar anime to list down here. I will just suggest based on MAL recommendation that I already watched : Mahouka, Seiretsukai, Kaze no Stigma, Infinite Stratos, Machine-Doll, Shinmai Maou (for full name, just google them)

She and Her Cat
Short anime thus short review. This is alternative version of Makoto Shinka's OVA that stretched to 7 minute x 4 episodes. It basically telling the life of a cat watching the female owner from a little kitten to becoming old age. Mostly it about the owner which came from everyday life of trying to survive living alone, small flashback during high school, and small reunion with her friend & mother. Every episodes filled with narrative told by the cat about his think about the female owner. It quite short & heart warming anime.

Alternative : Not many anime I can recall especially from "1st cat perspective"

Sekko Boys
Again, another short anime. I know already the premise of this anime, which is about Idol group of famous stone sculpture. Im expecting a weird kind of comedy considering how absurd the setup it. Throughout the series, i keep saying to myself "none of this is real, just keep thinking that sculpture really have persona, can move around and talking like normal human do". However, I bored most of the episodes as the joke is kinda limited and dry. Will this anime become better with real person? Probably not, there is some issue with direction of anime, especially the comedy is hit & miss.

Alternative : Ugh, there are too many male idol anime that Im not fan off (only good one is Free, but it is swim club by KyoAni).
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Finished Boku no Hero Academia Season 3 + Movie.

I think I have shounen fatigued which I dont think I can keep shounen genre over and over again thats not design with intense moment. While watching protagonist grow and battle scene is fun, if the story doesnt go anywhere, then it will feel stale. That exactly my issue with BNH atm, while i was overhyped with the quality of 1st season, 2nd season was abit questionable to me (aside from deku vs todoroki). 3 season have several major events happen in the series, and a very big turning point for anime, but i didnt feel attached for some reason.

The season is kinda hyped up as the our school children of heroes will clash with the big bad group, which they delivered, but in such a fast paced. While the plot feel very big and grand (they are fighting final boos ffs) is just resolved too quickly. Half of season feel like normal school days, which practically make this shounen + slice of life. There are also too many people to keep in just / small amount of episodes (there are about 50 characters with dialogue easily in this season) making hard to root for any of them.

I still give BnHA season 3 a decent score, but it lose the shine that i get from 1st season. The movie added back story for All might, but it still feel rushed because the movie is only 1 hour 1/2. This season is kinda hyping up for season 4, which is lead to another big clash


Watched Hataraku Saibou (Cell at work)

It have been a while for me to watch anime that have focused on education while delivering interesting story at same time. This series is basically anime-fy on how yours body work. So if you imagine where your body is a whole world, then you various different cells that work like human. They pretty much have their unique jobs and characteristic, to a point that will made you feel like want to take care your body better.

If i wanted to say negative thing, it is probably character growth and overarching story plot. Usually they are not needed for comedy genre anime, but i think would be nicer to start slow rather than randomly introduce new character / enemy every episodes. One of the the important episode about our protagonist (red blood cell) for example, only told in episode 8 or 9 (i cant remember, but pretty late), which i think should be much better if you switch the episodes around. Also, since our other protagonist is white blood cells, there tons of screen time dedicated to him, especially fighting different type of enemy (antigen, germ, parasite, virus and even cancer!) although they kinda low key and ended in comedic way.

This is definitely must watch comedy + educational anime, you will appreciate much work about your body. But again, since it is just comedy anime, dont expect too much for serious storyline or deep characterization, it is just pure entertainment.
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Holy shit this new one piece chapter
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Have been a while since I finished an anime.

Sewayaki Kistune no Senko-san (Helpful fox senko-san)

This one of the anime where I watched solely because it being spammed in other discord channel i follow. There are several stuff that by right should be a winner for me from this anime. Slice of life, adult protagonist, loli fox girl, cute artstyle from Doga Kobo which have decent track record. But the anime failed to go anyway after first 4 episodes to me. Mainly because slice of life is tricky subject to tackle, some do focus mostly on cute stuff, some focused on comedy while other focus on mundane daily life stuff. This anime? It focused mostly on a male adult pampered by demigod fox, by giving him chance to scrub on Senko's fluffy tails.

Plot as usual, heavy on first episode and last episode, then it typical standalone episode in others. Characters is limited, not that interesting aside from Senko-san and some old wise fox in later half (total main one i guess... 5 characters only). So basically the anime doesnt have anything standout. There is some hint about origin of Senko and why she being helpful to MC, but it didnt go dive deep into it. Comedy is ...non existent to me, no punchline, no slapstick, only couple of episode of them teasing each other. Romance is barely there, it is more like a man and helpful pet to me.

As usual, it is bad anime but it lacked of focus to me. Comedy, supernatural, romance & slice of life only come flat and better executed in many other anime. Personally i was expecting some calming / cutesy from watching this anime, but I didnt feel it. Thus this anime is slightly a disappointment for me.

Alternative : For another anime about greater being come to your house, Dragon maid, Ah! My Goddess, Kannagi. For serious tone, I think Spice & Wolf fit nicely. As for other old stuff (fox spirit is kinda famous in 2000s era), you have Inu x Boku SS, Kokkuri-san, Kanokon (super ecchi) & Wagaya no Oinari-Sama.
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I guess nowadays i can only enjoy anime while on weekend since i got my job.

Nanatsu no Taizai : Revival of Ten Commandment (7 Deadly Sins 2nd season)

To be frank, I already forgotten most of the 1st season aside from interesting MC group and rushed plot in 2nd half the season. For this season, i was hyped because somehow it suddenly introduced 10 commandment, which supposed to big bad villains from the get go. I mean, getting whole badass arc in just 2nd season is quite crazy, considering this anime is released seasonal (usually shounen stretched with hundreds of episode). So it have more chance to play around with proper pacing Turned it dropped several key point of the story, removing some and rearrange some of the story (based on comment on website i streamed).

One of the negative i felt from this season is the emphasize of power level and number, which remind me of scouter from DBZ. While it is not bad system to gauge the power, my problem is the ability to rapidly change the powerlevel according to the plot. This season do have some of the training in the beginning, but throughout the series, there are just too many "deus ex machina" or plot convenience that saved the day. Basically this season couldve been more awesome, but i felt writing is bad in general. As for characters, i think s2 managed to introduced a lot of interesting character especially the OP last sins / member.

This season didnt capture the fun that I got from 1st season. Sure it is nice to see more background story about our main protagonist group. But whole story package wise, i felt like it is messed up. I feel like it go downhill about 2/3 through the series. Didnt live to its full potential IMO.

Alternative : Magi series (which maintained + expand the fantasy world masterfully). For some reason, this remind me heavily 2nd arc from Bleach (but it because it have too many episodes) . Oh, if you dont mind about long shounen recommendation with better backstory, i suggest World Trigger (it seem like have lower score on MAL, but i felt it underrated)

EDITED 24 hours after this posted

Steins Gate 0

Im a sucker for time traveler stuff and i heard negative stuff about the anime before i started watching this. Mainly because of "unnecessary alternative timeline" and fan service stuff. I researched before i fully dive into this the anime, mostly reading synopsis for 1st season and the branching path that lead to this season called Episode 23-Beta. Apparently this is adaptation from another VN that was made long time since first VN, thus emphasize on various other stuff that is different from 1st season.

Again, this is one of the excellent way for anime studio (mostly the writer for the VN) to expand the story without touching much on 1st season. It add more character, more background story, as well as introducing more interesting story plots. It is not easy to expand the story since 1st season wrapped out in nice way (although abit deus ex machina-ish) which solved most of the stuff that happen in the 2nd season. It also the same reason why prequel is harder to do, since the end of the path already pre-determined, but journey is what it more interesting.

If you like 1st season, you will like this one. People might said that it is weaker than 1st (which i think as well) but there are TONS of interesting stuff added that made it enjoyable. Although there is some pacing issue (around midway and final 1/4), it is emotional rollercoaster that made me want to watch it whole season in 1 day.

Alternative : This alternative take remind me so much of 2nd season of Lelouch. For time looping stuff, you have REZero and Erased which also excellent stuff. But personally, this somehow remind me clannad after story & charlotte, mainly because emotional shifting throughout the series (although not scifi like Steins Gate)
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I just finished Violet Evergarden

This is probably one of the hyped KyoAni anime that I wanted to watch for a while, but i kept postponing it since I know it will be slow / drama anime. If i wanted to explain story background, it pretty much about a girl who was kinda superhuman / weapon for war that retired and trying to live as normal live. Instead of working as someone who took life of people, she become a writer who wrote letter for client, basically making the person life who receive the letter more fulfilling. The stereotype of this super human in anime is inability to understand emotion or expression of words. Thus, she struggled with normal life aside from following order.

Genre wise, this is drama and romance. There are simply too many episode that masterfully directed that aimed to make you cry and feeling sadness. Most of the stuff are straightforward episodic, with several overarching episodes that explain more about the world and backstory of our MC. While sometimes it feel slow and empty, most of the episode will have insane pay off in the end. As for the characters, there arent much focused here aside from our MC and the character which is the focus of each episodes. Throughout the series you will be able to see her grow to become more human and able to expressed her emotions.

Simple way to describe Violet Evergarden is BEAUTIFUL. If you dont like slow drama / romance, this is might not for you. But the series is really masterfully done and I wanted to see more from the series. Personally, give this series a try and prepare some tissues.

As for alternative : Hard to exactly suggest anything similar, but from MAL you have Magus' Bride, Silent Voice, Your Lie in April, Plastic Memories, Tegamibachi, and maybe Mushishi.

EDITED after 15 hours since initial post

"Im just friendly harmless slime"

I just finished That day I reincarnated as Slime

Ugh another isekai. To be honest this series have big glaring issue is for 2 cour series (1/2 year , 24 - 26 episodes) while it kinda have traditional shounen structure. Thus, if the anime ended at weak arc, it will left bad impression no matter how good the series are. No doubt the series was ultra interesting for first half of the season with super arch villain. But it went downhill so fast afterward unable to retain the momentum. Slow start of the series also might be boring for some people too.

Our protagonist, which is reincarnated into powerful low-life Slime with absurd OP ability that growth on every episode. The fun of this anime is that our MC is kinda calculative character who tried to make peace with every races / monsters and live in harmony. In every episodes (in the beginning at least) we get introduced with world that is fascinating similar to various fantasy video games. Characters also quite have various personality and background story that made them feel more lively.

This slime anime started with huge potential but going downward in mid season. Some people might not like it because it emphasize much on "lets be friends together" or the "MC is super OP and cant be defeated". But i enjoy the calculative MC and trying to solve problem with brain.

Alternative : Overlord & Log horizon is the first one came to my mind. If you want another lower tier of "trying to live in fantasy world", then it remind of Dog Days, Outbreak Company, Knight & Magic. Alternatively : 7 Deadly Sins, No game no life, Isekai Maou, & Konosuba. Im sure there are way too many isekai anime that you find similar like this one.
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I feel like i am saying this every season but this one is actually terrible.
It gets carried by the fact that DR Stone and Vinland Saga continue into this season.
Too many fucking issekai animes, one of them is actually funny though, since its actually a unique and different story:
Hataage! Kemono Michi

Mugen no Juunin: Immortal
--> More Oldschool, not too much fantasy bullshit, has vibes of ninja scroll

Shokugeki meh
Hero Academia, nothing new either

Everything else i saw was pretty much garbage
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Still no love for Kimetsu no Yaiba :coolstorybob: shame on you guys (:
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Dreamhunter wrote:Still no love for Kimetsu no Yaiba :coolstorybob: shame on you guys (:

Generic amateur shounen plot premise in a setting (feudal japan) that has never managed to produce quality in either movies or anime, yeah I'll pass.

I'm sure it's not even edgy enough to be memorable like Teresa in claymore.
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This time it's a jackpot