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Actually that review was written at same place as you mentioned, you get Lisa after 3rd temple + finishing prologue. I played a bit more yesterday and it finally have some interesting stuff shown like a side story with characters as well as a big boss fight. I just unlocked next main quest as I just reached adventure level 10, although i abit slower than I wanted. At least I can get entertained by the story, although i still no see reason to upgrade my characters levels or gears as the game combat was too easy (except for i randomly stumbled level 36 boss).

Im aware of it ripping some of the Zelda Breath of the Wild mechanic, but atm i dont see they fully utilize it. I only see the mechanic of action combat, stamina management, climbing, enemy campment / world as copy. It doesnt have all fancy magic (i dunno what it was callled, those time stop, magnet, floating spell from BotW) , vehicle like that motorcycle / shield sliding, utilizing elements for traveling (at least not yet in the beginning), made it a far inferior experience. No use if you create a giant world without a way to faster traverse them. A single mount would have made me happy abit.

Again, just like another gacha games, im just probably play 1 or 2 hours per day. I still wanted to finish couple of games i have in steam so can expect some review of it in around 1 week maybe. Not to mention I still play slay of spire leisurely everyday to clear ascension 20 with all characters (last time i did with defect only)


Finished several quests in 2nd main quest story, now we met Venti & the infamous "ehe te nandayo!" Paimon line. The characters banters / story getting more interesting. Some of the other sidequest also have couple of small fun mechanic like glider through rings (superman 64 anyone?), bombardment enemy in dungeons as well as a small stealth section. Not that great, it spiced up the gameplay abit. All the boring parts still exist, but i also tried to challenge myself abit by hunting level 30 enemy & going to frozen mountains just to unlock the map / waypoints. Will revisit the area in future for sure.

As for person below me, pls tell you are not a bot. I dunno about advertising stuff like buying PoE item with cash is frown upon or not here. But since they might came from bots farming or stolen account, i rather not involved anything related to it.


Finally pull trigger to use the free fate for 20x pull wishes that given for Beginner. Gotten Noelle + Keqing and 2 more level 3 characters. How powerful are them? I dunno, but i saw a guide that recommend to max noelle first, so i did that first. I still not sure if i sure spend resource to upgrade gear or not. This game have annoying way to level up your gear since when you stopped using that particular gear, your investment kinda wasted (gacha game usually can consume exp from another similar stuff, but at lower %). Maybe I should just do it now since I can just stop playing if I found the game too boring or grinding in the future, not like wasting anything (yeah, i know exp book is very limited in late game to max every characters)
Edited by iwansquall 3 years.
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Spellforce 3 : Fallen God. Me big troll. Me put hexes on puny things. Me crush.

Really good standalone, it doesnt hold up to SF3 : Soul Harvest tho, but i like it for its simplicity.
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I was bored and remembered that there's this game called league of legends. Never played it before and I wanted to take a peak at it.

Short version of this review: Rarely have I ever been that emotional while playing.
Long version: It's best to just review the games I played and then sum it up, so this will be a rather long post. FYI: I'll use the kill/death/assist counters multiple times. That's what the numbers will be saying.

First 3 games: Introduction. Not much to say about it. Most important game mechanics are explained just by playing through these 3 games. You get a feeling of what's important, how to play the game and what to focus on.

After those 3 qualifier games, you have enough points to go shopping for a hero, so that's what I did. I decided on Malphite, because he just looked absolutely collossal. It's basically a walking piece of rubble, who can smash hard into the enemies and stun them. Sounded exactly like the type of character that would fit me.

First real game: Some guy in my party couldn't connect, so we were able to surrender at minute 3, way before anything interesting even happened.

Game 2: We had a Fizz in the middle, who basically carried us. Unfortunately we lost this game after 1 guy died 9 times and then left, and another 2 guys died 13 times each. They both were part of 5 kills in total. So I guess that was just a pretty bad game. I was confused with the shop and somehow got rid of the "recommended items" tab and bought some magic damage items instead. It was pretty fun, but I noticed that this character doesn't seem to be the type that can carry a team single-handedly. I ended the game with a 6/9/5 I don't think that's bad for my first game :D I mainly tried to stay close to our fizz, who had a 20/6/4 since he killed most enemies on his own. Unfortunately 3 enemies were just wayyy too strong at this point, which I guess was the result of 4 players on my team dieing so often :D Fizz couldn't handle all of them alone, so we surrendered.
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Game 3 & 4 were bot games, since I found that I need to understand more about the game before I throw myself into the mess. Nothing of importance happened, aside from me understanding more about the game itself.

Game 5: Even though in the previous games the items I used didn't help much, I tried it one more time. Just to see if malphite can be played when you focus on magic damage. Unfortunately we lost. I had a rock solid 4/4/4. But again, I had some guy in my team who left early. Right after he died his first time on level 1. So we ended up surrendering again.
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Game 6: After all these games I noticed that Malphite seems to be more of a tank rather than a damage dealer. Now here's something interesting: whenever you level up, you can choose between 3 to 4 characters, which you get for free. There I found one that piqued my interest: Riven. A jumpy jumpy hero with a broken sword, who jumps around all the time and deals damage while jumping. She also has some stun and a shield and as an ultimate some huge AoE attack that deals a lot of damage. I used the ultimate mainly to steal kills, and this time I actually won, carrying the whole game by myself. Now that's the type of hero I wanted to play! I ended the game with a 14/0/1 because I fought with 2 guys in the middle and both of them tried to kill me under the tower all the time. I took those opportunities of course and killed them easily. The enemy Ahri just fed me soooo much, that the enemy morgana couldn't even hold a candle against me.
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And thanks to that I found my favourite hero so far. I just love that playstyle. Baiting enemies, only to quickly turn around and hit them, and before they can even react they're already dead :D Absolutely fantastic gameplay!

game 7: I played riven again. I fought solo against 2 enemies on top lane. And just like the game before, they attacked me under the tower and I easily won with a 26/0/5. At this point I started to wonder if this character might be completely broken and I wanted to try some other characters.
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Game 8: I chose Vladimir, a vampire type hero. He steals life all the time, can turn invulnerable for a short time and does pretty decent damage, while also being able to tank. He's the kind of mage bruiser that's easy to play. Again, there was some guy who left in minute 1 and I already thought we'll loose. But for some reason I managed to hold my solo lane (top) against 2 enemies, who tried to kill me under the tower again. It was quite funny baiting them with low life, waiting for their 1st attack and then turning invulnerable only to see them died to the turret. I guess this is just a complete and utter anti-noob champ. We actually WON this game after the enemies surrendered, even though my team only had 4 people. At the end of the game I had a 8/3/0 and I was pretty satisfied.
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Game 9: I wanted to try out another character and my choice fell to Warwick. After having played a vampire, I definitely wanted to try the counterpart: A werewolf. Unfortunately when we "discussed" our team composition we made some huge mistakes. Some guy had a character called Yumi and there was another guy who went into the forest to kill monsters. These 2 were friends and stayed together throughout the first 10 minutes. That left me as a melee character completely alone against a tristana and a Veigar on the bottom lane. One of them can stun, both of them are ranged and I don't think I need to mention that I couldn't hold my position at all. Some guy started raging, calling the Yumi player shit, because that guy should've been with me. Well, the tristana quickly became dangerous and we lost because of her. My fault for picking a melee character against 2 ranged characters I guess. Welp, I ended the game with a 4/5/2, after I left the bot lane to itself and went into the forest instead in order to not fall behind too far. But at this point it was already too late. I was able to bait that veigar a couple of times, but that was all. The rest of the kills and assists were achieved by walking through the bushes onto the different lanes and helping my teammates kill the enemy heroes.

Game 10: Tired of WW, I went back to Vladimir. To my surprise I was the only one who didn't lose the lane. I was at the top with another guy, but from the 5 kills our team managed, I did 3 kills by myself. I had some guy with a 0/14/1 and another one with a 1/10/1 and another one with a 0/7/2. I was mostly alone on my lane, as 2 of my teammates went mid and bot each, which I guess caused me to level up quicker than the others. Well, that game was a lost cause and that was it. We lost with an easy 5 to 42 in kills and surrendered.
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Game 11: After having 2 bad games in a row which I lost mainly because of bad teammates and bad decisions, I decided it's time to try another game mode: ARAM. Turns out on this map there's only 1 lane and everyone rushes into each other with random heroes until death. It's a nice little time sink, but nothing too serious. I played these 2 games and the trend of having leavers or bad players in the game continued. In the first game I was a morgana. We had 2 melee characters in the team, who both died far too often. A Riven with a 1/14/6 and some monster guy with a 0/15/15. Well, both sucked. We lost early after we surrendered. There was just nothing we could do, since the enemies had a far bigger range. They also had a healer, so we were at a huge disadvantage. I finished the first game with a 7/7/13, playing as support basically.
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Game 12: I tried ARAM another time. This time I got Katarina. That was definitely a bad choice as her range was simply way too short. We also had a guy who left at level 1 again. At this point I kinda grew frustrated. It's quite hard to stay calm when you're doing your best, advicing the people to play defensively. But they just don't listen and run in, dieing like the flies. Or they don't even start playing to begin with. We played pretty well if you consider we played 4vs5 the whole game. But at some point we had to be overwhelmed. And that point came quickly. I ended the game with a 4/7/4
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Game 13: After 4 losses in a row, I wanted to end the day on a win. So I played my favourite hero so far, Riven. I called "mid" first, as is the general consent in League of Legends. Unfortunately some ninja guy called zed didn't even bother reading and went mid anyway. So I went to top, where some knight in shining armor was. And that guy instantly flamed me, how I even dare walking on his lane. I asked him where I should go in his opinion and when he noticed we didn't have a guy in the forest, he just said nevermind. So we did a pretty decent job fending off the enemy on the top lane. It was some weird mushroom guy, called Teemo. The knight basically did him solo, while I killed minions. But then i noticed that zed already died twice in the middle. That was in minute 3. That's when I got mad for the first time. Not only did he steal my position, he also started dieing uselessly. So I told him to go top instead, while I take the middle. Despite the enemy already having an advantage, I managed to win my lane and ended the game with a 10/6/5. Unfortunately the Zed was sooooo bad. He finished with a 1/17/3 and some other guy finished with an 1/13/1. This game was doomed and I was quite mad actually. I lost again, not because of my own skill or no skill. But for the 4th time in a row because of some other guy who won't just play defensively in the early part of the game.
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Alright. One last game I told myself.

Game 14: Riven again. Called top first, went top solo. This was such a weird game. Firstly: we had a healer. That guy went into the enemy tower on the middle lane 3 times, died 3 times while giving the enemies first blood and full gold. Then he left without a word for the rest of the game. So right off the bat it was a 4vs5 again. In the middle lane there were 4 guys and one on bottom. I kept my lane safe and tried to get a level advantage before they had to come to my lane. I pushed as hard as I could in order to get some gold from the tower early. When I was level 3 and had all 3 of my skills, 2 guys came to my lane and tried to kill me. But they were both level 1 and I outplayed them, killing both of them. The bottom lane was held by our pirate queen shooter and the middle was held by some kid who can summon some bear. These 2 players were really good. I won my lane and multiple enemies came to my lane, whom I killed easily. They rotated all the time, but that only lead to me getting bigger and bigger. At some point I was nearely unstoppable. The enemies weren't that good at all. The only dangerous guy was a Lux player, who outranged me all the time. And this game was SOOOO close. But we lost all the teamfights. Then I noticed: Hold on. One of my teamplayers only bought a single item! A 450 gold item! I think that hero was called Master yi. Anyway, he was absolutely useless. But I was still too big for the enemies and me, that kid and the pirate queen managed twice to completely wipe the enemies in a full-out war 3 vs 5. We killed the inhibitor in the middle lane, and the 2 towers that protected the nexus that you need to destroy to win the game. But that was it. I told that Master yi multiple times to go buy items, but he just wouldn't do it. I even explained it to him - no response. With him being absolutely useless, and the enemies having to overthrow us at some point after I had all equipment slots full, we had one fatal teamfight in minute 38, where we all died. And that's when we surrendered.
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To sum it up:
I really, really love the game. I love playing Riven especially. It's just the type of assassin style character that also includes a stun and a shield, which means this is a character that's both an assassin as well as a bruiser at the same time! I dig the concept of jumping all the time with the third jump interrupting enemies. Just to play this hero alone it's aleady worth playing the game! I can't even imagine how the other character might play.
But. And here it comes.
This was the first time I actually raged at a game. Not because of my lack of skill. I'm fine with that. After all, I can learn from mistakes. I also didn't rage because of the lack of skill of my teammates. They are newbs like me and it wouldn't be fair to let my anger out on them. But I raged because people either quit the game early, or gave the enemies an advantage either willingly or they didn't listen to advice and just continued jumping into the enemies at level 1. This is what destroy the whole experience for me.
From all 12 games I played (not counting the 2 bot games) I had a leaver in my team in 6 of them, whereas enemy teams only had 2 in all 12 games, of which I caused 1 to ragequit. As for players that just ran in and didn't listen to advice, in total I had 10 such players in my team. Whereas in my enemy team there were only 7 players who always ran right into me or my team even if they died over and over again and knew they didn't have a chance. There were only 2 games where I had neither a leaver nor an aggressive storm trooper in my team.

What I conclude from that: The enemies play with friends far more often than me, most likely with a team of 5. I know the statistics don't mean much because the amount of games I played isn't enough. But I have to admit, it does feel onesidedly unfair when you go in the q solo. Especially in the last game I played, it was simply unfair. First the player runs right into the enemy 3 times, giving free gold to 4 enemy players each time, and then leaving us. With another guy not buying any items at all, which ultimately cost us the win... I'm simply speechless. Especially the last game felt like we played 3 vs 7 and I was about to ragequit. If I hadn't had such a huge killstreak and gold in abundance, I would've probably quit a lot earlier, but at some point it was simply lost.

So... Why did I even write up this report that nobody reads anyway?

I simply wanted to ask if someone would be interested to play this game with me. I know most people here are friendly and that's all I need. I don't mind if you're not a good player. I'm not a good player either. I just want some people to play with occasionally for some fun rounds of riven or potentially other characters and enjoy some games without leavers or people that neither communicate nor listen to the other party members. I get why this game is so fun and that's what I want to experience a couple of times more, but playing it solo is soooo not fun.

My name is ParticuLarry on the Europe West server. Just add me if you want to play, and I'll try to get some discord server.
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Seem like you are pretty late to be on MOBA ship. I would play LoL if it much bigger here in SEA. Alas Dota 2 or HoN was more popular. This type of games that you need to learn over many years and need decent teammates to have fun.

Personally i think heroes of the storm are more chill and shorter game per round, but i dunno if the game are dying or not. The recent hero they just released called Hogger is a just bonker.
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Yes, I do have some experience with Heroes of the Storm. A friend of mine dragged me to play this game. But Hots is kinda meh and has its own problems such as:
-Most characters are boring with boring skill sets.
-You are even more reliant on your teammembers than in LoL. When a single person is missing in a teamfight you won't be able to win unless you're 3 levels ahead already
- You have no items, which means less customization
- The skills you can pick when you level up are merely a pseudo-choice. There's always a better and a worse choice. So just go to hotslogs, look at what skills to choose and win.

Blizzard is a master at making games for casuals. So it's not surprising that their games lack depth. And that's imho their biggest mistake when it comes to hots.
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Fallout 4 - enjoying every moment of it.

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Nothing new as I was away from my pc 4 days, took this sweet time to relax before I started working on Monday. I would love to write a proper write but atm just bare with my mediocre updates.

Genshin Impact
Playing on phone is still a pleasant experience, despite my phone isnt a good spec to play, it still managed to run smoothly at 30 fps albeit at much lower settings. I still think the game arent optimized properly, as I can see stuff in far distant while usually you need to sacrifice view distant if you want to play game like that on lower end device, or at least try to mask them with some fog effect or something.

Character seem have several ability unlocked after ascension. Just like typical gacha games, you would need to have specific stuff in order to level them up. Much more harder if you want to level up different characters as you would need a specific type depending on your elements. But my biggest fear would be the experience books that required to level up a character to max. I almost use up all of them just to level up character to level 40, so i feel like it would be more and more grindier once you reach level 100. I dunno how long I have been playing Genshin Impact, but Im pretty sure like Im playing like 15 hours already now.


Pirates Outlaw
I remembered that I saw this game somewhere on top 10 rogue-lite games on phone. The is about 1 USD in my region's Google Playstore, so I dunno if if it more expensive everywhere else. The game is rogue-like deck building ala Slay The Spire on mobile (exist on steam here) where you bring your ship from island to another island, while plundering stuff and beating pirate bosses.

The game in general have more casual feeling to it. You can only 1 buff / debuff at same time, limited relic / artifact slots, 5 cards in hand limit, a balanced system between using ammo vs melee. As usual, you have a randomized map with a choice between tavern to heal + repair your boats (you have limited movement before dying), market to buy card/relic + upgrade cards, event islands, encounter, elite pirate ship and whirlpool as a shortcut to boss. The key different is that armor stay inbetween round. From 3 characters I have, the gameplay of each characters are vastly different, but most of the cards & relics are pulled from same pool.

Granted, because Im playing the mobile version, the game is more grindier than the PC verison. I think I played more than 5 hours, but i still havent got enough resource to unlock 2nd maps (300 gold per 30 minute, need 5k golds for 2nd map). Card wise, there are hundreds of cards and dozen of relics you can unlocks by picking them up once you saw them (i believe you need to use it the run) or by leveling up after getting exp per runs. Atm, I dunno if I wanted to play it if Im commute from home to office, but i rather play rhythm games.
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Lost Ark on russian client.
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This channel is a bit dry, so another Genshin Impact update.

As I expected, all those Genshin Impact story are pretty interesting. Especially with its different type of personality. It just now I realized the pattern that they will introduce the characters with some story mission so that you can have test with character incase you want to pull them. Thankfully I dont care much although I did pool all my resource for another several gacha pull. Lets just say that getting duplicate characters is kinda only way for you to improve the character talent (need 8 copies) and apparently you at mercy after 90 pulls. Lets just say it is very costly.

Leveling to adventure rank 25 finally open several extra feature in the games. First there is battlepass... which rotate after several days which have typical dual lane of free vs paid rewards. Seem it heavily based on doing specific activity daily & weekly. Another stuff unlocked is bounty system which finally added a repeatable stuff you can do (albeit reset weekly) on top of daily commissions (4 mini quest). Once a while, you also got some limited event that give you chance to do extra activity which you can change for limited item. Thankfully this is much more f2p friendly and doesnt required much grind.

Finishing the whole prologue story also bring you to new area. While some side story seem to focus on small area (dragonspine which is like freezing mountain), the next big area is basically another region all together. Despite having a much different environment (although i freaking mountain climb you have to do here) the area still populate by same generic enemy from other region, which is kinda disappointing. I finally focus / decided on my team, which made leveling so much faster, although grinding adventure rank is still PITA.

Again, here my note for genshin impact. Despite being a single player with always online component, you have to treat this game as MMORPG + gacha type of games. If you play expecting a full 60 usd experience, i doubt you can get here. I know the game will be grindy, the gameplay will be shallow, and the game will take long time to clear, but to me it just remind me of early korean mmorpg which is kinda nostalgia to me. I do have many issue with the game though, mainly UI and way to travel.
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PoE new league starts in about 9 hours 20 minutes at the time im posting this. Today is my day off. It's a great time to be alive right now.