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Time is of the essence.

I spent like 250 hours playing DLC for monster train hence no review lately. I having hard to play any game that doesnt make my brain activity move around, hence shooter havent been my fav lately.

Deathloop is basically a game about time loop, where everytime you die the time revert back to the morning of the days. You also can move around toward 4 levels, which effectively give 16 different levels. This can changed based on sequence of event, which sometimes in order for you to access certain area, you need to do something earlier of the day. The gameplay is really fast face you moving from objective to objective, while trying to discover any potential lead / solution to break the loop.

While concept is awesome, it is nothing new. I already played like several game with time-loop mechanically and i will say that this game is probably one of the lazier implementation of it. Most of the outcome are just either-or, and you cant really create series of chain of events aside from final loop, which you already have knowledge from many previous loop you run. The AI in this game is atrocious, to a point I could just easily wait at the door and AI will do a congo line to your cross hair. All game mechanic are way too shallow for me, compared to Arkane Studios previous games.

I think this game didnt hit the potential. Despite strong aesthetic, voicework, world building, nothing be boring aside from running same level over and over again. No fun killing if your AI is just dumb brain. At least now I can move on to other games.
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5 peoples, 5 stories, 1 same goal, to escape from this moonbase

Another streak of time loop game that i bought recently. I already planned from beginning that i want to check this out after deathloop since i heard good thing about it. Oh boy, the starting part of the game is a blast!

Hard to explain concept of this game without writing 1 long paragraph. You will given 5 characters, 5 escape routes and the moonbase become much more destructive as you proceed within one loop. You need to bring correct arsenal & resources to tackle the challenges from various different type of enemies, hazard like fire, electrocution or lack of oxygen, as well as bypass certain roadblock that can only be fixed by certain characters. You need to plan since certain route required multiple characters to solve it.

I already "completed" the game around 11 hours in, thus the final 15 hours are grinding all skill points required for 1 of the achievement. I enjoyed pretty much the early part of the games, but as you unlocked more crafting option as well as unlocking new skills, the game become much much easier. You also have option to buy weapon, gears as well as chip that give you passive bonus, which able to make your run more successful. But the game already easy enough once you reach that point. Thus usually i just went in "naked" and enjoyed the challenges.

My suggestion is to try the game by finish all objective required to complete the game. Just ignore the achievement unless you having fun with it. The first 5 hours was super intense & still scared me until i understand all the mechanic.
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Bored with RF i switched to SRS - very smooth and safe leveling. A bit slow but steady farming, now i slowly gather stuff to upgrade current gears and go into sanctums. Build is working nice.
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Gore Crawler
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This is just a shell of its former glory.

This game have on my wishlist for a while since I saw that it is good looking indie souls-like game that have unique harden mechanic (basically shield you can cast with cooldown) that allow for interesting combo.

How do i explain everything about this game without referring to other game? The concept is that you as player, is kinda like a naked person which able to get into a shell (other dead warrior) that determine how much health, stamina & resolve (required for ability). You also will have choice for 4 different weapon which have its own slow / fast playstyle. Additional to harden mechanic, you also have parry system which made this game revolved heavily reading your enemy pattern. Oh, there are couple of bosses too.

Personally, I can ignore many of games' flaws especially if it made by indie. This game is probably one of the most annoying game i have ever played recently. Mostly because it tried use souls formula, in more action oriented games. Since combat is slow & sluggish, this resort to the usual kiting & kill them individually. The game only small upgrade system like couple of passives ability as well as your weapon for more damage. The level of enemy pretty much flat from start to finish.

I really hate this game, not because its bad but how infuriating it was to sloth through the game. Yes, you could just gitgud and slowly beat all enemy but i rather save my sanity & rush through to ignore all enemies to finish line.
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No divines - no problem. Just go farm. Some weird luck this league - found some uniques which were worth a fortune ... for others :)

Waiting in library - Dungeon siege collection, Homm4, Sacred 2, Dont starve and C&C 3. It will be a good year.
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Just end my eternal suffering already.

I need to share abit about my history with this game. I bought back in march and install the game since april. I played game usually on above average difficulty, but have to tone down. 6 months hiatus, then i have to set to lowest difficulty so i can "enjoy" the games.

The game now gave you alot of tools which each have their own purposes. From ability to burn enemies to get armor pickup or chain saw enemies to get ammo, the game now pretty much have a "unlimited ammo cheat codes" which revolved around its core gameplay loop. While moving from level to level, scale of the background is huge, as well as showing how badass your character. There are variety of enemies all with its own tricky moveset that you need to capitalize their weakness of specific weapon you have.

I will be honest and say that i hate the game for majority of the time i play this game. First perhaps because this was a sequel to excellent game that i enjoyed before. The contradiction between "serious" & "goofy" feel off in many level, which sometimes painful to my eyes with its visual clutter. The game also demand you to master all required mechanic for you to progress, easily needed like 16 keybind total. On top of that, there are resource / cooldown management. It feel like liveservice games, focus on longevity for people to keep mastering the game.

If you like to master 1 game for hundreds of hours until you complete the game on hardest difficulty, maybe this is for you. I just cant handle on how many buttons that is needed in this game.
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Monkey see, monkey do

Heard couple of thing about this game. I know it will unique crafting survival game that focus on exploring stuff on your own. They said there will be no hand holding, but that doesnt stop me from using google to find out stuff.

The game is about reliving as apes in 10 million years ago, learning how to survive from vicious predator, how to find food & build shelter as well as how to keep lineage going by breeding. The game put various of what we considered as basic skill now, but the apes need to figure thing out (like holding object with 2 hands). As you progress through your neuron / skill tree, you need to breed & jump to next generation to make sure that skill be reinforced. Then by evolution, you will able to learn exotic skill.

The game is far from perfect. I like the first 10 hours starting up the game, but as I figure thing out the game will show it repetitive & shallow nature of it. Since evolution process is slow, you need to keep doing breeding over & over until you max out all your skill tree. The game also what i considered as lack of "depth". Each biome only have consist of maybe 5 or 6 new animals / foods but there arent much to do aside from moving one location to next. There are combat which quite simple as well.

I enjoyed the game, like i played non stop for last 3 days. But this is not a game that for everyone, aside from maybe first 10 hours or so. Even myself have to google things up so can rush like the final half of the game.
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Addictive first person shooter with RNGs? Yes plz!

By now you shouldve known that im not a fan of mechanical intense first person shooter, especially if it required you to press like 10 different buttons. So when i saw recommendation about this game, I was lucky that i already have this game from Humble Bundle.

There are basic premise / story telling when you start the game, which told in beautiful comic panel / artstyle. The game also have comic aesthetic with its toon shading as well as speech bubble came out whenever you shoot. The game will have level up feature during the run, which you will try to find any synergies to beat all foes easily. It also have multiple path way, which you can choose that will have slightly enemies differences. Weapon also come in wide variety, surely you will able find your favourite.

Arent much negative to say aside that this game isnt finish, but the gameplay alone is already superb. Personally I struggle with the game, until the game open up with more option as you upgrade your base. Even after fully upgrade base, i still struggle to beat the highest difficulty so i just settle with normal difficulty. The level layout despite have multiple path, still look samey after you do multiple runs so it is kinda boring until you manage to get your skill synergies. Oh, AI is easy but coming at you in high amount.

I highly recommend this especially after it recent winter update. It heavily modified many stuff to a point that it is super fun now with new rocket jump. Buy it soon if you plan, since the developer will increase the game price on full release.
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Project Wingman. It's pretty good.

Prez is best girl.
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Been very hooked on playing Hades lately, cant believe i slept on this one til now, what an amazing game. Also, now i see why everyone in the PoE community says Sanctum is Hades league, GGG obviously "borrowed" a lot from Hades for its mechanics.